
  • 网络vps;server
  1. 为什么美国服务器租用比托管费用便宜很多?

    Why is colocation more expensive then getting a server .

  2. 你也许对某些互联服务器租用产品感兴趣。

    You may e interested I only ome of the items .

  3. 它为企业、媒体、ICP和各类网站提供大规模、高品质、安全可信的专业化服务器托管、空间租用、网络批发带宽以及ASP、EC等业务。

    Its for enterprises , media , ICP and various websites to provide large-scale , high-quality , safe and reliable specialized server hosting , space rental , wholesale network bandwidth , as well as ASP , EC business .

  4. 我用的是自己的服务器,并不是租用的,所以恐怕没有办法帮到你!

    What I use is an own host , don 't rent , so have no way to help perhaps to you !

  5. 国内的数据中心在服务形式上,大体上还是延续从前的服务器托管和机房租用模式,由用户选择服务平台,它们只负责提供场所和管理服务。

    In the service model , domestic IDC providers are only responsible for offering place and management service , users choose business platform .