
  • 网络Clothes Style;clothing style;fashion style
  1. 提取最能影响服装风格的部件,并且根据其影响权重排序。

    To extract the most influence part in the clothing style , and get the impact on their weight .

  2. 收集描述型服装风格词汇。通过问卷法选取合适的可以描述本文实验样本的服装风格感性词。

    To collect the description of the type of clothing style collection , Through the questionnaire method which is selecting the appropriate test samples can be described in this experiment paper of clothing style .

  3. 服装风格的概念和影响因素十分复杂,是款式CAD实现智能化的难点所在。

    The concept and influencing factors of garment style are very complex , which is the difficulty to realize the intelligent pattern CAD .

  4. 据时尚网站TheBestFashionBlog报道,溜冰裙,又叫“喇叭高腰迷你裙”,因上世纪80年代流行的花样滑冰服装风格而得名。

    The skater skirt , also known as the " flared high-wasted mini skirt , " got its name from the skating dancer style that was popular in the 1980s , according to fashion site The Best Fashion Blog .

  5. 如何建立与服装风格相吻合的logo体系是品牌服装能否强化其个性,突出品牌优势,是在当今市场增强竞争力的关键。

    How to establish a Logo system that fit the styles of fashion properly has become the key point of intensifying the feature , giving prominence to the advantage of the brands and strengthening the competition .

  6. 服装风格和颜色起作用是高度个性化的。

    Clothing styles and colors that work are highly individualized .

  7. 毛针织服装风格综合评价中主因子的确定

    Determination of main factors in synthetic fuzzy evaluation of woolen sweater style

  8. 考证中西方服装风格不同的原因

    Demonstrating why Chinese and western fashion styles are different

  9. 罗斯警告称,她先生在追随她那流行精品服装风格时必须谨慎。

    Rose warns that her husband should be wary of matching her boutique style .

  10. 男性服装风格的一陈不变是否反映出男性的稳重可靠的特点呢?

    Do their unchanging styles of dress reflect basic qualities of stability and reliability ?

  11. 毛针织服装风格客观评价的研究

    Study on objective evaluation to woolen sweater style

  12. 服装风格与面料特征

    Dress style and dress material character

  13. 服装风格的量化方法初探

    Method of Measure Costume Style

  14. 第四章则重点对服装风格符号化这一现象进行分析,探讨服装风格符号化的社会因素。

    Focusing on the apparel style , the fourth chapter stresses the social factors of the phenomenon .

  15. 其他方面,包括不同的时装材质、流行资讯以及影视文化等都对服装风格有一定的影响。

    Moreover , different fabric , popular news and the film culture all have a certain influence on the style .

  16. 公司致力于服装风格多样化、价格合理化来回报新老客户长久以来对我们支持。

    The company devotes to diversity of costume style and rationalization of price in return for long-term support of new and old customers .

  17. 本文首先明确了洛丽塔的概念,纵向地追溯、分析了洛丽塔服装风格原型。

    In this paper , the definition of Lolita is given , and further the Lolita fashion style prototype is traced and analyzed deeply .

  18. 决策场理论决策模型,有效地解决小范围内用户对服装风格的心理评判。

    The decision model of Multi-alternative decision field can effectively solve the users ' psychology evaluation of fashion styles in the small scale . 4 .

  19. 在第三章中,运用符号学理论具体阐释服装风格这一符号体系的结构,符号意指系统如何进行意义的传达。

    Through the point of semiotics , the third chapter explains the system of the apparel style , and how the symbol convey the meanings .

  20. 本文采用多备择决策场理论所建立的决策模型不仅可以体现决策者判断服装风格的心理变化,更能够体现非理性效应对服装风格强弱度判断的影响。

    In this paper , the decision model of Multi-alternative decision field reflects the changes that decision makers determine the fashion style and the Irrational Effect .

  21. 本土品牌在发展中往往试探性成分较多,成功几率较小,为保持品牌服装风格带来较大的挑战。

    There are much more probe trial during local brand development , which caused unstable chance of success , it makes great challenge to keep brand style .

  22. 针对上述服装风格的特点,本文研究基于认知特征的服装风格自主分类方法。

    Aim at the characteristic of garment style , we do research and implementation of autonomous development of garment style classification based on cognitive in these paper .

  23. 他首次接触时尚界,是为米兰一家著名的百货公司当销售员,向顾客介绍异国的服装风格。

    His earliest foray into the fashion world was helping introduce Italian consumers to foreign styles when he worked as a purchaser for a leading Milanese department store .

  24. 服装风格分为:白天情结、下午茶情结、夜晚情结、明星情结;指出:时装在当代已经演变成为人类承载情感的一种形式,服装设计情感表达与人类感情之间有很多共通点。

    In analyzing the styles of garment brands , emotional factors were used to classify fashion styles and fashionable dress as one of the forms carrying emotions was indicated .

  25. 三种决策模型分别解决了系统实现过程中的不同问题,本文结合三种模型,最终设计并实现了个性化服装风格决策推荐系统。

    Three decision-making methods solve the system different issues in the implementation . Ultimately , we integrate three models , design and achieve the personalized fashion style decision-making system .

  26. 艺术和文化上的发展变化,必然会在人们的服装风格上反映出来,各种服装风格也会在电影中体现。

    Art and cultural development and changes in people 's garments must be reflected in the clothing styles , various kinds of clothing styles will also reflect in the movies .

  27. 论文主要分为四大部分:第一部分:论述时装风格的定义并对2000年到2009年影响较大的服装风格进行分类。

    And this paper is divided into four parts : Part ⅰ: The definition of style , and classify the fashion styles which have significant impact on the year 2000 to 2009 .

  28. 具体来讲分为四大部分进行,来逐步研究服装风格量化与建模的问题:1.首先,选择服装款式的初始样本。

    It can be divided into four parts specifically conducted to quantify the progressive style of clothing and modeling issues : 1 . First , select the good design from the initial sample .

  29. 20世纪70年代末至80年代初,日本街头的青少年对小说和电影中的洛丽塔形象及其内涵加以借用并进行改造,进而创造了洛丽塔服装风格原型。

    Between the late 1970s and the early 1980s , the youth of street in Japan have utilized and further modified the ' Lolita ' figure and spirit from the novel and movie to create a Lolita fashion style prototype .

  30. 通过本文的讨论,作者认为对洛丽塔服装风格原型的研究不仅为服装风格资料库增添了一枚新鲜因子,而且将以更加完善的面貌为当代成衣设计提供积极务实的指导。

    In summary , it is considered that the study of Lolita style prototype not only provide a fresh factor for the fashion style database , but more perfectly offer a positive and practical guide for the design of modern ready-made clothes .