
  1. GPS-RTK技术在建筑轴线放样中的应用

    Application of GPS-RTK Technology in Setting-out of Building Axes

  2. 通过实例将利用GPS-RTK技术放样结果与GPS静态观测结果进行对比分析,证实了GPS-RTK技术放样建筑轴线的精度能够满足要求。

    In view of this , the author compares results obtained through GPS-RTK technology with those obtained through GPS static survey and reaches the conclusion that GPS-RTK can also meet the precision demands of the setting-out of building axes .

  3. 浅谈内控法结合交会法在高层建筑轴线放样中的应用

    The Axes Setting-out in the High-rises by Inner-controlling Method Combined with Intersections Method

  4. 详细阐述建筑轴线的测设与传递过程、主楼轴线的竖向传递方法以及高程控制网的建立。

    Besides , radical and ring plane axis are located in main building by the total station .

  5. 建筑轴线设计作为建筑设计中的重要环节之一,与建筑设计的各个方面都有着密切的联系。

    As one of the most basic architecture design , the Axis Design has the close relation with the various aspects of architecture design .

  6. 高层建筑施工轴线控制中有关问题的研究

    On Several Problems in Controlling the Construction Axes of High Building

  7. 高层建筑中轴线点恢复测量

    Measurement for Restoring Main Axis Point of Tai-Gu Square Building

  8. 坐标内控法引测圆弧型建筑的轴线

    Method of Coordinate Inner Control to Measure arc Building Axes

  9. 建筑主轴线调整改正数计算的实用公式

    Applicable Formulae for Calculating the Correction Value for the Main Axial Line System of a Building

  10. 我国传统宗教活动场所的规划布局多借鉴民居和宫殿等传统建筑的轴线&院落的空间组织方式,形成了具有民族传统特色的空间组织形式,很好地融合了我国传统文化的精髓。

    In China , the layout of traditional religious sites draws the axis - courtyard spatial organization of traditional houses and palaces , which is a good mix of the essence of our traditional culture .

  11. 多曲面建筑不均等轴线的定位测量技术

    Position Surveying Technique for Unequal Axis in Multi-Curved Building

  12. 建筑布局,轴线见长的院落空间。

    The pattern of architecture paying more attention to axes ' courtyard space .

  13. 本文从分析轴线起源、东西方建筑中的轴线特征以及现代建筑师对轴线的探索研究开始;

    At first , the article analyzes the axis origin , the axis character in east and west architecture and the axis exploration of modem architect .

  14. 现代建筑创作中的轴线应用研究

    A Study on the Application of Axis in Modern Architectural Creation

  15. 天人合德思想与四合院建筑型制的轴线。

    Analysing the relation between the ideology of " unity moral with heaven and human " and axis of Beijing courtyard style .

  16. 道路的主干道为城市的中轴线,城内主要的宫殿、宗庙建筑分布于中轴线两侧,其他各类建筑散布于其他各处。

    The major trunk roads were the central axis of the city . The great palaces and temples were distributed along the two sides of the central axis , while other various buildings scattered in other parts .

  17. 通过研究笔者发现校园规划运用了中国传统建筑群设计中的主体建筑居中,轴线组织和模数控制等手法。

    During the study , I found out that the concrete planning tactics , which were used for example : main building in Chinese traditional buildings designed between two parties , organization and modulus control axis , etc.

  18. 运用学科交叉的研究方法,从伦理的视阈透视了西方现代建筑发展的特征,反思现代建筑发展的伦理轴线,提出伦理关怀是现代建筑发展的动力和建筑永恒的本质;

    With the research method of subject crossing , the character of western modern architecture development is analyzed by rethinking the ethical axes of architecture theory phylogeny , and it is put forward that ethical care is the motivation of modern architecture progress and the essence of architecture eternity .