
  1. 第二部分重点分析了建设村精英的群体特征及其与普通村民间的基本关系。

    Second part have especially analyses characteristic of elite group in Jianshe Village and the basic relation with ordinary villagers .

  2. 在此基础上,笔者讨论了建设村精英间的互动关系与权力格局和精英对村民日常行动所发挥的影响;

    On this basis , I have discussed interaction among the elites of the village , power pattern and elites ' influence given play to toward villagers ' daily action ;

  3. 建设村社区结构的典型特点就是社会分层逐渐显现,社区记忆正在消失,村庄存在多种类型的乡村精英,但尚缺乏占主导优势的乡村精英。

    The typical characteristic of community structure of Jianshe Village is that social stratification appears gradually , memory of community is disappearing , and several rural elites exist in the village , but among them there are no dominative rural elites .

  4. 南海区建设健康村的主体思路与策略

    The main idea and strategy for healthy village in Nanhai

  5. 城中村土地经营的探讨从乡村建设到村域经营&欠发达地区农村适度规模经营模式初探

    Discussion on management of land for country in city On Less Developed Regional Rural Medium-scale Management

  6. 当今我国进行的新农村建设,村干部担当着极为重要的角色。

    The present for the new countryside construction , the village cadres to play an important role .

  7. 运用爱国卫生工作方法渐进式推进健康村工程&南海区建设健康村的主要做法

    Progressively promote Healthy Village project by using the Way of conducting patriotic health work & the main practice in Nanhai

  8. 集体经济的发展为村镇的建设,村公益事业的建设以及社会保障体系的建设打下了物质基础。

    The development of collective economy had found the material base for village infrastructure , public goods or welfare as well as the social security system .

  9. 新型村官培育问题的思考&基于对陕西省新农村建设示范村村官培训问卷调查的分析

    Thinking on Cultivating and Exploring New Village Leaders & Based on Questionnaire Analysis About Model Village Leaders ' Training in New Countryside Building in Shaanxi Province

  10. 新农村建设试点村与对照村生态文明意识探析&以山东省为例

    The Analysis on the Ecology Civilized Consciousness of the Pilot Village and the Control Village in the New Rural Construction & Take the Shandong Province as an Example

  11. 长期存在的村级财务不良态势,已成为新农村建设、村财务公开、平安农村建设、密切干群关系、理财创益的深层障碍。

    The long-term backwardness of rural finance has become a serious barrier against new rural construction , especially in terms of financial security , carder-mass relationship and finance innovation .

  12. 龙岩学院在古田镇建立思想政治教育实践基地,并组建大学生实践团队到古田镇十个新农村建设试点村任职。

    Longyan University has established a practice base of ideological and political education in Gutian Town and also organized its university students to hold posts in ten villages in this town .

  13. 并结合该地的实际情况,提出引导该地农民集中居住的两种模式:一种是引导农民进入城镇居住,另一种是建设中心村。

    Combined with the actual situation , the article puts forward two modes to guide the farmers ' concentrated living : one is to reside in cities and towns , and the other is to construct center villages .

  14. 只有构建和谐的“全球化”模式,才能使国家、全球市场、全球民间社会都走上协调之路,形成建设地球村的历史合力。

    Only when the harmonious " globalization " is established , can countries , global markets , global folk societies come to the way of coordination so that the historic joint efforts to build the global village can be formed .

  15. 通过招标建设专业村,培养了干部的草根理念,增强了群众科技兴农意识,改善了农业生产条件,促进了产业结构调整,产业化进程加快。

    This mode fosters the cadre ' " grassroots " thought , strengthens the mass ' awareness of boosting agriculture through science and technology , improves the condition of agriculture production , accelerates the adjustment of industry structure and quickens the pace of agriculture industrialization .

  16. 新农村建设中搞好村湾绿化工作的对策探讨

    Discussion on Countermeasure of Greenery Work in Village during Building New Countryside

  17. 基于生态城市建设的城中村改造研究

    Research on Urban Village Transformation Basing on Eco-city Building

  18. 九是正确处理新农村建设中试点村与非试点村的关系。

    Ninth , handle the relationship between the experimental village and non-experimental ones .

  19. 新农村建设小康示范村效果不明显,小康示范村推广难。

    The effect of demonstration villages is not obvious and demonstration villages are extended difficultly .

  20. 新农村建设中空心村规划整治对策研究

    A Study on the Planning Countermeasures of the Inner Decaying Village in the New Rural Construction

  21. 赣中地区新农村建设中旧村改造研究

    Research on Former Village Reform under the Background of New Rural Construction in the Central Region of JiangXi

  22. 在这条老街中建设的艺术村,既有成功的地方,也有不足之处。

    In this street of construction art Zones , there are successful place , also have the deficiencies .

  23. 建设民族工艺村应是当前条件下实现少数民族民间文化资源保护与开发的一个有效途径。

    The construction of ethnic craft village should be an effective approach to ensure the preservation and reasonable exploitation of the ethnic cultural resources at the present time .

  24. 论文提出,移民新村文化建设为移民村发展提供精神动力和智力支持,而且还是舒缓干群关系的根本办法。

    This article puts forward immigrants culture construction not only provides immigration villages development with spiritual drive and intellectual support , but also a fundamental way to relieve relationship between cadre and the masses .

  25. 提高农村小学教育的质量,必须加强村小的建设,而村小建设的关键是抓好村小教师队伍建设。

    In order to improve the educational quality of the rural primary schools in Chongqing , it is necessary to strengthen their construction , the key of which is the training and development of the teachers .

  26. 提出建设瓦猫村既可以留住原始原味的民间工艺,同时通过适当的开发,为瓦猫注入新的元素,又能使瓦猫真正意义上的活下来。

    To build the tile-cat village can retain the original flavor of folk art , while appropriate for the development of the tile-cat , use new elements to make tile-cat , so that tile-cat can true " living " down .

  27. 新农村建设视角下的村干部问题研究

    Construction of New Rural Village Cadres from the Perspective of Research

  28. 保护文化遗产建设魅力名镇(村)

    Preserving Culture Heritage and Building Charming Towns ( Villages )

  29. 它对村域各种闲置资源进行有机整合,并转化为资本,从而实现从“乡村建设”到“村域经营”的转变。

    It makes use of rural resources turns them into capital to change building countryside into management villages .

  30. 别墅的建设和装修是村里统一设计的,这些同样由村里买单。

    The construction and decoration are uniformly designed by the village , and also paid for by the village .