
  • 网络Clothing cutting;Apparel Cutter
  1. 本文描述了一个纸样设计和服装裁剪CAD系统及其实现的基本算法。

    This paper presents an apparel CAD system which includes paper pattern design and garment clipping . Algorithms which realize this system are described also .

  2. 基于运动控制卡的服装裁剪机控制系统

    Control system of clothes-cutter machine based on the motion control card

  3. 电动服装裁剪机的振动模态测试

    Testing of Vibrating Models of the Electric Clothing - Cutting Machine

  4. 针织服装裁剪如何提高坯布利用率

    How to Improve Fabric Utilization Ratio for Knitting Wear Cutting

  5. 服装裁剪加工原理的探讨

    Investigation on the Principles of Fabric Cutting in Garment Manufacturing

  6. 服装裁剪中的立体扫描和测量技术

    3D Body Scanning and Measurement Technology in Clothing Cutting

  7. 服装裁剪图样计算机程序系统探讨

    An Investigation on Compater program System for Apparel Cutting

  8. 用服装裁剪的方法制作羊绒衫

    Tailor of Cashmere Sweater with Garment Cutting Method

  9. 微机控制的服装裁剪机结构设计

    Structural Design of CNC Cloth - cutting Machine

  10. 服装裁剪机的步进电机细分控制系统

    Stepper Motor Subdivision Control System for Cloth-cutting Machines

  11. 切割者切割的人,尤指服装裁剪师。

    One that cuts , especially in tailoring .

  12. 服装裁剪业:目前有1.55万份工作,预计将会减少57%。

    Cut-and-sew apparel manufacturing : Projected to lose 57 percent of its 155000 jobs 。

  13. 激光在服装裁剪中的应用

    The Application of Laser Garment Gutting system

  14. 服装裁剪专家系统

    Expert - System of Clothing Cutting

  15. 针织物的布面歪斜变形一直困扰着很多企业,给服装裁剪加工带来很大的困难,也对服装的外观产生了不良影响。

    Spirality knitting fabric has bothered enterprises for a long time , and has made bad influences to the appearance of garment .

  16. 介绍了用服装裁剪的方法制作羊绒衫的理念、工艺流程和关键制作点。

    Introduce the concept of making the cashmere knitwear with the fashion cutting methods , technological process , typical making point as well as the benefit of changing the traditional technology .

  17. 简要介绍了针织服装裁剪中的合理掩残、工艺排版、处理下脚料的方法,以便节省用料,提高坯布利用率。

    Some metheds in knitting wear cutting process were briefly introduced from the aspects of hiding defective rationally , making marker technology and waste material disposal , to save material and improve utilization ratio .

  18. 曲面上的曲线造型是计算机图形领域的一个新的研究热点,而且它们在纤维织物编织、三维服装裁剪以及复合材料的纤维缠绕轨迹设计等领域有十分广泛的应用。

    Curve modeling on curved surface is paid much more attention recently because of its wide application in industry , which include fiber weaving , 3D garment clipping design and composite material product design .

  19. 同时详细介绍了服装裁剪机控制系统提高裁剪效率的两大关键技术,裁剪刀转向切割的算法研究和裁剪路径的优化。最后,搭建了实验平台进行试验,对设计的控制系统进行了验证。

    Finally , two key technologies were introduced which included rotating knife algorithm and path optimization in order to improve the cutting efficiency . Finally , according to the designed control system , an experimental platform was made and some functions were tested .

  20. 它广泛存在于机械加工、家电制造、服装裁剪、国防科技等国民经济行业中,解决好这类问题可以节省原材料,简化生产工艺,降低生产成本,增加企业效益。

    It widely exists in country economic industry such as machining process , electrical furniture producing , costume industries and the science of national defense and so on . Solving these problems can save raw materials , streamline production processes , reduce production cost and increase the efficiency of industry .

  21. CAI课件在服装立体裁剪教学中的应用

    The Application of CAI Courseware in the Teaching of Three-dimentional Cutting out Clothes

  22. 激光服装自动裁剪系统的设计

    Design of Au to matic Laser System for Cloth - Cut

  23. 服装立体裁剪的内涵与教学表现特征

    The Connotation and Teaching Features of Costume Three-dimensional Cut-out

  24. 为提高服装自动裁剪系统的裁剪效率、减少错误而进行了开发。

    Development is for improving the efficiency and reducing errors of garment automatic cutting system .

  25. 讨论了在圆弧切割中,圆弧所在象限和方向对切割的影响。给出了服装自动化裁剪的电控系统的主要结构框架。

    Automated cutting of clothing is given the electronic control system the main structural framework .

  26. 本文主要介绍了激光剪裁的基本原理,给出了激光服装自动裁剪机系统的总体设计方案,并简要叙述了各个分系统的设计思想和工作原理。

    This paper describes the basic principle of laser cutting ; laser shows Clothing automatic cutting machine system design program , and a brief description of the various subsystems of the design ideas and work .

  27. 服装产业布料裁剪CAD/CAM系统

    The Cloth Cutting CAD / CAM System for Clothing Industry

  28. 介绍了我们正在研制开发的服装产业布料裁剪CAD/CAM系统。

    This paper introduces a cloth cutting CAD / CAM system which is being developed by us .

  29. 单层服装激光自动裁剪机控制系统的开发

    Development of control system of single layer apparel laser automatic cutter

  30. 研究了服装数字化立体裁剪中的人体非接触式测量技术。

    This article describes a non-contact body measurement system for garment design .