
  • 网络Server Virtualization Technology
  1. 服务器虚拟化技术在数字图书馆服务器整合中的应用

    Application of Server Virtualization Technology in Integration of Digital Library Servers

  2. 基于服务器虚拟化技术的校园网建设实现

    A Study of Campus Network Construction Based on Server Virtualization Technology

  3. 管理程序是一个常见的服务器虚拟化技术。

    Hypervisors are a common technical enabler of server virtualization .

  4. 利用开源云平台下的服务器虚拟化技术,实现学习资源的共享。

    Server virtualization technology of open source cloud platform is studied to realize the sharing of learning resources .

  5. 通过结合服务器虚拟化技术,对呼叫中心系统中的服务器进行了资源的整合与优化。

    With the server consolidation and virtualization technology , it could consolidate and optimize the resource on current call center servers .

  6. 服务器虚拟化技术在近几年不断的发展和运用中,成为一种新的服务器基础架构技术趋势。

    In recent years , with the continuous development and broad use of server virtualization technology , virtualization became a trend in server infrastructure .

  7. 图书馆应用服务器虚拟化技术,可以节约硬件的投入,提高服务器的使用效率,支能够方便系统的管理和维护以及平台的迁移。

    Library Application server virtualization technology can save the hardware input and increase server efficiency , support for easy system management and maintenance and platform migration .

  8. 虚拟化技术是构建云计算环境的技术基石之一,特别是服务器虚拟化技术,在基础设施层为云计算技术提供了强有力的实现手段。

    Virtualization technology is one of the fundamental technologies to build cloud computing environment , especially server virtualization is a powerful technology to put IaaS into effect .

  9. VDI和终端服务器等传统桌面虚拟化技术不允许离线使用。

    Traditional desktop virtualization techniques , such as VDI and terminal servers , do not allow offline use .

  10. 如果您开始了为您的中间件应用程序环境构建和运行一个云环境的旅程,那么您应该仔细检查服务器和应用程序虚拟化技术。

    If you are embarking on the journey to build and operate a cloud computing environment for your middleware application environments , you should closely examine both server and application virtualization techniques .