
bǎi fēn biǎo
  • dial indicator;dialgage;dialgauge
百分表[bǎi fēn biǎo]
  1. 首先利用尼龙丝基准和百分表测量杆,测量变形体相对周围参照点的相对变形测量;

    First , the relative amount of deformation of the reference point surrounding the plasmodium is measured with nylon yarn base line and dialgauge measuring rod .

  2. 利用Excel实现百分表检定数据快速处理的方法

    A Fast Method How to Process the Verification Data of Dial Indicator Making Use of Excel

  3. 传统的PID算法因控制器运算速度过慢存在超调量,不能适用于传动部件间隙大的在一些仪器(百分表)和特殊设备(数控机床)上。

    The traditional PID controller algorithm for computing speed is too slow and overshoot . It can not be applied to drive a large part in some of the instruments ( dial indicator ) and special equipment ( CNC ) .

  4. EHB型百分表式标准测力仪的检定

    Verification of EHB Standard Force-Measuring Device with Dial Gauge

  5. 本文主要研究测量不确定度在混凝土梁试验过程中产生的误差分析的应用,分别对百分表、钢卷尺、SY-1型数字压力测试仪、跨中挠度、跨中极限承载力不确定度进行分析评定。

    In this thesis , the application of measurement in experiment of concrete beams is studied , through evaluating the error of meter , SY-1 digital compression data log , deflection and the ultimate load-bearing capacity .

  6. 在百分表的检定中,位移基准非常关键,它是百分表示值误差检定的依据。

    In the verification of dial indicator , displacement is critical .

  7. 读取百分表上的间隙值。

    Read off the amount of play on the dial gauge .

  8. 百分表的常见故障分析以及修理方法

    The Analysis of Normal Faults and Repairing Methords in Dial Indicator

  9. 因此,对百分表进行检定和修正就显得非常重要。

    So the verification and correction of dial indicator appears very important .

  10. 用百分表法测金属线胀系数

    Measuring metal linear expansion coefficient by a percent meter

  11. 用百分表测量零件偏心距的误差分析

    Error Analysis of Measuring Eccentricity of Parts with Dialgage

  12. 在带有一定预载的情况下安装百分表。

    Fit the dial gauge with some preload .

  13. 最后得出结论,本次我们所检定的百分表属于1级精度。

    Finally , we concluded that the verification of us belongs to grade 1 .

  14. 以大约1毫米预紧量将百分表归零。

    Zero the dial gauge with approx.1mm preload .

  15. 使用影像仪和高度百分表来检测每一个模具的尺寸。

    Inspect the dimension of each mould using projector and height dial test indicator .

  16. 多路电子数显百分表测量系统的研制

    Multi - channel Ele . Centimeter Measuring System

  17. 读百分表并记录读数。

    Read dial gauge and record result .

  18. 分析了百分表的固有频率特性和输出信号稳定时间。

    The natural frequency and time of output stable signal of dial indicator are analyzed .

  19. 由于使用频率高,百分表很容易产生误差。

    Due to the use of high frequency , the dial indicator produce error easily .

  20. 传统的检测方法是由百分表或触角衡量,需要更多的时间和精力。

    Traditional method detecting by dial indicator or feeler gauge needs more time and effort .

  21. 再次用百分表检查发动机是否位于上止点。

    Heck once more with the dial gauge whether the engine is at top dead centre .

  22. 有理单变元表示在优化问题上的应用百分表的示值变动性与相关问题探讨


  23. 每次结束后均用标准砝码和百分表对力和位移量进行标定。

    Force and displacement were scaled with standard weight and percentage scale at the end of each time .

  24. 其中对百分表的使用做了大胆的创新,保证了工件的成功加工。

    Among them , we have innovation on the applying of rectifying-gauge , and ensure the success of machining .

  25. 如果正时设置正确,则拆卸调节装置和百分表,否则,请重复设置。

    Remove the adjustment devices and the dial gauge if timing is set correctly , otherwise repeat the setting .

  26. 尽可能远地向后压外轴承座圈,并读取百分表上的间隙数。

    Press the outer bearing race backwards as far as possible and read the play off the dial gauge .

  27. 转动制动盘的同时,读取百分表上的横向跳动。

    Turn the brake disc and , when doing so , read off the lateral runout on the dial gauge .

  28. 如果拆卸变速器,则必须借助百分表对齐油底壳。

    If the transmission is removed , the oil pan must be aligned with the aid of a dial gauge .

  29. 此方法比通常的连锁分析法省时省力。百分表的常见故障分析以及修理方法

    This method was labour saving and cost saving . The Analysis of Normal Faults and Repairing Methords in Dial Indicator

  30. 综述了百分表检定的研究现状。同时也介绍了本课题研究的意义。

    Summarized the research situation dial indicator verification . Also , the first chapter introduces the significance of this research .