
  • 网络service;Agency;service agency;service organizations;MSI
  1. 以营利为目的的公共服务机构——这是典型的用词上的自相矛盾(如果真有这种说法的话)。

    A public service run for profit — a contradiction in terms if there ever was one .

  2. 他们跟殡葬服务机构签约,定制适合自己的葬礼服务。

    They sign contracts with funeral service providers and tailor the service content to suit themselves .

  3. 社会服务机构应该对市中心贫民区的需要给予应有的关注。

    Social services should pay proper regard to the needs of inner-city areas .

  4. 一些一流老人服务机构是由慈善组织资助的。

    Some of the best services for the ageing are sponsored by philanthropic organizations .

  5. 该《条例》适用于信用服务机构、行业协会以及企业事业单位。

    It will target credit service agents , industry associations , as well as enterprises , and public institutes .

  6. 首次申请申根签证人须亲自到领事馆或外事服务机构,提供指纹和一张数码照片。

    First-timers will have to apply in person at consulates1 or external service providers to give fingerprints2 and a digital photo .

  7. 他还把上述要求延伸至国民保健制度(nationalhealthservice)这样的公共服务机构。

    He extends these demands to public bodies like the national health service .

  8. 伦敦投资局(ThinkLondon)是伦敦地区的官方外国直接投资服务机构,专门为希望到伦敦投资的海外公司和机构提供免费且保密的咨询及协助服务。

    Think London is the foreign direct investment agency for London which provides free , confidential and comprehensive advice to help international business locate and expand in London .

  9. 潜在CDM项目业主选择与咨询服务机构合作的模式分析

    Analysis on the cooperative mode between potential owner of CDM project and consulting service organization

  10. 不同经济发展水平城市社区卫生服务机构的利用与满意度状况各不相同(P0.05),影响因素也存在差异。

    Utilization and satisfaction of residents in different cities with different economic levels were different ( P0.05 ), and the influencing factors were also different .

  11. LF公司便是国内众多出国留学服务机构之一,经过十年的发展取得了不俗的业绩。

    Among the numerous overseas education service providers , LF Company has made remarkable achievements through a decade of growth .

  12. 卡斯商学院(cassbusinessschool)的研究员路易丝阿什利(louiseashley)在专业服务机构工作,她经常与大律师事务所的初级年轻律师交谈。

    Louise Ashley , a research fellow at Cass Business School who works with professional services firms , speaks regularly with young lawyers at entry level with the largest law firms .

  13. 这件事让她一度登上世界各大媒体的新闻头条(headline)。如今,这位少年勇者的梦想终于起航。荷兰一家法庭日前拒绝了社会服务机构以顾虑其“社交心理健康为由”继续监管劳拉•德克尔的请求。

    A court in Holland rejected a call by social services to extend Laura Dekker 's supervision order because of fears for her ' social and emotional wellbeing . "

  14. 研究资料来自畸胎信息专科医师组织(OTIS),一个以北美大学为主的妊娠风险谘商服务机构。

    The data come from the Organization of Teratology Information Specialists ( OTIS ), a North American registry of university-based pregnancy risk counseling services .

  15. 人类和动物卫生服务机构必须保持高度警惕,分享信息并迅速报告任何可能因H5N1型禽流感导致的禽类或人类中的疾病迹象。

    Human and animal health services must be on high alert , sharing information and quickly reporting any signs of disease in birds or humans that could be due to H5N1 avian influenza .

  16. Relate婚姻咨询服务机构的发言人说:“对于已婚夫妇而言,一旦支付账单和给孩子做早餐等家庭琐事成为每天的现实,两个人便很容易陷入‘陈规’。”

    A spokesman for the marriage counselling service-Relate said : " It 's so easy for married couples to get stuck in a rut once the realities of paying the bills and getting the children 's breakfast sets in .

