
shuānɡ chónɡ huì lǜ
  • Double exchange rate;two-tier exchange rate
  1. 1931年后演变为银与金、银与各国纸币兑换率双重汇率,二者走势并不完全趋同。

    After 1931 the exchange rate included two sets : silver and gold , silver and every country 's paper currency . The two changed in different pace .

  2. 实际上,这将导致双重汇率&一个针对贸易,另一个针对金融交易,这是上世纪30年代至60年代的常见安排。

    This would lead , in effect , to a dual exchange rate – one for trade and another for financial transactions – a common arrangement from the 1930s into the 1960s .

  3. 面对人民币汇率合理性的双重标准,人民币汇率合理的调整策略,涉及人民币汇率制度及人民币汇率政策目标。

    Faced with the double standards of RMB exchange rate , adjustment policies cover the RMB exchange rate system and policy objectives .