
  1. 但作为我国体育消费人口,不容乐观。

    But it 's unoptimistic about our country athletics expense population .

  2. 这种竞争既体现在对体育消费人口的争夺,也体现在对赞助资源的争夺。

    The competition is showed in the contest both for the sports consumers and for the sponsor resources .

  3. 对于一个给定房地产消费人口、给定空间范围的城市区域,什么情况下需要分散化、究竟怎么分散化,这个问题非常重要。

    The paper sets up a model of optimization decision-making of urban real estate space to answer two following questions , when to decentralize and how to decentralize .

  4. 结合这一现状,对老年消费人口、购买力、购买欲望和消费行为特征进行分析,对我国城市老年消费市场状况作大致介绍。

    Based on the analyses of the quantity , the purchasing power and desire , this article intends to present the prospects of the old consumption market in out country .

  5. 运用文献资料、访谈、实地调查等方法,对广东竞技排球市场化运作的现状及宏观竞赛环境、经济环境、消费人口环境、地理环境进行了客观分析。

    By methods of literature reviews , interview and on-the-spot investigation , the authors analysed the present situation of Guangdong athletics volleyball marketability operation and macroscopic competition environment , the economic environment , the expense population environment and the geographical environment .

  6. 基于生态足迹理论和计算方法,采用联合国粮农组织(foodandagricultureorganization,fao)及《陕西省统计年鉴》等自然资源生产与消费、人口、土地等数据,分析了1993-2004年陕西省生态足迹变化情况。

    The ecological footprint of Shaanxi Province during the period from1993to2004is calculated based on the theory and calculation method of the ecological footprint , with the data of resources production and consumption , population , and land use from FAO Database and Shaanxi statistical yearbook .

  7. 它主要包括生产、消费、人口三个方面的可持续发展以及协调发展。

    It mainly includes the lasting development of production , consumption and population .

  8. 美国的消费市场与其人口组成一样具有多样性;

    American market is various as its population ;

  9. 体育旅游消费市场的人口构成与性别、民族、年龄、文化程度、职业、家庭类型和收入有着密切关系;

    The population structure of consumption has close relationships with gender , nationality , age , education degree , occupation , family style and one 's income ;

  10. 同时我们还发现,经济发展水平,人口流动性,酒类消费量,人口流动性,收入不平等性与犯罪率之间也存在着显著的正相关性。

    Meanwhile , the development of economics , the consumption of alcohol , the mobility of population and the discrepancy of income have significant positive relationships with crime rate .

  11. 通用电气重点关注的是他所谓的不可阻挡的行业潮流,以解决印度由消费增长和人口年轻化引发的长期能源短缺和医疗服务问题。

    GE 's focus is on what he calls " unstoppable industry trends " to address India 's chronic energy shortfall and healthcare , driven by rising consumption and a young demographic .

  12. 通过实证分析,揭示出消费率在人口转变过程中下降的必然性和中国保持适度人口增长的必要。

    The empirical study points out that the inevitability of China 's final consumption ratio diminishing in the process of demographic transition , and the essentiality of maintaining optimum population growth instead of zero or negative growth rate .

  13. 其次,本文深入剖析了收入水平、消费环境、人口年龄结构等制约因素。

    This is one of the important reasons for consumption insufficient . Secondly , the paper deeply analyzes the income level , the basic consumption , consumption environment , population structure and production costs and so on restriction factors .

  14. 由于不同区域之间经济发展条件、消费习惯、人口结构、收入水平、文化传统的差异,必然会引起同一社会保障政策对各区域居民消费产生差异性效应。

    Because of different conditions of economic development , consumption habits , population structure , income levels and culture tradition , the same society security policy inevitably give rise to the different effect to residents ' consumption in different regions .

  15. 本文利用鄂尔多斯市统计年鉴、水资源公报中自然资源生产与消费数据、人口数据,基于生态足迹模型测算了1960~2007年鄂尔多斯市生态足迹变化。

    In this study , we collected the data of resources production , consumption , population , and land use from Erdos City Statistical Yearbook and Water Resources Bulletin database . We calculated the ecological footprint of Erdos City during the period from 1960 to 2007 .

  16. 本文使用现今流行的协整&误差纠正模型的方法,对我国的电力消费与GDP,人口,价格和结构变量进行了分析建模,并且结合干预分析模型对预测偏差进行了矫正;

    This paper discuss the causation of electricity consumption , GDP , people , price and structure variables , using the pop method co-integration and error correction model , and integrate the intervention analysis method which can correct the forecast bias .

  17. 通过进入美国市场,特易购将得以进入全球最大的消费经济体和人口第三大的市场。

    By entering the US it is gaining access to the world 's biggest consumer economy and the third largest population .

  18. 农村消费不但受到农村人口、农民收入水平和消费观念变化的制约,还受农村收入分配因素的影响。

    The rural consumption is not only determined by population , farmer 's income and changing consumption patterns , but also affected by income distribution .

  19. 因此,我们对农村居民的消费环境及消费影响因素、人口结构的概念和分类进行了详细的阐述。

    Therefore , the environment and the influential factors of rural residents ' consumption and the concept and the classification of rural demographic structure were demonstrated in more detail .

  20. 居民消费间接碳排放选取的主要影响因素为生产、消费和人口因素,其中生产和消费因素对居民消费间接碳排放有显著影响,人口因素的影响不显著。

    The influence factors of residents ' consumption indirect carbon emissions select the production , consumption and demographic factors , the factors of production and consumption has a significant effect on residents ' consumption indirectly carbon emissions , the influence of demographic factors was not significant .