  17. 婚姻咨询服务机构Relate的发言人表示:“对于已婚夫妇而言,一旦支付账单和给孩子做早餐等家庭琐事成为每天面对的情况,两个人便很容易陷入‘陈规’。”

    A spokesman for the marriage counseling service ~ Relate said : " It 's so easy for married couples to get stuck in a rut once the realities of paying the bills and getting the children 's breakfast sets in . "

  18. 据英国教育研究机构HighFliers称,投行、公共部门雇主、会计师事务所和专业服务机构以及消费品企业的毕业生申请人数比前一年增加了至少10%。

    According to High Fliers , the UK education research group , graduate applications have increased by at least 10 per cent on the previous year in investment banks , public sector employers , accounting and professional services firms , and consumer goods companies .

  19. 如果希望采用大型公司的健保计划来吸引顶尖的人才,可以考虑寻找一家外包服务机构,即所谓的“职业雇主组织”(PEO),每月支付一笔固定的费用即可。

    If you need a big-company-style health plan to win the best talent , consider joining a " professional employer organization , " better known as a PEO , for a set monthly fee .

  20. 自2008年底以来,由研究服务机构KaiserBottom-FishOnline编制的稀土企业股价指数已暴涨12倍,仅过去一个月就飙升35%。

    An index of rare earth company shares produced by Kaiser Bottom-Fish Online , a research service , has risen 12-fold since the end of 2008 , and 35 per cent in the past month .

  21. 简要介绍了E-learning的发展、概念和特点,并在论述图书馆参与E-learning的重要意义的基础上,着重分析了在E-learning中图书馆所扮演的多重角色:信息服务机构、教育者和学习者。

    This article briefly introduces the development , concept and features of E-learning , and analyzes library 's multi-role such as an information service unit , an educator and a learner . It also discusses the great significance of a library in E-learning .

  22. 近几年来,民间社工服务机构飞速发展,以济南J机构为例,这些民间机构部分是通过政府购买服务的方式,依托社区开展的一种新型社会服务。

    Rapid development in recent years , the folk social work service agencies , in Jinan J institutions , for example , some of these folk agencies are through the way of government purchase services , relying on the community to carry out a new type of social services .

  23. 其中一位造访者是肯德拉·希思科特(KendraHeathscott),和多加德州长第一次见面时,她只有10岁,多加德当时在一家救治有行为问题的儿童的社会服务机构担任执行主任。

    Among the visitors was Kendra Heathscott , who was 10 when she first met Mr. Daugaard , then the executive director of a social services organization that treats children with behavioral problems .

  24. 通过比较广播星历和IGS(国际GPS服务机构)目前提供的3种精密星历的精度和时延性,得出只有超快星历(IGU)才能满足对流层监测的时间要求。

    Through comparing the accuracy and latency of broadcast ephemeris and three kinds of precise ephemeris provided by IGS ( the International GPS Service ), it was found that only IGS ultra rapid products ( IGU ) can meet the need for time of tropospheric monitoring .

  25. 此项受专业服务机构德勤(Deloitte)委托所做的研究显示,今年第一季度,交易额在5000万美元至3亿美元区间的交易近100宗,而2003年同期仅有10宗。

    The study , commissioned by Deloitte , the professional services firm , showed that there were nearly 100 deals in the first quarter of this year in the $ 50m to $ 300m range , compared with just 10 in the corresponding period in 2003 .

  26. 美国OCLC公司是世界最大的文献信息服务机构之一,其所提供的80个数据库内容覆盖社会科学、自然科学各学科领域,且一半有原文。

    American OCLC company is one of the worlds biggest constitutions of document information service and contents of eighty databases offered by the company cover every subject area from social sciences to natural science , furthermore , half of them have the original .

  27. 在英国,调解服务机构Acas阐述了网络霸凌如何在社交媒体上呈现:不雅照片、攻击性或威胁性的评论,以及敏感的个人信息,都可能被恶意发布。

    In the UK , the conciliation service Acas elaborates on how this might manifest itself in social media : Inappropriate photographs , of & # 173 ; fensive or threatening comments or sensitive personal information might be posted vindictively .

  28. 其中由信息服务机构提供信息服务是最主要的解决方案。

    The information analysis service is the best one of them .

  29. 计划生育服务机构医疗废弃物处理的调查研究

    A Study on Medical Waste Treatment in Family Planning Service Organizations

  30. 教育资料中心是收藏和利用教育信息资料的特色服务机构。

    Educational library is a special department that provides information service .