
  1. 那个帮忙照看孩子的女人成为了一名持有许可证的寄养服务师。

    The woman who took in the children became a licensed foster care guardian .

  2. 在线教学服务师会帮助教师设置和连接课堂,回答学生提交的问题,解决技术难题。

    An online teaching assistant / an online learning consultant helps instructors with classroom setup and connectivity , answers questions submitted by students , and addresses technical difficulties .

  3. 医院临床药学服务中医师行为调研

    Investigation on Doctors'Behavior in Clinical Pharmaceutical Service in Hospital

  4. 想要以从顶到底的方式构建Web服务的构造师和开发员可以使用这种方法,使用UML,并从XML的具体内容之中抽象出来。

    This way can be used by architects and developers who want to build web services in a top-down approach , using UML , and abstract away from the details of XML .

  5. 论社区服务与高师实践课程改革

    The Community Service and Reforms of Practice Courses in Normal Colleges

  6. 不过,常为政界和商界人士服务的理发师说,这些人不愿染发时被公众看到,因此大多数是在家中进行。

    Still , barbers of influential politicians and businessmen insist that most dye their hair at home , for fear of being seen dyeing in public .

  7. PNC金融服务公司首席经济师霍夫曼说:

    PNC Financial Services chief economist Stuart Hoffman :

  8. 教学、软体维修等服务也需要程式师。

    The sale of teaching , hand-holding and maintenance services could also employ programmers .

  9. 根据对兰州师专图书馆读者的调查了解,从读者构成、阅读规律及读者服务等方面对师专图书馆读者工作做以粗浅分析。

    Based on the investigation of the readers in the library of Lanzhou Teacher 's College , the article mainly analyzes the different reader groups , the regularity of reading and the service for the readers .

  10. 英国人际关系服务公司的心理师保拉·霍尔说:“和谐是幸福关系的要素,但分歧是不可避免的。夫妻双方如何对待分歧是保证长久关系的关键。”

    Paula Hall , a relationship psychotherapist at the UK relationship service says : " Compatibility is an essential ingredient in relationship happiness , but some differences are inevitable . How couples manage those differences is the key to long-term success . "

  11. 你忍不住想告诉他们,‘不是你太有钱,是服务太便宜’,提供上门服务的身体脱毛师纳加•胡斯尼(NagatHosny)说。

    You just want to tell them , ' You are not rich , this is just cheap , " said Nagat Hosny , a body waxer who does home visits .

  12. 请尊重此免费服务,欢迎各位提出合理的服务要求,本师定然尽力回复;

    Please respect this FREE SERVICE , welcome to ask the reasonable service requirements , I will certainly reply ;