
  • 网络rule of law in China
  1. 乡土中国的终结与法治中国的建立

    Ending of The Rural Country and Founding of China Ruled by Law

  2. 文章认为推行良法之治是法治中国的必然选择。

    The article considers the implementation of complete law as the inevitable choice of China ruled by law .

  3. 律师队伍是法治中国建设的中坚力量,律师业的健康发展水平在一定程度上反映法治中国的水平。

    The lawyer whole are the key force of law-ruled China construction , and its development degree reflects the legal construction level of China .

  4. “合法性”危机已经成为当代中国民间社会团体发展的“瓶颈”问题,也影响着法治中国的实现。

    Legitimization crisis has become a bottleneck in the further development of civil associations and greatly impacts the realization of China ruling of law .

  5. 创新我国法官管理制度,充分发挥法官应有的作用是走向法治中国的应有之义。

    Innovation of our country judge management system , gives full play to judge due function to move towards governed by law there should be justice .

  6. 而在依法治国与以德治国紧密结合思想指导下,在未来的法治中国,虽然法理型权威将处于主导地位,但在现实社会生活中传统型权威和超凡魅力型权威仍将扮演重要角色。

    Under the thought to combine into of law with rule of morals , although the law theory authority will dominate in China which is run by the law , the traditional authority and chrismal authority will still play a very important role in China .

  7. 法治中国的法官应该剔除人治型思维模式而转到法治型思维模式,摒弃大众型思维模式而坚守职业型思维模式;

    In china the judge of rule of law should pick and get rid of the person cures the type of thought mode but turn the rule of law type thought mode , abandon the public the type of thought mode but guard securely the type occupation thought mode ;

  8. 论多党合作与政治协商制度的法治化中国人民政治协商委员会地方委员会

    On the Constitutionality of Multi-party Cooperation and Political Consultation System ; CPPCC Local Committees

  9. 同样,法治于中国之推行阻力巨大。

    However , the implementing of Rule of Law in China encounters mischievous strong resistance .

  10. 共存与互生&现代法治与中国传统法律文化的融合

    Coexistence and Interaction ── Integration of Modern Rule of Law with Chinese Traditional Culture of Law

  11. 法治正在中国取得突破&尽管不是在政治领域,而是在商业领域。

    The rule of law is breaking out in China – if not in politics , then in business .

  12. 实现现代法治是中国近百年的追求和梦想,依法治国,建设社会主义法治国家,需要公民把法律信仰作为其内心理念的基础。

    Now , legal faith is necessary for the legal system construction in China , as well as for the harmonious modern society in China .

  13. 中国传统社会并没有现代意义上的法治,中国法治基本方略的确立,经历了一番历史曲折。

    The traditional Chinese society did not carry out the ruling by law in the modern sense and this ruling strategy was not established before many historical complications .

  14. 中国选择了法治,中国正在走向法治,在这伟大的实践中,我们要做好充分的理论准备。

    China has chosen to rule by law , China is moving towards ruling by law , in this great practice , we want to make good preparations for abundant theory .

  15. 法治化是中国社会发展的必由之路

    Governed By Law is the Only Road for the Social Development of China

  16. 法治道路是中国化马克思主义法律思想的实现路径。

    Road under the rule of law is the realization of the sinicization of marxist legal thought path .

  17. 建设法治国家是中国发展的历史必然。

    To build the country that is ruled by law is the historical inevitability of the development of China .

  18. 因此,法治启蒙在中国法治进程中严重缺位。

    So , the enlightenment of rule of law lacks badly in the process of rule of law in China .

  19. 政治国家与市民社会的法理透视&兼谈西方法治精神对中国法治建设的启示

    A Legal Perspective of the Political Country and the Citizen Society & Also Discuss the Chinese Legal Construction Enlightened by the Western Legal Spirit

  20. 在以和谐为法治理念的中国,行政诉讼和解制度是具备生存空间的。

    In the harmonious idea of rule of law in China for the settlement of litigation system administration , which has the living space .

  21. 坚持法治规律与中国国情的创造性结合,是《纲要》的核心精神,也是《纲要》的最大特色。

    Sticking to the creative combination of the principle of rule of law and China 's actual conditions is the core spirit of The Outline as well as its greatest feature .

  22. 研究中国与法国比起来,缺乏哪些现代化法治精神,中国应该如何面对如何培育中国公民的现代化法治精神。

    Study compared with France in China , the lack of legal spirit , what modern China should be how to face how to cultivate the spirit of modern legal system of Chinese citizens .

  23. 中国人的契约精神,既是一种法律精神,也是一种文化精神。它完全可以与西方法律精神相衔接,成为构建新型法治的“中国元素”。

    Ancient Chinese people 's contract spirit was both cultural and legal , and it can be connected by the Western legal spirit and become the Chinese element to build up the new type of rule of law .

  24. 法治化是中国必由之路,法律思想基础由权力文化嬗变为权利文化是历史的必然,权利应当成为法的本位。

    Implementation of ruling by law is the inevitable way for China to take . It is the historical trend for the basis of legal ideology transformed from power culture into right culture . Right should become the standard of law .

  25. 立足于中国的优秀传统和伟大实践,解决这类矛盾,是推进法治的必由之路中国法律文化的整合,不仅需要本土环境的提升,更需要根据传统与现实的情况改造舶来的法律文化。

    To solve the three problems from Chinese tradition and practice is the inevitable road for Chinese government to promote the rule by law . The reorganization of China legal culture needs not only local environment but also the changed one in accordance with the tradition and practice .

  26. 以法治代替人治是中国司法改革的重要一步。

    It is an important step to replace the rule of men with the rule of law in China 's justice reforms .

  27. 充分认识入世对中国传统法律观念的冲击,主动运用WTO规则促进中国法律观念的变革,有助于实现法治现代化,促进中国经济的发展。

    It will have great influence on China 's WTO entry and Chinese traditional legal ideas . Using the principles of WTO will promote the conversion of legal ideas and help to realize the modernization of legal governance and advance Chinese economic development .

  28. 法治背景下的中国行政立法研究

    The Administration under the Background Governed by Law Legislates to Study

  29. 法治已成为当代中国的必然选择。

    Ruling by law has already become a necessary choice of contemporary China .

  30. 法治视野下完善中国民事执行救济制度的对策研究

    How to Perfect the Civil Implementation Relief System in China : From Legal Perspective