
  1. 中国外汇管理法律制度的缺失与调整

    On the Absence and Adjustment of the Legal Regulation Concerning the Management of Foreign Currency in China

  2. 随着新的人民币汇率法律制度的确立,现行外汇管理法律制度的弊端也日渐暴露。

    The current foreign exchange management legal regime has his drawback due to the establishment of new RMB exchange rate legal regime .

  3. 其次介绍了外汇管理法律制度研究现状,对相关的著作和论文进行简要点评。

    In the second part , the current research of the legislative system of foreign currency administration is introduced with comments on the related works and articles .

  4. 要在保证我国的金融体系安全的前提下有步骤有顺序的实现资本项目的可兑换,需要健全的外汇管理法律制度作为保障。

    If we want to realize capital account 's convertibility gradually and orderly while ensuring the safe of our financial system , we need a healthy legal system of foreign exchange management as a safeguard .

  5. 安全在宏观层面上指国家经济主权,在微观层面指金融安全,总的来说就是我国外汇管理法律制度要保障上述两点。

    Security at the macro level refers to the national economic sovereignty , at the micro level refers to the financial security , and general legal system of foreign exchange management is to protect these two points .

  6. 而我国也早已存在着经营管理外汇储备的做法,因此构建完备的外汇储备经营管理法律制度完全是大势所趋。

    In china , there have long been the practice of manage foreign exchange reserves , and to build the legal system of foreign exchange reserve management and administration is the trend of the times .

  7. 因此,研究外汇管理改革的进程及根据开放进程完善相应的外汇管理法律制度无疑是一个相当重要的现实课题。本文的选题正是产生于这种背景。

    Therefore , the study of foreign exchange control reform process and open process in accordance with the Foreign Exchange Management corresponding sound legal system is a very important practical issue . Therefore , this article mainly analyses the problems in our legal system , it has five chapters .

  8. 然而,在我国现行的法律制度中,涉及到外汇储备经营管理问题的很少,并且都是原则性地规定,不具有可操作性,因此,完善外汇储备经营管理法律制度迫在眉睫。

    Therefore , there is a need to manage the massive foreign exchange reserves effectively and to conduct this management by law . However , our current legal system involving foreign exchange reserves management and administration little , and both the principle of rule , does not have the maneuverability .