
  • 网络double structure
  1. 当碱金属光谱显示出不容怀疑的双线结构时,是令人惊奇的。

    It was surprising when the alkali spectra showed unmistakable doublets .

  2. 双线结构说中的双线指的是两条故事线索,《药》只有一条叙事线索的事实在双线结构这个概括语中没有得到体现。

    The fact that the novel Drugs only has a clue is not embodied in the word " two-clued structure " .

  3. 此外,采用准静态模型计算了微带到微带互连双线结构的高频特性,其结果对毫米波微带集成电路的设计具有重要价值。

    Furthermore the double bonding wire interconnection of microstrip-microstrip is analysis with a quasi-static model , and the result is useful in microstrip MIC design .

  4. 通过对传统的平行耦合双线结构进行修正,获得性能良好的叉形谐振器,并由此设计新型结构的滤波器。

    Through modifying on the traditional parallel-coupled two-line structure , the fork-form resonator with good electrical performances is obtained , and the novel filter from the fork-form structure can be designed .

  5. 采用有限元ANSYS软件,分析了相同活塞有效长度下的单线圈与双线圈结构磁流变阻尼器的磁场分布情况。

    The magnetic distribution of the single-coil and dual-coil magnetic rheological dampers with the same effective piston length was analyzed by using the finite element ANSYS software .

  6. 电气系统采用双线制结构,安全、稳定;

    The electrical system with double-wired structure is safe and stable .

  7. 在对目前已有的真空断路器永磁操动机构进行详细分析的基础上,本文提出了一种结构新颖的单稳态、双线圈结构的永磁操动机构。

    Based on the detail analysis of PMA of VCB in existence , a novel PMA of VCB , which is monostable , has two coils , is proposed .

  8. 而不与叙事线索相联系的故事线索属于题材范畴,不属于结构范畴,所以双线与结构这两个概念在这里联系在一起是犯了逻辑上的错误。

    Story clue which is not connected with narrative clue belongs to range of subjects , but not the range of structure , so " two-clued " and " structure " commit logical error when this two concepts are connected together .

  9. 本文介绍了一般双线摆的结构原理。

    This paper describes the structure and principle of a bifilar torsion pendulum in its general ( unsymmetrical ) form .

  10. 针对长大铁路双线隧道轨道结构施工中发生的弹性整体道床轨道偏移问题,阐述了纠偏的方法和施工工艺,为以后同类工程提供借鉴。

    A description is given to method and technology a-dopted against track deviation during construction of elastic monolithic track bed in long double line tunnel .

  11. 客运专线双线铁路隧道的结构设计简介

    The introduction of structural design of double-line tunnels of passenger transport railway

  12. 以双线和三线结构为例,提取了其等效电路参数。

    Two and three coplanar lines are studied as examples and their equivalent circuit parameters are obtained .

  13. 汽车电路双线制具有电路结构完整、回路清晰、工作可靠,用电设备安装更加方便以及便于诊断汽车电器故障等优点。

    Dual lead system has the advantage of a complete circuit structure , distinct return circuit , reliable service , easier to install electric equipment and convenient to diagnose the failures of automotive electric equipment , etc.

  14. 以既有客货双线列车运行图结构特征为依据,在原有的通过能力计算方法和理论的基础上,提出适合当前客货双线列车运行图结构特征的通过能力算法思路。

    Starting with the regulation and characteristics of Train Diagram Structure , based on the original calculation method and theory , it puts forward the calculation method be suitable for the current regulation and characteristics of Train Diagram Structure .

  15. 建立了双线圈电液转换器的动态数学模型,对线圈断线故障进行了仿真分析,证明双线圈结构应用于动圈电流归零式电液转换器能显著地提高其可靠性。

    A dynamic mathematical model is set up for a double-coil electro-hydraulic converter and a simulation analysis conducted of the coil broken wire fault . It is shown that the double-coil structure used for the electro-hydraulic converter of zero-steady current type can significantly enhance its reliability .