
hū lā quān
  • hula hoop
  1. 好在的是,呼啦圈是负担得起的,你可以随时随地做。

    The good thing is that hula hoop is affordable and you can do it anywhere anytime .

  2. 我的收藏品包括:家庭用品店里的衣架、呼啦圈;古董店里的小木头制品;拾到的东西和朋友送的礼物。

    My collection including : hanger , hula hoop from the household shop , wood object from antique shop , the stuff I picked and the gift I got from friends .

  3. 呼啦圈(Hulahoops)之类的东西过去很受欢迎。

    Things like Hula hoops used to be very popular .

  4. 产业可能没落;在如今这个PlayStation风行的世界中,呼啦圈怎么样了呢?

    Industries can fall out of fashion ; what now for hula hoops in a PlayStation world ?

  5. 新的健身趋势包括尊巴,肚皮舞和呼啦圈运动。

    New Fitness Trends Include Zumba , Belly Dancing and Hula Hooping .

  6. 呼啦圈,电话亭,拜访死囚犯。

    Hula-hoops , cramming into phone booths , visiting death row inmates .

  7. 米歇尔的呼啦圈才艺以前就被她的丈夫奥巴马特别提到过。

    Mrs Obama 's hula talent has been noted before by her husband .

  8. 比如在看电视时转呼啦圈。

    For example , hula hoop while watching TV .

  9. 我喜欢运动。我会玩,我会玩呼啦圈。

    I like sports . I can play , I can play hula hoop .

  10. 每天转动呼啦圈10分钟,收紧腰部和臀部。

    Tone your waist and hips using a Hula-hoop for 10 minutes a day .

  11. 她在玩呼啦圈。

    She is doing the hula !

  12. 他还建议可以转呼啦圈。

    He also recommends hula hooping .

  13. 在空中,她仍然优美地扭动着,摆着各种造型,同时继续转着呼啦圈。

    She gracefully twists and poses above the stage while continuing to spin the hoops in mid-air .

  14. 但是制造呼啦圈的公司并不能为这一古老创想申请专利。

    But the company that made them was not able to get a patent for such an ancient idea .

  15. 这条路沿湖绕一大圈。呼啦圈可绕着身子转。

    The road makes a wide loop around the lake . A hula hoop can be spun around the body .

  16. 一九五八年十月二十八日,高球选手山姆.史尼德在美国佛州迈阿密泉市一个高尔夫球场上摇呼啦圈。

    Golfer Sam Snead gyrates with a Hula Hoop on a golf course in Miami Springs , Florida , US , on Oct.28,1958 .

  17. 一位年轻女子在喷泉旁跳呼啦圈,一只松鼠从我们身边蹿出,爬上一棵刚刚开始长叶的树。

    a young woman danced with a hula hoop near a fountain and a squirrel darted away from us toward a tree just beginning to leaf .

  18. 表演的基调也由此转入了火辣的氛围,一位很火爆的女演员,穿着性感的学生服,在表演呼啦圈。

    The tone of the show then transforms into that of flirtatious fun as a striking woman dressed in a sexy schoolgirl outfit performs an act with hula hoops .

  19. 似乎这些小灾难还不足够糟糕,我的两个孩子从旅馆经营的呼啦圈培训班上跑了出来,突然出现在我的大型客户讲座中。

    As if those mini disasters weren 't bad enough , both kids escaped from a hotel-run hula class and burst into the middle of my big client presentation .

  20. 我们聊天时,一堆老夫妇从旁边的小径走过,一位年轻女子在喷泉旁跳呼啦圈,一只松鼠从我们身边蹿出,爬上一棵刚刚开始长叶的树。

    As she spoke , an elderly couple walked along a nearby path , a young woman danced with a hula hoop near a fountain and a squirrel darted away from us toward a tree just beginning to leaf .

  21. 米德尔顿每天吃的很好,而且都会锻炼一小时,练呼啦圈,跑步,也从事划船运动。

    Now Kate Middleton , she eats well , she trains every day for an hour apparently and she loves sport , she cycles , she does yoga , she runs and she also does a lot of rowing .