
  1. 想让自己看起来更年轻,可以试试糖果色的服装搭配。

    Want to look younger , you can try the candy-colored outfit .

  2. 手袋的面料要和服装搭配。

    Match the material of the bag to your outfit .

  3. 你真的可以把它和任何服装搭配。

    You can really wear them with anything .

  4. 朋友也试着和我共同探讨服装搭配的技巧。

    My friends also discuss the skills of dress matching with me a lot .

  5. 它与亮色或印花服装搭配,又或者是穿在西装里面都很漂亮。

    It looks great paired with brights or prints or peeking out from underneath a blazer .

  6. 你要确保你的服装搭配得体,干净整洁。

    Make sure that everything matches and is clean , and also that you dress appropriately for the date .

  7. 参加培训的学员将参加各种课程,其中包括服装搭配、茶艺和电影欣赏等。

    Those who enroll will be taught various classes , including how to match clothes , tea art and movies .

  8. 毕竟如今在打造完美的服装搭配方面,女性比男性有更多的选择余地。

    When it comes to creating the perfect ensemble , women just have a lot more to choose from than men .

  9. 对于消费者来说,如何使用配饰和服装搭配,是日常生活和工作中的重要问题。

    How to make a perfect accessories and clothing is the important issues of the daily life and work to consumers .

  10. 我们创始于2005年底,是一支从事化妆造型、发型设计及服装搭配的专业团队。

    We founded at the end of2005 , is engaged in a make-up , hair styling and clothing with professional team .

  11. 它是针织衫中的经典,时尚网站《非常博客》说,这主要是因为它可以和任何服装搭配。

    It 's a knitwear classic , mainly because you can wear it with anything , according to The Very Blog .

  12. 质地很轻的夏季服装搭配稻草手袋。晚装搭配质地较重的金属饰品或水晶点缀的手袋。

    Pair light , summery clothing with a straw bag or tote and pair evening attire with heavier metallic or crystal-covered bags .

  13. 找到一条上身效果绝佳的牛仔裤给人的压力比其他任何服装搭配都大。

    When it comes to tracking down the perfect pair of jeans , there is no other piece of clothing that induces so much stress .

  14. 在大多数的视频中,她一般都不说话,视频里有字幕来为观众们说明如何上妆、做发型或者服装搭配的具体步骤。

    In most of the videos she remains silent while subtitles provide the viewer with a step-by-step guide on how to apply cosmetics , style hair or dress fashionably .

  15. 并结合大量图片说明了绘身艺术与服装搭配的方法和要领,证实了两者结合后所产生的时尚性,能够对于流行更新,时尚变换起到推波助澜的作用。

    And use a lot of pictures and photographs to show the essentials of the mix of body painting and clothing , and confirmed it 's function on encouraging the update of vogue and transformation of fashion .

  16. 所以衣服颜色识别有着广泛的应用,可以应用到智能服装搭配和服装推介、预测服装流行趋势,以及行人识别,视频监控,或者基于内容的图像检索等各方面工作。

    Clothes color recognition has been widely used in many aspects . With smart clothes and apparel from referrals , clothes color recognition can be used to improve pedestrian recognition , video surveillance , computer iconography , and content-based image retrieval research .

  17. 调查显示,英国女性周一上班前花在梳妆打扮上的时间平均为76分钟,其中近三分之一的时间花在打理头发上,18分钟用于化妆,16分钟用于服装搭配,其余时间则用于洗漱。

    On average , women spend 76 minutes getting ready on Mondays -- with almost a third of that spent on their hair -- 18 minutes on make-up , 16 minutes trying on different combinations of clothes and the rest taken up by showering and washing .

  18. 自1995年以来担任巴尼斯纽约精品店(BarneysNewYork)制作服务协调员的劳拉•曼尼克斯(LauraMannix)帮助大城市里的专业人士和电视服装设计师搭配职业装。

    Laura Mannix , studio services coordinator for Barneys New York since 1995 , helps both big city professionals and TV costume designers assemble their workplace wardrobes .

  19. 基于江南女性肤色的服装色彩搭配研究

    Research of Clothing Color Matching under Skin-color of Ladies in Jiangnan Area

  20. 如果肤色和服装色彩搭配恰当,那么就会给自己的锦上添花。

    If the color and color collocation appropriately , so will give oneself .

  21. 对服装色彩搭配的思考

    Reflections on Clothing Color Matching

  22. 服装的搭配上运用相同款式的服装搭配不同的鞋子,体现鞋子的百搭性。

    Using the same dress collocation of tie-in and different styles of dress shoes , shoe joker sex .

  23. 现代的人们,特别是女性,越来越注重服饰品与服装的搭配。

    Nowadays , people , especially women , pay more attention on the collocation between the clothing and the accessories .

  24. 卢勒克斯条纹和闪闪发光的针织背心是一个系列,加上一个休闲服装的搭配额外显出夜晚的奢侈。

    A series of lurex-striped shrugs and sequinned knit waistcoats when worn over a casual outfit add instant night-time luxury .

  25. 通过对无彩色、有彩色、无彩色有彩色结合这3种形式的服装色彩搭配进行分析,提出了服装色彩搭配的基本规律。

    This paper proposes the basic rules for clothing color matching by analyzing its three forms : colorless , colored and the combination of colorless and colored .

  26. 通过虚拟校园服装色彩搭配系统,可以使那些没有机会享受形象顾问服务的人群也可以得到优质的服务。

    Clothing color matching through the system , can make the image consultant who do not have the opportunity to enjoy the service people can receive quality service .

  27. 佩饰:珠宝首饰的佩戴、服装的搭配以及珠宝保养等方面的常识性、趣味性、实用性、可读性强的文章。

    Accessory : we will carry out some valuable and readable articles , telling the ways to wear jewelries , the trick of match attires and some tips of the maintenance of jewelries .

  28. 正如人物形象设计所追求的境界是色形神合一一样,色彩是人物形象设计的首体,良好的服装色彩搭配更是人物形象设计实现效果的基础。

    Character design , as the pursuit of state of " unity of color and spirit ," as the color is the character of the first body image design , good color matching clothing is designed to achieve effective character image basis .

  29. 那时,“街头时尚”还没有被品牌同化,人们真的是用自己衣橱里的服装进行搭配,而不是用借来的衣服在“真实的”舞台生活中让人拍照。

    A time when " street style " had not been co-opted by brands themselves , and people actually dressed in their own wardrobes , as opposed to a wardrobe lent to them for the express purpose of getting photographed in the course of their " real " staged lives .

  30. 论化妆色彩与服装色彩合理搭配的实现电脑配色新技术及其初步应用

    The new technique of computer color match and its application