
  • 网络costume;Cloth props
  1. 运用现代的加工技术,服装道具总监艾沃科温尼制造出了史上第一件完美对称的维德头盔。

    Using modern machining techniques , costume props supervisor Ivo Coveney was able to create , for the first time , a perfectly symmetrical Vader helmet .

  2. 由于“三枝橘”工作非常辛苦,剧团里只有三位女性,包括霁霞、一名女服装道具、一名女场务。

    Due to the painstaking work in " Three Orange ", the troupe only has three female employees including Laetitia , a female costume and prop designer and a female stage supervisor .

  3. 鼓励机器人和/操纵者使用服装道具。

    Costumes for robots and / or human performers are encouraged .

  4. 精美的服装道具、纯熟的传统技艺,加之演员精彩的表演,赢得了全场观众的热烈掌声。

    The exquisite props and costumes , extraordinary skills and performances won rapturous applause from the audience now and then .

  5. 他希望全体工作人员发挥连续作战的精神,在节目编排、服装道具使用上精益求精,各个环节上进一步完善,确保整个开幕式的高质量、高水平。

    He hoped staff of the show could refine their costumes and properties as well as the program line-up to present an opening ceremony of high quality .

  6. 此次拍卖会在比佛利山庄举行,会上展示了杰克逊演艺生涯当中所用过的465件物品,包括他在巡回表演和MV中用到的服装和道具等。

    The auction , held in Beverly Hills , showcased 465 lots of items spanning Jackson 's career through the years , including costumes and props used on tour and in music videos .

  7. 《老友记》大部分剧集拍摄之时,手机和Google都还未普及,剧中的服装和道具现在看来也有些过时,但是,剧中的主题却依旧深得现在年轻观众的心。

    Most of Friends was shot before cellular phones and Google were ubiquitous . The clothes and gadgets seem a bit outdated these days . Despite this , the show 's key elements still hold up remarkably well in the eyes of young viewers .

  8. 你们自带服装和道具做巡回演出吗?

    Do you tour with costumes and props ?

  9. 该剧由传统文学作品、面具、服装、道具和舞蹈组成。

    The plays , often inspired by traditional literature , incorporate masks , costumes , props and dance .

  10. 剧本指导:密切关注每个人。他们的工作是监督拍摄、服装、道具、布景和发型及化妆。

    It is their job to monitor action , wardrobe , props , set dressing , and hair and makeup on screen .

  11. 《艺术广角》杂志副主编牛寒婷在接受新华社采访时称,布景、服装和道具都很精致。

    Niu Hanting , deputy editor-in-chief of Art Panorama magazine , told Xinhua News Agency that the sets , props and costumes are elaborate .

  12. 观众们习惯了吐槽它的服装和道具,以至于该剧连续10天霸占新浪微博话题总榜的第1名。

    The audience used to mock on the props and costumes so much that it was once the No.1 trending topic on Weibo for 10 consecutive days .

  13. 他们也可以利用服装,道具等来表演。教过音乐剧的教师们都说孩子们变得更有热情了,他们的语言学得更好了。

    They can produce a real project with costumes , props , and teachers using this say it 's fascinating how enthusiastic children become and how well they learn the language .

  14. 和剧团过去的做法一样,它在演出时会使用极其简单的服装、道具和布景,令观众把更多注意力放在莎士比亚的剧本上。

    As the troupe has done in the past , it will stage the play with minimal costumes , props or scenery in order to put greater focus on Shakespeare 's text .

  15. 大量的剧本材料表明,近代传奇杂剧在服装、道具、烟火、灯光、场幕、布景等方面发生了根本性的变化,旋转舞台也开始出现。

    Lots of play scripts show that modern legendary variety plays have undergone fundamental changes in terms of costume , props , smoke and fire , lighting , stage scenes and setting , etc.

  16. 长达三小时的路演将让广大影迷“零距离”的接触到《哈利波特》系列电影的制作过程,届时包括场景、服装、道具、特效等一系列神秘元素都将于广大影迷见面。

    The three-hour-long tour will give fans the chance to see sets , costumes , props and effects used in all eight of the Harry Potter movies . We 'll definitely let you know when those tickets go on sale !

  17. 幕后制作人的敬业也通过荧幕上的各种细节展示出来,无论是服装,道具和摄影技术,还是对白和配乐,无一不显示出制作方的良苦用心。

    The dedication of the crew behind the camera is also apparent in all the little details that can be seen in each scene . Be it costumes , props , cinematography , dialog or the show 's music , it 's clear those working on the show have put their heart into their work .

  18. 图中约有1000个人物,其中大部分的服装和舞台道具是由他自己制作或租用的。

    Most of the costumes and stage props for the nearly 1,000 characters depicted in the tableau he made himself or rented .

  19. 在出售热门万圣节服装的纽约道具店,据该店经理托尼•比安池说,奥巴马总统的面具销量比共和党总统候选人米特•罗姆尼的面具略胜一筹。

    At New York Costumes , a President Barack Obama mask is slightly outselling a mask of Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney , said store manager Tony Bianchi .

  20. 迷信:孔雀羽毛应该永远不带上舞台,不能作为服装元素,道具或者布景的一部分,否则混乱将接踵而来。

    Superstition : Peacock Feathers should never be brought on stage , either as a costume element , prop or part of a set as chaos will ensue .

  21. 舞台美术以剧本演出为中心,综合舞台装置、服装、灯光、道具、化装、效果,形象地再现剧本所叙述的事件、人物及其生活环境。

    Stage art takes stage as the center to reappear the script of events and characters and living environment by virtue of the comprehensive performance stage device , clothing , lamplight , props , cosmetic , effect , . This paper will be divided into three parts .

  22. 传统戏剧服装、刀、枪、剑、戟、戏帽、盔甲,现代及民间舞蹈服装、演出道具。

    A costume drama : the traditional drama clothing , knives , guns , sword , halberd , opera hat , armor , modern and folk dance costumes , props and performances .