
shuāng qīn
  • parents;(both) parents;father and mother
双亲 [shuāng qīn]
  • [(both) parents; father and mother] 父亲和母亲

双亲[shuāng qīn]
  1. 双亲陷入了一场对孩子监护权的激烈争夺之中。

    The parents were locked in a bitter battle for custody .

  2. 我的双亲是具有知名度的艺术家。

    My parents were artists of repute .

  3. 不管孩子是生活在双亲还是单亲家庭,这种情况都会发生。

    This happens whether the children are in two-parent or one-parent families

  4. 尽管双亲早已离世,她谈论起他们时好像他们至今健在。

    Even though her parents have long since died , she still talks about them in the present tense .

  5. 到这个10年结束时,大约1,000万儿童将会因为这种疾病而失去双亲。

    By the end of the decade , some ten million children are expected to have been orphaned by the disease .

  6. 这些孩子孝敬他们的双亲。

    The children treated their parents with filial respect .

  7. 因双亲早亡,他十几岁的时候就不得不独自谋生。

    Since his parents died early , he had to earn his own living when he was a teenager .

  8. 在三十年代,我的双亲经济拮据,但现在他们很富有。

    My parents were hard up during the1930s but now they are well-off .

  9. 他恳求他的双亲宽恕他。

    Lie appealed for his parents'forgiveness .

  10. 他要满足自己双亲从未实现的梦想和愿望。

    He is to fulfill those dreams and wishes of his parents which they never carried out .

  11. 他拥抱了双亲。

    He embraced his parents .

  12. 尽管如此,单亲家庭平均收入约为16500美元&不足双亲家庭收入的四分之一。更何况在这样的家庭中,经济负担只能由一人承担。

    Nevertheless , at single-parent households where the financial burden tends to fall on one earner , median earnings are about $ 16 , 500 & which is less than one-fourth that of a two-parent family .

  13. 婚内双亲家庭和白人父母更乐于每天给孩子朗读。

    White parents are more likely than others to read to their children daily , as are married parents .

  14. 这些家庭通常是双亲家庭,家长会花大量时间为子女朗读,并且也特别关注孩子的焦虑程度和紧张的日程安排。

    There are usually two parents , who spend a lot of time reading to children and worrying about their anxiety levels and hectic schedules .

  15. 根据皮尤的研究,超过四分之一的孩子生活在单亲家庭,这是有记录以来的最高水平,而这些孩子生活在贫困当中的可能性是婚内双亲家庭的三倍。

    More than a quarter of children live in single-parent households — a historic high , according to Pew — and these children are three times as likely to live in poverty as those who live with married parents .

  16. 切蒂发现,在像盐湖城这样双亲家庭比例高、宗教信仰程度高的社区,贫困儿童获得成功的可能性比在亚特兰大这样种族和经济隔离程度很高的社区更大。

    Chetty finds that communities like Salt Lake City , with high levels of two-parent families and religiosity , are much more likely to see poor children get ahead than communities like Atlanta , with high levels of racial and economic segregation .

  17. 换言之,人均收入增长水平高、双亲家庭比例高、地方政府支出高(这可能代表学校很好)的社区,最有可能帮助贫困儿童像霍雷肖·阿尔杰尔那样走上脱贫致富的道路。

    In other words , communities with high levels of per-capita income growth , high percentages of two-parent families , and high local government spending — which may stand for good schools — are the most likely to help poor children relive Horatio Alger5s rags-to-riches story .

  18. 丰鲤及其双亲线粒体DNA限制性酶切图谱的研究

    Study on Mitochondrial DNA of Feng Carp and Its Parents

  19. 双亲水性超支化接枝共聚物的pH响应性药物释放

    Drug release property of a pH-responsive double-hydrophilic hyperbranched graft copolymer

  20. F2代出现超亲分离。分离幅度、特殊配合力效应与双亲生态差异有关。

    The F_2 generations produced the super & parent segregation .

  21. 合并双亲的DNA,对合并后的DNA应用随机变异以模拟繁衍。

    Merging the parents'DNA , and then applying a random mutation to the merged DNA simulates procreation .

  22. 双亲生育期的表现制约着F1代的表现。

    An F_1 growth period depends on both parents .

  23. 桑树有性杂交后代与双亲基因组DNA的RAPD分析初报

    Preliminary Report of Rapd Analysis of Genomic DNA of Parents and Hybrids in Mulberry

  24. D型,次甲基化,F1甲基化程度低于双亲。

    Pattern D , hypomethylation , methylation in F1 was lower than those in both parents .

  25. 天竺葵质体和线粒体双亲遗传的细胞学机理&雄性和雌性配子超微结构和DNA荧光的研究

    The cytological mechanism of biparental cytoplasmic inheritance in Pelargonium hortorum & ultrastructural and DNA fluorescence studies of male and female gametes

  26. 岳鲤及其双亲(荷包红鲤♀、湘江野鲤♂)LDH同工酶的研究

    Study on LDH Isoenzymes of Hybrid Yue-carp and Its Parents

  27. Klinefelter综合征及双亲X染色体着丝粒区α-卫星DNA变异研究

    X chromosome centromeric alpha satellite DNA variation in Klinefelter 's syndrome patients and their parents

  28. XPS对微粒表面组成的测定验证了壳聚糖-胆固醇双亲性聚合物在微粒表面的存在。

    XPS measurement demonstrated the existence of Cs-Chol on the surface of PLA particles .

  29. 玻璃上光致双亲性TiO2膜的制备及其润滑性能研究

    Preparation and Lubrication Properties of Photo-Induced Amphiphilic Film on Glass

  30. 对还原深蓝BO进行磺化改性处理引入磺酸基,使其成为双亲性化合物。

    Modified processes were performed on vat dark blue BO .