
  • Treasure Box;Treasure Chest
百宝箱 [bǎi bǎo xiāng]
  • [jewel case or box] 集存各种珍贵物品的箱子。也说八宝箱

  1. 这本书是个信息百宝箱。

    This book is a treasure chest of information .

  2. 我将是世界上最美丽的百宝箱。

    I 'll be the most beautiful treasure chest in the world !

  3. 在第二部分,我们介绍了这个百宝箱中最有用的工具,SOAParlayXWeb服务。

    In the second section , we introduced SOA Parlay X Web services , one of the most serviceable tools in this toolbox .

  4. 可以将其比作电信行业的一个包含各种工具的百宝箱,而SOAParlayXWeb服务则是百宝箱中最有用的资源。

    It is analogous to a rich toolbox with a variety of tools for the Telecom industry , and SOA Parlay X Web services is among one of the most serviceable of the resources in this toolbox .

  5. IMS是用于电信行业的先进技术工具集,类似于一个包含各种工具的百宝箱,通过它可以让您的应用程序轻松地进入电信世界。

    IMS is a state-of-the-art technology toolkit for the Telecom industry and is analogous to a rich toolbox with a variety of tools for your application to tap easily into the telematics world .

  6. 当百宝箱的字越来越多时,我把它们分成名词和动词。

    As it grew I divided it into nouns and verbs .

  7. 2004年,移动百宝箱开始正式启动运行。

    In 2004 , Mobile Treasure Box officially began operation .

  8. 我给你我百宝箱里的公主&那匹长着粉红色尾巴的白马。

    But you can have Princess & the white horse from my collection .

  9. 比喻性成语翻译方法优劣谈&以小说《杜十娘怒沉百宝箱》德译本为例

    Comparative treatise on translation of Metaphorical Idioms

  10. 它是具有无限潜力的医药百宝箱。医生取出急救药箱,给那个老农民一些止痛药片。

    The doctor got out his first-aid kit and gave the old peasant some pills to stop his pain .

  11. 我有一个百宝箱,装满了自己在课堂上手工制作的物件,比如收音机和电压表。

    I have a treasure box containing all the items I made by hand in class , including a radio and voltmeter .

  12. 他把妈妈和我叫进厅里,打开了那只盒子,好象那是一个百宝箱似的。

    He gathered my mother and me in the living room and opened the case as if it were a treasure chest .

  13. 儿童旅行百宝箱&箱内包含了多类玩具和游戏,让儿童在公路旅行或在家的无聊时间可以自己玩耍。

    Kid Travel Kit-Kit contains a multitude of toys and games to keep kids occupied during road trips or for quiet time at home .

  14. 失去了乔布斯,苹果转眼间从能令世界疯狂的百宝箱光芒散尽,成为了万千科技公司中的一员。

    Without Mr Jobs , Apple suddenly looked much more like just another technology firm , rather than a producer of magical products that excite the world .

  15. 他把妈姆和我召到客厅,打开箱子,好像那是个百宝箱似的.“给,”。

    He gathered my mother and me in the living room and opened the case as if it were a treasure chest . " Here it is , " he said .

  16. 从视角符号、人物符号、物品符号等方面分析《杜十娘怒沉百宝箱》文本叙述者意旨传达的方式和效果。

    From angle of view , character and product sign , this thesis analyses Du Shiniang Angrily Throwing Priceless Treasure to River 's text idea and its idea aims of this narrator informing with result .