
  • 网络department store
  1. 而2011年我国人均GDP已经超过5000美元,传统百货业可以趁机向购物中心等方向转变。

    Since the GDP per capita of China exceeded $ 5,000 in 2011 , it is time for traditional department stores to be transformed into shopping centers or other forms .

  2. 整合营销在武汉百货业应用研究

    Application and Studies of Integrated Marketing in Wuhan Department Stores

  3. 零售业由原来的百货业一统天下,到如今超市、购物中心、便利店,再到集多种业态、行业于一体的ShoppingMall,以及网络购物。

    The retail industry has transform from store to supermarket 、 shopping center 、 shopping mall and E-commence .

  4. 本文首先介绍了研究对象YZ店的基本情况,分析了选题的目的和意义,对百货业的相关基础理论进行了介绍,阐述了本文的研究方法SWOT分析法。

    This thesis firstly introduces the research object and the basic situation of YZ store , expounds this research method of SWOT analysis .

  5. 随着中国由计划经济向市场经济的深度转型,特别是我国加入WTO以后,各种新兴零售业态在短时期内蜂拥而至进入我国市场,我国百货业面临着严峻的挑战。

    With the in-depth transformation of China 's planned economy into market economy , particularly after China 's entry into the WTO , various newly emerged retail modes have swarmed into China 's market in a short span . The general merchandise industry in China is therefore facing rigorous challenges .

  6. 我要把那人安排到百货业。

    I 'm gonna put you gentlemen in the grocery business .

  7. 传统百货业改革势在必行房地产业计算机综合管理系统


  8. 天津百货业也正毫不例外地经历着这场历史性的转变。

    The department stores in Tianjin have gone through this historical conversion without exception .

  9. 传统零售百货业遭受到了前所未有的冲击。

    That is to say , traditional retail industry has suffered an unprecedented shock .

  10. 在全球零售市场急剧萎缩的情况下,中国的百货业依然保持着稳定的增长。

    General merchandise business maintains steady growth in China while the retail market declined sharply .

  11. 百货业协同商务管理与服务系统研究

    A Collaborative Commerce Management and Service System

  12. 综合百货业月销售趋势预测研究

    A Research on the Monthly Sales Trend & Forecasting of the General Shopping Mall Industry

  13. 消费行为与零售业态互动关系及百货业营销策略研究

    The Research on Interaction between Consumer Behavior and Retailing Type of Operation and Marketing Strategy of Department Stores

  14. 外资零售企业的进入使得黑龙江省内资主导业态百货业的主导地位受到冲击,外资和内资零售企业竞争惨烈。

    The entering of foreign capital retail enterprise make the Heilongjiang domestic retail enterprise faced a big competition .

  15. 这些地点包括传统百货业,电子商店,以及家商店增益。

    These locations may include traditional department stores , electronic stores , as well as home gain stores .

  16. 随着城市空间结构重组,特别是轨道交通建设,大型购物中心与现代百货业日趋出现离心化,侧重于市公共交通枢纽地段。

    Shopping mall and modern department become more and more centrifugal , which emphasize on particularly traffic transfer segments .

  17. 西方的发展经验告诉我们,百货业的衰落是一个城市发展的必然轨迹。

    Proved by the western experience , the decline of the retailing industry isan inevitable path of urban development .

  18. 在定位方面,通过进行百货业定位的功能分析、成本分析、价值评价,建立了定位的价值评价方法。

    By the department store industry positioning function analysis , cost analysis , value assessment , positioning valuation method .

  19. 摘要:泡沫经济后,消费低迷,日本百货业一度陷于困境。

    Abstract : since the economic bubbles , the industry of Japanese department store suffered in the depressed consumption .

  20. 可以说,我国零售百货业存在着巨大的发展空间,投资机会较多。

    In fact , there is so much potential space for Chinese retail trade , and there are so many investment opportunities .

  21. 高级百货业是公司现有的支柱产业和主要利润源泉,为公司带来了稳定的现金流。

    Hyper-class retail market business is the main business and cash cow for the company , it contributes a stable cash flow .

  22. 2001年,全国百强连锁超市共实现销售收入1620亿元,预计2005年超市将超过百货业成为中国零售业第一主力。

    It is expected to be the main force of retail circle in China by 2005 , topping the business of department stores .

  23. 中国的百货业历经几十年的发展已逐步成熟,成为中国市场的主导业态。

    After decades of development , department stores in China has gradually matured to become one of the dominant format in Chinese market .

  24. 中国传统药业史论传统百货业改革势在必行

    On Industry History of Chinese Herbal Medicine and Discuss the Relation between Chinese Traditional Culture and Traditional Medicine Industry Traditional stores must be reformed

  25. 其次介绍了百货业、电子商务发展趋势及金鹰商贸情况。

    Subsequently , the trend of the development of the retail industry and electronic commerce and the operation performance of Golden Eagle are introduced .

  26. 面对消费环境的日新月异和日益激烈的市场竞争,武汉的百货业正经历着前所未有的严峻考验。

    Being confronted with the daily changing consumption circumstances and increasingly harsh competition on the market , merchandise enterprises in Wuhan are undergoing an unprecedented ordeal .

  27. 传统百货业不仅面临着同行业企业的竞争,更加面临着新兴的零售业态&网上商城的竞争。

    Traditional department store business is facing the competition not only within the industry , but also from the new retail format & online shopping mall .

  28. 作为百货业从业者,作者从自身经营管理实践出发,认为时尚性是现代百货商场经营的本质特征。

    As the Emporium industry practitioner , the author embarks from own management and operation practice , thought the fashion is the modern Emporium management substantive characteristics .

  29. 应用时间序列分析、预测方法,对综合百货业月销售情况的发展趋势进行研究。

    With the application of the time series analysis and forecasting method , the future trend of the monthly sales figures of the general shopping mall is analyzed .

  30. 在三十年的历程中,郑州综合零售业形成了百货业一商业街一大型超市一大卖场一大型购物中心一城市综合体的有机商业业态整体。

    Within thirty years , it has formed an organic format full of Department Stores , Supermarkets , General Merchandise Stores , Shopping Malls , and Urban Complexes .