
  1. 基于GEM模型对广东省纺织服装产业集群竞争力的实证研究

    Research on Competitiveness of Textile and Garment Industry Cluster in Guangdong Based on " GEM " Model

  2. 纺织服装产业集群风险研究

    A Study on the Risk of Textile and Apparel Industry Clusters

  3. 试论服装产业集群协同创新系统的构建

    The Construction of the Coordination Innovation System of Chinese Clothes-Making Industry Cluster

  4. 宁波服装产业集群竞争力分析

    Analysis Of Group Competitive Force Of Ningbo 's Clothing Industry

  5. 都市型纺织服装产业集群定位及发展研究

    Study on the Orientation and Development of Urban Textile and Fashion Industrial Clusters

  6. 纺织服装产业集群的类型及演进

    Models and Trajectories of Textile & Apparel Clusters

  7. 福建纺织服装产业集群品牌战略研究

    Study on the Brand Strategy of the Textile and Garment Industry Cluster in Fujian

  8. 纺织服装产业集群是我国纺织业的一个重要产业组织形式,也是我国纺织业在国际上取得竞争优势的源泉之一。

    Textile and garment industrial cluster is the important economic form of China 's textile industry .

  9. 文章最后提出了株洲服装产业集群发展可采取的政策措施。

    The article concludes with measures which can be taken in Zhuzhou apparel industry cluster development .

  10. 最后,文章从三个层面有针对性地提出了宁乡服装产业集群化发展的对策和建议。

    Finally , policy suggestions are given in terms of the development of Ningxiang garment industrial cluster .

  11. 基于全球价值链治理的我国纺织服装产业集群

    Development strategy of China ′ s textile & apparel industrial cluster based on the governance in global value chain

  12. 搭建创新平台提高传统产业集群竞争力&以我国纺织服装产业集群为例

    Establish Innovation Platform , Improve the Competitive Ability of Traditional Industrial Cluster Taking Textile Apparel Industrial Cluster as an Example

  13. 集群网络关系对企业竞争力的影响&石狮市纺织服装产业集群实证研究

    The Influence of Industrial Cluster Network Relationship on Enterprise Competitive Power : An Empirical Study of Apparel Industrial Cluster in Shishi

  14. 本文从比较成熟的产业集群理论出发,分析产业集群的本质,并由此界定都市型纺织服装产业集群:进而提出产业集群定位的分析方法。

    And it defines the urban textile and fashion industrial clusters . Then , the method of orientation is brought forward .

  15. 服装产业集群发展评价研究是产业经济研究领域的一项重要课题。

    The study on development evaluation of garment industry cluster is an important topic in the field of industrial economy research .

  16. 全球价值链与中国地方产业集群的供应链式整合&以苏浙粤纺织服装产业集群为例

    Global Value Chain and Supply Chain Integration for Industrial Cluster & Case Study of Apparel Industrial Cluster in Su , Zhe and Yue Provinces

  17. 全球价值链的片断化为宁波服装产业集群嵌入全球价值链,实现升级提供了契机。

    The fragmentation of the global garment value chains supplies Ningbo garment industrial cluster the opportunity of embedding in global value chains achieving upgrading .

  18. 国内纺织工业基础的不断稳固,服装产业集群的日具规模,都为我国服装出口产业的成长提供了持续强有力的推动。

    The powerful and increasing growth will never come true , without the steady foundation of textile industry and the cluster scale of apparel industry .

  19. 依据全球价值链理论,阐述了我国纺织服装产业集群在全球价值链中的位置和现状。

    Based on the global value chain theory , the current condition of China ′ s apparel industrial cluster and its position in global value chain are analyzed .

  20. 研究认为,我国纺织服装产业集群发展需要引进高素质人才,建设区域特色品牌,积极嵌入全球价值链,促进集群升级和建设营销渠道。

    The research suggests the apparel industrial cluster development should introduce high talent person , construct regional brand , embed in global value chain actively and build marketing channel .

  21. 应用权变理论指出该指标体系在具体情境中的应用,同时结合层次分析法将该指标体系应用到广东省某服装产业集群式供应链中进行实例分析。

    Pointing out the concrete utilization of the index system using the contingency theory and this index system will be applied to a garment industry in Guangdong Province by AHP .

  22. 本文通过波特钻石模型对我国纺织服装产业集群进行竞争力分析,说明其主要竞争力依然是成本比较优势。

    This paper analyzes the competition advantages of textiles and garment industry clusters through the Porter diamond model , and illuminates that the cost is the mainly advantage for competition .

  23. 第四部分,以福建省南平市纺织服装产业集群为例,对欠发达地区地方政府发展产业集群提出政策建议。

    Fourth , take the Textile clothing industrial cluster of Nanping . Fujian for example , put forward of policy suggestion on local government develop industrial cluster in underdeveloped area .

  24. 服装产业集群扩张是提高服装产业综合竞争力的有效方法,受到国内外服装产业的广泛重视。

    Fashion industry concentration , as a great concern of the fashion industry , is one of the most efficient ways to increase the competition of the fashion industry as a whole .

  25. 通过对产业集群、现代物流与区域经济发展内在联系的分析,阐明以纺织服装产业集群为依托建立区域物流体系的可行性。

    By analyzing the relations among industries cluster , advanced logistics and district economy development , this paper has illustrated that it is feasible to establish a district logistics system basing on the textiles and garment industry clusters .

  26. 根据产业集群定位的分析方法,本文认为上海发展服装产业集群应定位于四个方面:亚洲服装贸易中心、中国服装产品设计研发中心、中国服装品牌孵化中心、高级专业人才培育中心。

    On the basis of it , the paper orient the industrial clusters in Shanghai on trade centre of Asia , designing and innovating centre of fashion products , hatching centre of fashion brands , cultivating centre of professionals .

  27. 全球价值链是一个融合宏观和微观两个视角的一种新兴理论,为重新全面审视全球化背景下浙江服装产业集群的产业联系和升级问题提供了新的视角。

    Global value chain ( GVC ) is a kind of new theory , which integrates macro-and microeconomic perspectives , and provides a new perspective to analysis again the industrial linkage and upgrading of Zhejiang apparel industrial cluster under the globalization .

  28. 制约宁乡服装产业集群进一步发展的外部因素包括各集群的竞争不断升级、产业之间资源争夺加剧等,内部因素则主要是集群产业链断裂、专业化分工不足、企业间协作意识缺失等。

    Externally , factors which restrict the further development of this cluster include the upgrading of the competition among clusters and the acceleration of inter-industry resource contest ; Internally , factors include the cracking of cluster industrial chain , shortage of specialized division and lack of the sense of collaboration .

  29. 中国纺织服装专业市场与产业集群有密切的关系,常与产业集群相伴而生。

    The Textile and Clothing wholesale markets are close related with the clustering of the industry .

  30. 北京作为中国服装产业39个产业集群之一,不仅要面对国内市场竞争,更要参与到国际市场竞争中去。

    As one of thirty-nine industrial clusters of China , Beijing is facing the competition from domestic and international market , especially when it has made a plan to become world fashion center .