
fǎng zhào
  • follow;imitate;copy;a la
仿照 [fǎng zhào]
  • [imitate] 模仿参照

  • 仿照原样制作

仿照[fǎng zhào]
  1. 无论男女,晚上睡觉时都可以把秋裤当成睡衣穿着,儿童睡衣可能也是仿照这种款式设计的。

    Either men or women may wear them at night as pajamas , and childrens pajamas may imitate the style .

  2. 而且,应仿照日本法,根据内幕信息性质的不同设定不同的重要性标准。

    And Chinese law may imitate Japanese law and set up different importance standard according to the characteristic of inside information .

  3. 该配额制度是仿照美国以及欧洲大陆国家的同类制度制定的。

    The quota system was modelled on those operated in America and continental Europe

  4. 这个节目将仿照英国广播公司的人气系列剧《阿彻一家》制作。

    The program will be modeled after a popular BBC series called ' The Archers '

  5. 她的衣服多是仿照她喜爱的时装自己缝制的。

    She makes most of her own clothes , copying any fashion which takes her fancy .

  6. 玛丽仿照古希腊的式样做头发。

    Mary does her hair after the ancient Greek fashion .

  7. 我这件上衣是仿照他的那件做的。

    This jacket of mine is patterned after his .

  8. 这个办法很好,各地可以仿照办理。

    This is a good method . It might well be adopted by other localities .

  9. 纽约已仿照巴黎的做法建立了一支警犬队。

    New York has followed the example of Paris in establishing a brigade of police dogs .

  10. 他仿照一栋旧农舍的式样建造了自己的住宅。

    He built his home on the model of an old farmhouse .

  11. 这箱子是仿照新样式制作的。

    This box is made after a new pattern .

  12. 窥读就是偷偷摸摸地读别人在读或者写的文字。这个词是仿照eavesdrop1(偷听)造出来的。Eavesdrop是用耳朵,而eavesread用的是眼睛。

    Eavesread is to surreptitiously read the text that another person is reading or writing .

  13. 快时尚指仿照高端时尚品牌最新的款式,以低成本、快速生产的模式制造出来的服装产品。

    Fast fashion refers to low-cost , quickly-made clothing that copies the latest high-end fashions .

  14. “伪纪录片”是指“仿照”纪录片,并以纪录片的风格拍摄的虚构电影。

    Mockumentary is a fictional1 film that is in the style of a documentary and pretends to be a documentary .

  15. 显然,仿照英国的EstablishedChurch是不难造出这个词来的。

    It would clearly be easy to form it by analogy with the " Established Church " of England .

  16. 仿照Bear根的构造方法,构造环的最小无幂零元根;

    Imitating constructing method of Bear radical , we construct the least radical without nilpotent element of ring .

  17. 以产品碱基组成法则为基础,仿照生物基因的结构,构建了产品DNA模型作为产品生命周期信息的载体,从而建立了基于功能表面的产品生命周期基因模型。

    And based on the rule , modeling the structure of biologic gene , Product DNA is build based on Function Surface .

  18. 本文首先仿照A.立体构成教学应走出模拟自然形态的误区

    The Teaching of 3D Construction should be Kept away from the Error of Imitating Natural Form

  19. 在Hilbet空间中仿照Yagai,Mimura的证明用Galerkin方法证明了方程组解的局部存在性。

    And using Galerkin method to obtain the local existence of the solution in Hilbert space .

  20. 随后,仿照骨质中所含的元素及离子合成了各种无机仿骨盐,考察了温度、pH、操作方法等对产物组成的影响,并研究了它们在脱除重金属方面的应用。

    The impact of temperature , pH and operating methods on the final product were investigated , and their application to the removal of heavy metals were studied .

  21. 三里屯Village北区(SanlitunVillageNorth)是仿照传统四合院(siheyuan)而建,以经营国际高端奢侈品而著称。

    Sanlitun Village North is modelled after traditional siheyuan ( housing quadrangles ) and features high-end international luxury designer showrooms .

  22. 20世纪80年代中期,Francis就下令在巴黎附近建了一个宏伟的总部,它是以仿照凡尔赛宫建设的。

    In the mid-1980s Francis had commissioned a grandiose headquarters near Paris that was modelled on the Palace of Versailles .

  23. 仿照美国1933年的《格拉斯-斯蒂格尔法案》(glass-steagallact),将投资银行与商业银行分离的做法可能不大现实。

    It is probably impractical to separate investment banking from commercial banking as the US did with the glass steagull act of 1933 .

  24. 很多其他站点和服务,例如LinkedIn和Facebook现在允许用户用仿照Twitter的方式更新他们的当前状态。

    Many other sites and services , such as LinkedIn and Facebook , now allow their users to update their current status in a decidedly Twitter-like way .

  25. 在此基础上,仿照人类社会的组织、管理模式,提出等级MAS系统的社区概念,并引入森林形式的数学模型进行描述。

    Following the framework and managing model , we put forward the conception of grading MAS system and describe it as an data structure named " forest " .

  26. 巴黎夜店的老板本杰明•帕图在接受记者采访时称,这位“女伴”已经答应参加本周五晚间在市区里格洛博舞厅举办的派对,届时宾客将戴上仿照贝卢斯科尼制作的哑剧面具,以及AC米兰球队队员的彩带。

    Paris nightclub impresario Benjamin Patou told the reporters the escort had agreed to attend a party at the downtown Le Globo dancehall late Friday , where guests will wear Berlusconi pantomime masks and staff AC Milan strips .

  27. 关于邻硝基苯甲酸根离子在这些盐溶液中的平均活度系数,作者仿照前人作某些假设,从而计算出该酸的未离解分子在盐溶液中的活度系数fu。

    Following Randall and Failey , some assumptions about the activity coefficients of the ions of o-nitrobenzoic acid in salt solutions were made and thereby it was possible to calculate the activity coefficients of its undissociated molecules in these solutions .

  28. 针对在非线性、时变不确定系统中,常规PID控制器难以获得满意效果的问题,仿照传统PID控制器结构,设计了一种基于T-S模型的模糊神经网络PID控制器。

    To the problem that PID controller is difficult to achieve efficient control of time variable and nonlinear plants , a fuzzy neural network PID controller based on T-S model is designed by imitating the structure of the conventional digital PID controller .

  29. 利用VC++和OpenGL等工具,仿照真实试验测试流程,与有限元软件紧密结合,开发完善出能够反映测试过程的船体结构强度虚拟测试系统。

    Imitating the process of real test , the virtual test system based on VC + + and OpenGL is developed and refined , which is closely linked to FEA saftware , reflects the process of testing . 4 .

  30. 我过去经常使用RubyXMPP库xmpp4r,所以node-xmpp仿照了xmpp4r的一点儿内容。

    Node-xmpp itself was modelled a bit like xmpp4r , the Ruby XMPP library , because I was used to use that a lot .