
zhòu zhé
  • fold;buckling;lap;ripple
皱折[zhòu zhé]
  1. 能量计算表明Pd原子的皱折小于0.01nm,该结果与低能电子衍射(LEED)和扫描隧道显微镜(STM)实验结果一致。

    Our energy calculations show that the slight buckling of the Pd atom is less than 0.01 nm , which is consistent with LEED and STM observations .

  2. 结果表明,该处管壁局部皱折的出现与工艺条件变化、温度变化、输量减少后内压变化以及固定墩可能产生的轴向位移等因素有关。

    The results show that the buckling of pipe wall are possibly caused by the changes of temperature and internal pressure after the alternative transportation processes are applied to the pipeline as well as by the axial displacements of anchor blocks due to temperature rising .

  3. 裙子每条皱折的宽度应该完全一样。

    Each fold in the skirt should be exactly the same width .

  4. 浮力对皱折锋面预混V形火焰的影响

    Buoyancy Influence on Wrinkled Premixed V - Flames

  5. 耳垂皱折、高胆固醇血症和HLA

    Ear lobe sign , hypercholesterolemia and HLA

  6. BOPP薄膜分切收卷内部皱折原因分析

    Analysis on the Reasons of the Wrinkles on Split and Wound BOPP Film

  7. BOPP薄膜收卷中产生皱折的原因分析

    Reasons of the Wrinkles Induced in BOPP film Winding

  8. 已成功地在GaAs(100)面衬底上制作了周期为0.33微米的光栅皱折.在GaAs(100)面上的光栅皱折具有良好的V-形沟槽轮廓。

    Gratings with a period of 0.33m have been successfully fabricated on GaAs ( 100 ) plane substrate and the grating corrugation has better V-shaped groove profile .

  9. 在成年水牛发情间期的闭锁大卵泡上,GCs层弯曲皱折,存在多量凋亡的GCs。

    There were many apoptotic GCs and the GCs layer was curving and crinkling in the big atretic follicle of adult buffalo at dioestrus .

  10. 方法对13例18眼腱膜性上睑下垂,经一个10mm长的眼睑皱折皮肤切口施行上睑提肌腱膜修复术。

    Methods The modified levator repair was performed through a 10 mm eyelid crease incision on 18 eyes ( 13 patients ) of aponeurotic ptosis .

  11. 本文用的是塑性分析法,它是Murray分析加筋板在轴压和弯曲下失稳后行为的一种推广。按失稳后试件变形描绘纵筋屈曲和壳板皱折的机构。

    The method used in this paper is based on plastic analysis extending Murray 's method which was used to analyse postbuckling behaviour of stiffened plates loaded axially and in bending .

  12. 第一和第二皱折是稳定的,但是能够可逆地互换。

    The first and second configurations are stable but reversibly interchangeable .

  13. 你这样粗心,会把文件皱折坏的!

    You are so careless that you may crumple the document .

  14. 因为造成拉深件破裂、皱折的原因是复杂多样的,而且解决问题的根本方法正是目前研究的焦点。

    The present research and study focus on approach to the problem .

  15. 拉深件产生破裂、皱折原因及消除方法

    Causes and Settlements of Break and Wrinkle during Stretching Products

  16. 当然,它干得很快,而且平滑得像一点皱折都没有。

    Of course , it dries quickly and smoothly without a wrinkle .

  17. 他的黑脸上满是皱折,深或浅。

    His dark face is full of wrinkles , deep or shallow .

  18. 打边装置,使面料不会皱折和卷边,另配吹边装置;

    Edging device , prevent crease and rolling with edge blowing device ;

  19. 激光熔覆层表面皱折成因的研究

    Investigation of reason of causing surface fold in laser melting - cladding layer

  20. 结构钢初轧坯水丝皱折金相形态变异的研究

    Study on the metallographic morphology change of watering wrinkles at rolled bloom surface

  21. 挂在他身上快要死去的皮肉打着皱折。

    His dying flesh hangs from him in wrinkled .

  22. 单瓣白色皱折花,中心及镶边是深紫到蓝的颜色。

    Single white frilled / purple-blue center , edge .

  23. 不少人还将这篇皱折不堪的文章放入皮夹里随身携带。

    Many carry creased copies in their wallets .

  24. 结果滑膜皱折、韧带部均具有游离神经末梢。

    Results Free nerve endings could be seen at both synovial folds and ligaments .

  25. 家兔某种神经细胞的核膜皱折及其有关现象

    Invagination of nuclear membrane and its related phenomena in certain nerve cells of rabbit

  26. 基于皱折火焰面分形理论的火花点火发动机准维燃烧模型

    A Quasi dimensional Combustion Model for Spark Ignition Engines Using Fractal Rough Surface Theory

  27. 她轻拍裙子的前摆,好似要熨平皱折似的。

    She patted the front of her dress as if to iron out any wrinkles .

  28. 腰椎后关节滑膜皱折韧带的神经末梢的病理观察

    Pathological examination of nerve endings at synovial fold and ligament of posterior joint of lumbar vertebrae

  29. 蚀刻出来的金属箔格栅是很脆弱的,容易变形、皱折或撕裂。

    The etched metal-film grids are very fragile and easy to distort , wrinkle or tear .

  30. 长期在阳光下的曝晒最终可能导致皮肤癌,也容易导致皮肤皱折和变厚。

    Long-term sun exposure can eventually cause skin cancer , as well as skin wrinkling and thickening .