
  • 网络Call-in Service Center
  1. 另一个人拿出电话,呼叫紧急服务中心。

    The other man pulls out his phone and calls emergency services .

  2. 本文以重庆移动呼叫客户服务中心系统建设的实际课题为背景,介绍了呼叫中心的发展历程以及当前国内外的应用现状。

    In this paper , based on the construction of Customer Care Center of Chongqing Mobile Corporation ( CQMC ), the course of development of Call Center and currently application actuality in the world was introduced .

  3. 为新失业人群提供呼叫服务的就业中心,已被赋予更多资源。

    Jobcentre Plus , the first port of call for the newly unemployed , has been given more resources ( see article ) .