
  1. 多名安全专家表示,此次攻击似乎源自中国,中国搜索引擎百度网站(Baidu.com)的外国访问者的浏览器被隐秘地重定向至Github网站,从而令该网站的流量超过其承受能力。

    Security experts said the attack appeared to have originated in China , with the web browsers of foreign visitors to Baidu.com , the Chinese search engine , stealthily redirected to Github , overwhelming the site with traffic .

  2. 而在之后的4月份,一名年轻男子的丧生又引发了另一宗丑闻——该男子曾出资接受百度网站建议的一种试验性癌症疗法。

    That was followed by another scandal sparked in April by the death of a young man who had purchased an experimental cancer treatment advertised on Baidu.com .

  3. 举例来说,当用户搜索一个特定的在线游戏时,新功能意味着用户无需离开百度网站,即可立即启动游戏。

    When a user searches for a specific online game , for example , the new function launches the game immediately without the user leaving the Baidu site .

  4. 交易量之所以如此之大,部分原因在于,淘宝网和百度等网站,是按照中国文化需求量身定制的。

    Part of the reason is that Taobao , and sites such as Baidu , have been tailored to Chinese cultural requirements .

  5. 报道中还提及许多网站的抱怨:拒绝向百度付费的网站,被从搜索结果中剔除。

    The reports also featured complaints that websites that refused to pay Baidu had been erased from its search results .

  6. 最后在一次所谓的百度调整中网站被拔毛或者直接清除出百度数据库。

    The website in adjusting is depilated or keep clear of directly in so called Baidu finally a Baidu database .

  7. 多年来,广告主们在网络论坛里抱怨百度秘密修改网站在搜索中的排名,让那些减少向百度支持广告费的网站处于不利地位。

    For years legions of advertisers have complained on Chinese Web forums that Baidu secretly penalizes the search rankings of websites that decrease their spending on Baidu .

  8. 优酷和土豆只有在线视频业务,因此还要面对国家媒体和搜狐、百度等门户网站的激烈竞争,而这些门户网站都在加强视频服务。

    As pure online video sites , they face competition from state media and web portals such as Sohu and Baidu , which are strengthening their video services .

  9. 据两位知情人士透露,百度旗下视频网站爱奇艺计划最早于2018年在美国首次公开募股(IPO),这可能会使这个目前中国最受欢迎的流媒体视频服务网站届时估值超过80亿美元。

    Baidu Inc 's iQiyi is targeting a US initial public offering as soon as in 2018 that could value China 's most popular streaming video service at more than $ 8 billion , two people familiar with the matter say .

  10. 百度表示,该网站每天的英文搜索量超过1000万。

    Baidu said there were more than 10m English searches on its search engine every day .

  11. 百度称,这些网站的做法是不道德的,它们这么做是出于竞争目的。

    Baidu said the concerns were meritless and that the companies made the move for competitive purposes .

  12. 根据新的合作关系,百度将在其网站设立百代音乐专区,提供百代音乐的所有中文歌曲,包括来自新加坡、台湾和香港歌手的作品。

    Under its new tie-up , Baidu will set up an EMI Music zone on its website to offer all of EMI Music 's Chinese repertoire , including artists from Singapore , Taiwan and Hong Kong .

  13. 而在中国,淘宝网的规模意味着它能屏蔽搜索引擎的天罗地网,像谷歌或者国产搜索引擎百度等用来发现网站内容的网站。

    In China Taobao 's scale means it can afford to block the " spiders " that search engines like Google , or its local equivalent , Baidu , use to find out what is on a site .

  14. CCTV作为中国主流国家广播台开始了一场攻击国内最大的搜索引擎百度的运动,其声称百度通过网站很容易犯下欺诈罪。

    CCTV , China 's main state broadcaster , started a campaign attacking Baidu , China 's biggest search engine , alleging that it is easy to commit fraud through its website .

  15. 百度仍在继续经营百度mp3,该网站帮助互联网用户免费查找、流媒体播放并下载未经授权的音乐。

    Baidu continues to operate Baidu MP3 , a site that helps Internet users find , stream and download unlicensed music for free .

  16. 不过中国法庭并未判决百度有罪,原因是这些下载并非源自百度网站。

    But Baidu had not been found guilty in Chinese courts because the downloads were not from its own site .