
  • 网络Ascomycotina;Ascomycotion;Ascomycota;Ascomycetes
  1. 从1988年起,作者从紫金山陆续采集到260号标本,经鉴定分类,其中属于子囊菌亚门的有6个属6个种;担子菌亚门的有61个属144个种;

    Since 1988 , the author has collected 260 specimens from Zijin mountain , which were identified and respectively classified to ascomycotina which has 6 genera and 6 species , and basidiomycotina which has 61 genera and 144 species .

  2. 本实验共分离到的菌株45株菌株,经形态鉴定,分别隶属于子囊菌亚门、担子菌亚门和半知菌亚门的5个纲8个目9个科的19个属。

    Isolated fungi belong to 19 genera in 9 families , 8 orders , 5 classes and 3 subphylums . They sum to 45 strains .

  3. 病原菌主要是子囊菌亚门和半知菌亚门的真菌。子实层:真菌中的子囊菌类和担子菌类的子实体上生长子囊或担子的层状结构。

    Hymenium ( pl. hymenia ) A layer of the fruiting body of certain ascomycete and basidiomycete fungi in which the asci or basidia are borne .