
zhòu zhě
  • fold;crease;corrugation;pucker;ruga;plica
皱褶 [zhòu zhě]
  • [fold;rugosity;plica] 褶皱

皱褶[zhòu zhě]
  1. 用激光扫描系统获取服装接缝的皱褶信号

    Extraction of Corrugation Signal at Clothing Seam with Laser Scanning System

  2. 重睑者重睑线与睑缘间皮肤皱褶观察

    Observation of skin fold between double eyelids line and palpebral edge

  3. 她正设法弄平裙子上的皱褶。

    She was smoothing out the creases in her skirt .

  4. 她把裙子上的皱褶弄平。

    She smoothed the creases out of her skirt .

  5. 她的裙子在腰际成皱褶收拢。

    Her skirt had bunched up round her waist .

  6. 她熨平了衬衣上的所有皱褶。

    She ironed out all the creases in the shirt .

  7. 那孩子的衣服在领口处打着整齐的皱褶。

    The child 's dress is neatly gathered at the neck .

  8. 在LPS刺激后,加入PD进行处理,则PMN回复成球形,皱褶与正常相比变化不明显,伪足形成少,细胞聚集较少。

    After PD treatment , PMN 's recover to global shape with less pseudopodium formation and PMN aggregation .

  9. 裂隙灯显微镜常规检查,记录角膜水肿的范围、内皮面KP及皱褶等的变化。

    Corneal edema , endothelial surface and the changes of KP were recorded by Slit lamp microscope .

  10. 方法:采取沿腋窝皱褶线改良Z形小切口治疗180例腋臭患者(女性138例,男性42例)。

    Methods 180 patients ( 138 female , 42 male ) with axillary osmidrosis were given a modified radical treatment via " Z " incision basing the axillary wrinkles .

  11. 重力压制火焰皱褶的原因是Rayleigh-Taylor机理和斜压机理。

    Rayleigh-Taylor mechanise anu baroclinic mechanism account for the suppression of flame wrinkles by gravity .

  12. 术后早期16例(17眼)均有不同程度的角膜后弹力层皱褶,术后7~10d消失。

    17 eyes of 16 patients had different degree buckles of corneal Descemet membrane , disappeared after 7-10 days .

  13. 结果表明,SAC治疗后巨噬细胞明显活化,其体积可达对照组的2&3倍,表面皱褶增多、增厚,有许多粗大的伪足;

    Our results demonstrated that the macrophages were apparently activated after injecting SAC : they became 2 & 3 times in size as large as those of the control group ;

  14. 通过检查中心粒再定位和细胞膜皱褶动态性,我们发现HOP在应答迁移刺激的细胞极化的过程中起到重要的作用。

    By examination of centrosome reorientation and membrane ruffle dynamics , we find that HOP plays a crucial role in the establishment of cell polarity in response to migratory stimulus .

  15. 受LPS刺激的PMN细胞增大、变形,细胞膜皱褶减少,有板状伪足伸出,多个细胞粘附聚集成团。

    After being stipulated by LPS , PMN cell became larger , the folds of cell membrane reduced , multiple cells gathered into mass and board-like pseudopodium slicked out .

  16. 对B型单瓦楞纸箱和BC型双瓦楞纸箱分段进行BCT试验,结果表明瓦楞纸箱的强度基本上取决于横向的皱褶。

    Do BCT experiments on B-type single corrugated boxes and BC-type double corrugated boxes after cutting to three sections . The results showed that the strength of corrugated boxes essentially depended on horizontal folds .

  17. 这些微生物通过结合到肠上皮细胞、树突状细胞、肠皱褶内皮细胞的TLR5来实现上述功能。

    They do this by binding to TLR5 on the surface of enterocytes , dendritic cells , and endothelial cells of the bowel lining .

  18. 术后早期并发症:角膜水肿及弹力层皱褶5眼,脉络膜脱离l眼,前房及瞳孔区纤维渗出6眼;

    Early complications included corneal edema and folds of corneal Descemet 's membrane in 5 eyes , choroids detachment in 1 eye , formation of fibrous membrane in pupil area and anterior chamber in 6 eyes .

  19. Ⅳ期DLK在术后5~7d出现明显的前基质结构模糊,高反光,角膜瓣全层皱褶,晚期形成大量高反光的瘢痕组织。

    Grade ⅳ DLK appeared 5 to 7 days postoperatively . Anterior stroma structure became unclear , with highly reflective and folded corneal flap . Numerous highly reflective scarring formed late .

  20. 屈光度数稳定在±1.00D以下者59只眼(71.08%),角膜上皮瓣微皱褶1只眼,诉暗视力下降、眩光3例(6只眼)。

    59 eyes ( 71.08 % ) were within ± 1.00 D of emmetropia . At final follow-up , corneal flap folds were found in 1 eyes , and 3 patients ( 6 eyes ) complained of glare or decreased scotopic vision .

  21. 结果裂隙灯显微镜观察:后囊膜皱褶、混浊由周边部向中央区发展伴Elschnig小体和晶状体纤维生成,其程度随时间推移日渐加重;

    Results The results of slit lamp microscope observation : The posterior capsule opacity and reductus developed from the periphery to the central area with Elschnig peals and lens fibers formation , the degree of which grew worse with the extension of time ;

  22. 铝合金扁铸锭表面竖状皱褶缺陷的研究

    Research about wrinkle defects on surface of aluminium alloy flat ingot

  23. 术后18只眼出现轻度狄氏膜皱褶。

    Mild Descemet ′ s membrane folds presented in 18 eyes .

  24. 借助皱褶构造推算隐伏断层的埋藏深度。

    Estimating the burial depth of blind faults through folds .

  25. 它的瓶体中间段是一段带有皱褶结构。

    A central section of the bottle body is a fold structure ;

  26. 铝箔V-型皱褶构型板的雷达散射性能影响因素的研究

    Research on RCS Influence Factors of Aluminum foil Plates with Folded Structure

  27. 【中英文摘要】报告1例皱褶部网状色素异常症。

    A case of reticulate pigmented anomaly of the flexures is reported .

  28. 她用电熨斗把皱褶烫平。

    She smoothed the creases out with an electric iron .

  29. 背斜的岩石皱褶,核心部有柱状盐填充。

    An anticlinal fold with a columnar salt plug at its core .

  30. 该菌菌落较小,中央有皱褶,气生菌丝白色,基内菌丝微黄色,较发达。

    Aerial mycelium are white , substrate mycelium are yellowish and flourishing .