
fú wù lèi xínɡ
  • Service Type;class of service
  1. 在本质上,它是一种web服务类型。

    In its essence , it is a type of web service .

  2. 随着Web服务类型和数量的日益增多,服务组合技术愈趋成熟。

    With the growing of web service type and number , service composition technology is becoming more mature .

  3. 在您创建了一个Java类后,选择BottomupJavabeanWebservice作为Web服务类型。

    Since you have created a Java class , select Bottom up Java bean Web service for the Web service type .

  4. Navigator类中的计数和服务类型获取Services对象。

    Get the Services object based on count and service type from the Navigator class .

  5. 但直到由亚马逊为头的Web公司才更进一步,把这些服务类型以功用为基础进行销售。

    But it was the Web companies , led by Amazon , that went a step further and sold these types of services on a utility basis .

  6. 应用程序可以使用ApacheAxis服务器来实现这种异步服务类型的活动。

    The application can use an Apache Axis server for implementing this synchronous serve type of activity .

  7. 然后按照TCP连接的目标服务类型,进一步对TCP报文数据分解;

    Then the TCP segments were divided further into several parts according to the types of destination service .

  8. 服务类型:笔记本电脑维修、IT外包、数据恢复、数码相机维修、投影机维修、GPS维修。

    Service Type : Notebook computer repair , IT outsourcing , data recovery , digital camera repair , projector repair , GPS service .

  9. 获取已知服务类型的uri。

    Gets the URI of the well-known service type .

  10. 可以查看与所有应用程序、所有应用程序套件或某一业务服务类型相关联的业务服务的ServiceInvocationSummary报告。

    You can view the Service Invocation Summary report for business services associated with all applications , all application suites , or a type of business service .

  11. 元数据管理需要提供关于安全性、协作、QoS和可管理性的相同的服务类型。

    Metadata management needs to offer the same types of services on security , collaboration , QoS , and manageability as on data and content management .

  12. 同时随着交换节点和服务类型的增多,路由算法具有容错性能以及支持QOS功能也不断得到重视。

    With the increasing of traffic patterns and switching nodes , the routing function which include fault-tolerant and Qos supporting also desire more and more attention .

  13. formBeanfactory从httprequest参数获取服务类型并调用相应的formBean。

    The formBean factory takes the service type from the http request parameter and calls the corresponding formBean .

  14. 对于相应的服务类型来说,可能有很多服务实现―因此应该有相同数量的操作处理程序(actionhandler),因为每个操作程序都可以执行不同的逻辑。

    For a corresponding service type , there can be many service implementations & hence there should be the same number of action handlers , since each may perform different logic .

  15. 按网络可用带宽情况和MPEG-4帧类型建立QoS索引,设置服务类型。

    In this mechanism , QoS indexes were defined based on available network bandwidth and the frame type of MPEG-4 to set the type of service .

  16. 高校图书馆设计Intranet时,必须进行应用需求分析,确定Intranet服务类型和网络系统体系结构,与此同时还需要考虑与Internet的连接及网络安全问题。

    It should analyses the demand and define the kind of intranet service and systematic structure of internet system . It should also consider the connection with internet and internet security .

  17. 要部署具有相同服务类型的多个提供者,必须将每个提供者的端点部署到不同的URI。

    To deploy several providers of the same type of service , each provider 's endpoint must be deployed to a different URI .

  18. 您可以使用WSIF来更改基于SOAP的请求的规范版本中的服务类型和位置。

    You can use WSIF to change the type of service and location in the normalized version of the WSDL for SOAP-based requests .

  19. InfoQ:在书中你们谈到了不同的服务类型,如业务服务、IT服务、信息服务、工具服务等。

    InfoQ : In your book you are discussing different types of services , including business services , IT services , information services , or utility services .

  20. 不过,如果您要求hp为您更换这些部件,则根据为您的产品制定的保修服务类型,hp可能受屈或不再收取任何附加费用。

    If , however , you require that HP replace them for you , there may or may not be additional charges , depending on the type of warranty service designated for your product .

  21. servlet装入静态的ServiceMappingNavigator文件,该文件包含服务类型的定义(例如最便宜的飞机票价服务)以及服务提供者和它的urn。

    The servlet loads the static Service Mapping Navigator file , which contains definitions of service types ( for example , cheapest airfare service ), as well as the service provider and its urn .

  22. 另外,根据您所拥有的SOAP服务类型,您可以通过将服务转换为REST服务来采用Web2.0;这一点尤其适合面向数据的服务。

    And , depending on the type of SOAP services you have , you might be able to embrace Web2.0 by transforming your services into REST services ; this is particularly true for data-oriented services .

  23. 根据服务类型、通信流量特性和QoS参数,优化ATM网络的资源和带宽分配,对于提高网络吞吐能力、保证网络QoS性能有重要意义。

    Based on the service categories , traffic characteristics and QoS requirements , dynamically allocating the virtual path bandwidth in ATM networks plays a significant role in enhancing the ATM network throughput and improving the QoS performance .

  24. 其次通过分析IPMAN环境下主体流量P2P应用分布式转发模型特征,确认不同的服务类型,以标识流量类型。

    The different service type can be determined and marked through analysis of the characteristics of P2P Application model based on IPMAN .

  25. 本系统在扩展性设计方面,采用EJB组件(会话Bean、实体Bean)主要是为了解决系统的伸缩性,以方便系统服务类型和业务量的扩展。

    This system uses the EJB module ( Converse Bean , Entity Bean ) mainly to solve the system elasticity , by facilitates the system service type and the business volume expansion in the extended design aspect .

  26. PaaS是一种云服务类型,其中供应商不但提供按需硬件和操作系统服务,而且还提供应用程序平台和解决方案堆栈。

    PaaS is a type of cloud service in which the provider delivers not only on-demand hardware and operating-system services , but also application platforms and solution stacks .

  27. 最终在深入研究的基础上实现了认知网络传输共享系统,包括基于Linux内核的服务类型感知子系统和感知信息传递子系统,为认知网络感知网络全局环境提供了良好的平台。

    Ultimately on the basis of in-depth study , implement using the cognitive network to transfer sharing systems , including the service type perception subsystem of the Linux kernel and perceptual information transmission subsystem , these provide a good platform for cognitive network aware network global environment .

  28. 在MAC层,根据业务的不同属性,定义了四种服务类型:UGS、rtPS、nrtPS和BE业务。

    According to different attributes of the business , the MAC layer defines four kinds of service types : UGS , rtPS , nrtPS and BE services .

  29. 一个系统的Dispatchers将确保请求被路由到适当服务类型的一个服务实例,该实例将处理请求并将结果传送回客户端。

    The Dispatchers of a system will ensure the request is routed to a service instance of the right service type which will handle the request and relay back the result to the client .

  30. 对于QoS网络的资源分配问题的研究,大多集中于单一的特定服务类型(如VBR),而对于多种服务类型、多种策略控制的资源分配和接纳控制关注较少。

    The study of the resources distribution of QoS network is mostly concentrated on the single particular type of service , i. e. VBR , while little attention is paid to the resources distibution based on multi tactic control and admitting control .