
zhòu wén
  • wrinkle;lines;crease;furrow;pucker;ruffle
皱纹 [zhòu wén]
  • [wrinkle;lines;furrow] 物体表面或皮肤上一凹一凸的条纹

皱纹[zhòu wén]
  1. 她两颊和双眼周围开始起了皱纹。

    The skin on her cheeks and around her eyes was beginning to wrinkle .

  2. 皮肤晒得过分就能起皱纹。

    Too much sunbathing will wrinkle your skin .

  3. 在耀眼的光线下,她脸上的皱纹清晰可见。

    The harsh light showed up the lines on her face .

  4. 他的皮肤布满深深的皱纹。

    His skin was cleft with deep lines .

  5. 他的眼睛周围有细细的皱纹。

    He has fine lines around his eyes .

  6. 他咧嘴一笑满脸都是皱纹。

    His face wrinkled in a grin .

  7. 她一皱眉,额头显出了皱纹。

    A frown creased her forehead .

  8. 他宽大的脸盘上布满了深深的皱纹。

    He has a large , generous face with deep lines .

  9. 克雷弗克一笑,脸上的皱纹就加深了。

    When Crevecoeur smiled , the creases in his face deepened .

  10. 他的脸像老人一样布满皱纹。

    His lined face was that of an old man .

  11. 她保持着苗条的身材,脸上也没有皱纹。

    She retains her slim figure and is free of wrinkles

  12. 她脸上的每条皱纹都讲述了一次痛苦的经历。

    Every line etched on her face told a story of personal anguish .

  13. 他是一个满脸皱纹、头发灰白的小个子男人。

    He was a smallish , greying man , with a wrinkly face .

  14. 他额头下方出现了几道深深的皱纹。

    Some deep wrinkles furrow his lower forehead .

  15. 疲劳和压力会很快导致肤色暗淡无光、额头出现皱纹。

    Fatigue and stress quickly result in a dull complexion and a furrowed brow .

  16. 埃达有一张布满皱纹、长得像猿猴的脸。

    Ada had a wrinkled , simian face .

  17. 他是个大腹便便的胖子,长着皱纹的脸很和善。

    He was a heavy man , paunchy , with a lined , kind face .

  18. 临床试验的结果无疑是令人振奋的——10%的皱纹完全消失了。

    Clinical test results are certainly encouraging — 10 per cent of wrinkles disappear altogether .

  19. 他的脸上布满了皱纹。

    His face was covered with wrinkles

  20. 他深情地望着满脸皱纹的母亲。

    He gazed with deep feeling at his mother 's wrinkly face .

  21. 她的皱纹随着年龄增长而加深。

    Her wrinkles deepen with age .

  22. 老人的脸蹙缩得满是皱纹。

    The old man 's face was shrivelled with age .

  23. 他额头上都是皱纹。

    There are a lot of lines on his forehead .

  24. 那老人的脸上有皱纹。

    The old man 's face has wrinkles .

  25. 爸爸已经老了。他笑的时候眼睛旁边会有皱纹,但他的笑容仍然像以前一样,那是一个父亲的微笑,他只是想要一个幸福的家庭。

    Dad had aged . He had wrinkles next to his eyes when he smiled , yet his smile was still as yet as before , the smile of a father who just wanted a good yet for his family .

  26. 《时间的皱纹》AWrinkleinTime梅格的父亲是一位为政府研究四度空间(时间的皱纹)的科学家,已经失踪一年多了。

    Meg 's father , a scientist who was studying tesseracts ( wrinkles in time ) for the government , has been missing for over a year .

  27. 非手术面部除皱护理专家表示,低头看手机、平板和电脑会导致颈部出现皱纹,由这种原因产生的皱纹称为techneck,可译为“技术脖”。

    Experts in non-surgical facelifts say tilting your head down to use phones , iPads and computers can leave wrinkles on your throat and neck , a condition being called ‘ tech neck ' .

  28. 他的脸上都是皱纹

    His face was lined with wrinkles .

  29. 它们将会加速你脸部皱纹的产生,并使你的肌肤非常干燥。

    They will speed up the creating of wrinkles4 on your skin and making it dry .

  30. 梅埋下头,她咬了咬嘴唇皮,额上的皱纹显得更深了。

    Mei did not weep.She only bit her lips , and the furrow in her brow deepened .