
  • 网络service consumer
  1. 这样的对话可能在服务消费者与Web服务单发生几次。

    This conversation might happen several times between the service consumer and the web service .

  2. 要使用AWS,需要将ApacheAxis用作SOAP实现来构建服务消费者(serviceconsumer)。

    To consume AWS , you need to build the service consumer using Apache Axis as the SOAP implementation .

  3. 预订是将用户添加到给定的Web服务消费者列表的行为。

    Subscription is the act of adding a user to the list of consumers of a given Web service .

  4. 集合服务消费者(有时也叫做用户)和提供商并没有什么Web服务。

    There is no Web services standard yet for assembling service consumers ( sometimes called users ) and providers .

  5. 不论哪种情况,服务消费者都在Internet上使用所需要的服务并只为所使用的服务付费。

    In both instances , service consumers use what they need on the Internet and pay only for what they use .

  6. 第二,我希望让定义文件简单且灵活,满足Web服务消费者变化的需求。

    Second , I wanted to keep the definition file simple and flexible to meet the changing needs of Web service consumers .

  7. 现在您已经成功地在Geronimo中部署了第一个Web服务消费者。

    You have now successfully deployed your first Web services consumer in Geronimo .

  8. 您将在涉及服务消费者和提供者如何进行交互的ServiceRequirements契约中定义该规范。

    This is to be expected , because you are defining the specification in a Service Requirements contract for how a service consumer and provider interact .

  9. 显式定义并维护服务消费者与提供者之间的关系,并消除可能存在不利的相互假设(mutualassumptions);

    Service Lease which explicitly defines and maintains the relationships between service consumers and providers and disambiguates potentially dangerous mutual assumptions ;

  10. 这是设计SOA的关键部分,这是因为选择提供者建立了服务消费者和提供者之间的关系。

    This is a key part of designing an SOA , because choosing providers establishes the relationships between service consumers and providers .

  11. 例如,构造型用于指示一个对服务消费者或者提供商建模的UML构件。

    For example , the stereotype is used to indicate a UML component that is modeling a service consumer or provider .

  12. 在良好的SOA设计中,Web服务消费者的应用逻辑能够使用两个基础体系结构原则来从服务构件完全解耦

    In a good SOA design , the application logic of the Web services consumer can be completely decoupled from the service artifacts using two fundamental architectural principles

  13. 如果应用本文介绍的相同步骤,则可以快速地将一个服务消费者部署到Geronimo的这些Web服务中。

    If you apply the same steps described in this article , you can quickly deploy a consumer to these Web services in Geronimo .

  14. 适配器的公共API并不公开任何存根类;而是将其映射到Web服务消费者应用可以理解的类。

    The public API of the adapter does not expose any of the stub classes ; it instead maps them to classes that the Web service consumer application understands .

  15. 这个方法参考了SCA的配置【5】,可以进一步简化服务消费者的维护。

    This approach is modeled after the SCA configuration [ 5 ] and allows to further simplify service consumer maintenance .

  16. 在它部署之后,其他的服务消费者可以绑定至Manufacturer参与者的购买服务并激发服务操作。

    After it is deployed , other service consumers can bind to the purchasing service of the Manufacturer participant and invoke the service operation .

  17. 与对象不同,你在SOA中需要考虑两个观点;他们是服务消费者和服务提供者。

    Unlike your comfortable world of objects , you need to take into account two perspectives in a SOA ; that of the service consumer and service provider .

  18. 目前UDDI主要用途局限于引用在设计服务消费者时用到的服务WSDL文件。

    The majority of today 's UDDI usage is limited to referencing the service WSDL files , which are used while designing the consumer .

  19. 在为数据服务消费者设计WSDL契约时,需要导入模式,其目的是为了让WSDL文档和被用来实现数据编配的接口保持一致。

    When designing WSDL contracts for data service consumers , schemas need to be imported in order for the WSDL documents to be consistent with the interfaces used to implement the data orchestration .

  20. 结果是,使用OrderProcessor合成要素的任何服务消费者都将同这个特定的执行相联系。

    As a result , any service consumer using the OrderProcessor component will be coupled to this particular implementation .

  21. 这就允许SoaML以一种满足选中结构性指导原则的基础上,对在服务消费者与提供商之间交流的数据进行建模。

    This allows SoaML to model the data exchanged between service consumers and providers in a manner that adheres to chosen architectural guiding principles .

  22. 服务消费者可以从身份提供者那里直接获取SAML断言,也可以获取其他格式的身份数据并把数据转换为SAML断言。

    The Service Consumer can either obtain them directly from an Identity Provider , or it can obtain the data in a different form and convert it to a SAML representation .

  23. 本质上说,一个服务消费者只需要知道一个提供者的WS-Addressing,然后把它传给一个服务代理去解析和分发。

    In essence , a Service consumer just needs to know the WS-Address of a Provider and hand that to a Service proxy to resolve and deliver .

  24. 客户端,Web服务消费者:它是J2ME应用程序,例如MIDP或个人版基于框架的应用程序,JSR172存根和支持类,以及JSR172运行时。

    A client , Web services consumer : This is the J2ME application , such as MIDP or Personal Profile-based application , a JSR172 stub and supporting classes , and the JSR172 runtime .

  25. 利用基于分层聚类的k-means算法对客运服务消费者进行分类研究,我们将其分为四种类型,分别为:效率追求者、谨慎节约者、服务至上者和清净安全者。

    Passenger services can be divided into four types of consumers with the use of k-means arithmetic which based on hierarchical clustering methods on the consumer market : people of pursuit efficiency 、 people of cautious and prudence 、 Service-oriented persons and people of pursuit security .

  26. 例如,服务消费者可以在调用placeBuyOrder或者placeSellOrder操作之前调用现金转移操作。

    For example , a service consumer can call a cash transfer operation before calling a placeBuyOrder or a placeSellOrder operation .

  27. 所有提到的属性都从服务消费者的角度进行了检查。

    All mentioned attributes are examined from the service consumer perspective .

  28. 这些规范会定义服务消费者与提供商之间的接口。

    These specifications will define interfaces between consumers and producers of the service .

  29. 服务消费者或者客户通过消息来消费服务。

    Service consumers or clients consume services via messages .

  30. 服务消费者并不知道服务者是诚实的还是恶意的。

    Users are unable to identify whether a resource will be honest or malicious .