
  • 网络legal reform
  1. 清代对蒙古族法制改革的影响

    On the Effect to the Mongolia Legal Reform of Qing Dynasty

  2. 国际金融危机语境下的中国资本市场法制改革

    The Legal Reform of the Capital Market of China in the Context of International Financial Crises

  3. 清末法制改革的现代化特征

    Modernizing Traits of Legal System Reform in the Late Qing Dynasty

  4. 商鞅变法对我国法制改革的启示

    Inspirations to Our Legal System Reform from SHANG Yang Reform

  5. 法治的理想与法学的理性&兼议有关法制改革的两种观点

    The Idea of Rule of Law and Logos of Science of Law

  6. 第二部分记述留日人员在清末法制改革中的具体实践;

    Thesecond part documents the specific practice of those students in Japan .

  7. 中国法制改革认知取向的考述与评析

    A Critical Review of the Trends of Cognition in Chinese Legal System Reform

  8. 清末法制改革对西方法文化的引进与移植

    Introduction and Transplantation of Western Legal Cultures in the Late Qing Dynasty Legal Reform

  9. 他们将更有可能鼓励法制改革,以保护产权。

    They will be more likely to encourage legal reforms to protect property rights .

  10. 日本证券投资基金法制改革及其借鉴意义

    On the Reform of the Law of the Japanese Stock Investment Funds and its Significance

  11. 张之洞与清末法制改革

    ZHANG Zhi-dong and the Reform of Legal System in the Last Period of Qing Dynasty

  12. 全球化背景下国际金融法制改革研究

    A Study on the Reform of International Financial Legal System Under the Background of Globalization

  13. 本文认为对公约的保留是一种不得已的做法,是我国相应的法制改革完成前的一种缓冲。

    It is producing a cushioning effect before the accomplishment of our legal system reform .

  14. 第三章研究了行政权在法制改革中的地位以及对行政权的合理定位问题。

    Chapter three discusses the role of administrative power in connection with the legal system reform .

  15. 在法制改革中一定要重视法律传统的作用,并依此选择法制改革的模式。

    Much attention should be paid to the role of law in the reform of legal system .

  16. 清末法制改革中,没收财产刑终于遭到扬弃。

    In the course of legal reform in late of Qing dynasty , Forfeiture of Property was finally abandoned .

  17. 在清末法制改革中,袁世凯是积极的推动者和参与者。

    Yuan Shikai was an active mover and joiner in the law reform at the end of the Qing Dynasty .

  18. 论文第二大部分是清末法制改革的现代启示与法律文化现代化。

    The second part of the paper deals with modern enlightenment of late Qing dynasty legal and modernization of legal culture .

  19. 可以说,清末法制改革的过程实际上就是一个引进与移植外国法律的过程。

    We can say that the whole course of the late Qing dynasty legal reform is a course of learning from foreign laws .

  20. 论文第一大部分就清末法制改革对西方法律文化的引进与移植进行了探讨。

    The first part discusses deeply and thoroughly the introduction and transplantation of western legal cultures in the late Qing dynasty legal reform .

  21. 在各种宣传中,广东省被描述成一个在法制改革,提高政府透明度和增加公众参与渠道方面领先的省份。

    Publications depict Guangdong as a province that is spearheading the country in legal reform , increased government transparency , and creating more avenues for public participation .

  22. 尽管许多国家一直在考虑实行法制改革,以促进性别平等,但总体上讲,改革的进展往往很慢,奥伏苏-阿玛解释说。

    Overall , while many countries have been considering law reform to promote gender equality , progress in achieving the reforms is often too slow , Ofosu-Amaah explains .

  23. 文章从电子期刊数据库著作权保护的法律认定入手,论述了电子期刊数据库著作权取得的方法及其著作权保护的法制改革途径。

    The paper discusses the method of copyright acquisition and legal way of reforming the protection of copyright from law-confirmation of copyright protection of database of electronic journal .

  24. 对动摇晚清中国传统法律观念以及对清末中国法制改革和法律现代化进程产生了深远的影响。

    It produce a great impact on Chinese tradition idea of law , It influence reformation of legal system and modernization of law in the late of Dynasty .

  25. 清末法制改革,建立了以自由刑为主的刑罚体系,死刑执行开始人道化。

    In the legal system reform of the late Qing Dynasty , people set up a punishment system which the main form was free punishment and death sentence humanity .

  26. 美国动产担保交易法引领着动产担保立法的世界潮流,其中所蕴含的概念和方法已被越来越多的国家作为动产担保法制改革的基础。

    It leads world trend of legislation , which implied in the concepts and methods have been an increasing number of countries as the basis for legal reform movable security .

  27. 清末商事立法,是中国近代商事立法的第一次实践,是清末法制改革的重要组成部分。

    The commercial legislation of late Qing Dynasty was the first practice in commercial legislation in modern China , and was an important part of legal reform of late Qing Dynasty .

  28. 清末法制改革奠定了中国法制近代化的基础,因而成为学术界关注的热点问题。

    The legal system reformation in the end of the Qing Dynasty laid a foundation for the modernization of the legal system of China , becoming the focus in the academic circles .

  29. 1994年,我国进行了一次深刻的税收法制改革,从此以后一个新的税法体系开始运转,并在一段时期内对我国经济和社会的发展进程起到了积极的作用。

    The Chinese government introduced comprehensive tax reforms in 1994 . A new tax system has been in operation since then and played a positive part in the course of economic and social developments .

  30. 清末的法制改革,不管是清末修律的变化还是各种司法实践的改革,都对女性杀伤类犯罪产生了重要而深远的影响。

    The legal reform in late Qing Dynasty , not only the changes of legal system but also a variety of reforms in the judicial practice have important impact and has influence for the future .