
  • 网络imitative wood
  1. 通过调整木纹剂与基体树脂中润滑剂的用量、加工工艺条件以及利用单、双螺杆挤出机对PVC基木/塑仿木型材的木纹进行了研究。

    Through selecting the using amount of wood grain agents and lubricants in matrix resins as well as the processing conditions , the wood grain of PVC based wood / plastic imitation wood materials were studied by using a single screw extruder and a double screw extruder .

  2. 柔性不饱和聚酯树脂是不饱和聚酯树脂(UPR)中的一个特殊品种,树脂室温固化,固化后柔韧性好,可做家具、地板等仿木制品。

    Flexible unsaturated polyester resin is one of the special kinds of unsaturated polyester resin ( UPR ) . It can be cured at room temperature . After being cured , it has a good flexility and can be made into furniture and floor wood-like products .

  3. 我推荐你选实木地板,而不是复合地板或仿木地板。

    I recommend real wood over laminated or simulated wood .

  4. 新型微发泡仿木塑料的生产开发

    Developing on novel imitation wood micro - foamed plastics

  5. 高填充塑料仿木板材的研制

    Development of Wood-imitated Plastic Plate with High Filler Content

  6. 仿木塑料的挤出工艺

    The Extrusion Process of Wood-like Plastics

  7. 新型复合仿木地板

    The New Compound Wood Floor

  8. 本文从配方、挤出模具、工艺等几个方面介绍了仿木塑料的制备方法。

    The paper discussed the preparation of wood-like plastics , including composition , extrusion die and technology .

  9. 塔身用生铁仿木结构分层铸造,逐层叠装而成。

    Pig iron tower with Fangmu hierarchical structure of the cast , stacked one by one from loading .

  10. 马村墓室全部为砖质仿木结构,按宋金时期民宅院落形式建筑。

    Horse Village tomb quality all brick wood structure , according to Song period courtyard house form building .

  11. 内与外虚与实&五代、宋墓葬中仿木建筑的空间表达

    Inner and Outer , Empty and Tangible : The Expression of Space in Imitation Timber Architecture in Five Dynasty and Song Tombs

  12. 业务范围:城市雕塑工程、景观建筑工程、大型雕塑工程、园林绿化及仿木古建工程的设计施工。

    Business scope : Sculpture engineering for the city , Sight building engineering , Garden virescence , and imitate the wooden antiquity building .

  13. 受树木生长过程的启示,建立了一种新型的壳聚糖成型方法,以氢氧化钠梯度溶液通过膜渗透中和壳聚糖醋酸溶液,使壳聚糖原位沉析,自行组装成仿木年轮结构材料。

    Illuminated by the wood growing process , a novel grade-pervasion precipitation method was proposed to prepare chitosan rods with annual ring structure .

  14. 服务领域覆盖汽车内饰、家电、保温建材、保温管道、仿木家具等行业。

    The target field includes auto interior decoration , home applicance , thermal insulated building material , thermal insulated pipes and wood-imitation furnitures etc.

  15. 寺内大雄宝殿及东西配殿皆系无量殿形制,以青砖雕仿木结构建造。

    Temple Main Hall and the side hall in a palace things are immeasurable Hall of the Department of shapes , Fangmu brick structure with green construction .

  16. 仿木的那一种,深棕色的,是乡村风格的。

    Sort of imitation wood , dark brown color , country-style you know , and the lids , if I remember rightly , they had a sort of leaf pattern , or was it flowers ? M : That 's strange .