
guǎ jù tǐ
  • oligomer
寡聚体[guǎ jù tǐ]
  1. 叶绿素寡聚体的光化学性质及其水悬浮液在光下的pH变化

    Photochemistry of chlorophyll oligomer and the pH change in its suspension under light

  2. 巯基修饰PNA寡聚体的合成

    Synthesis of Mercapto-Modified PNA Oligomer

  3. 两亲性寡聚体Gd(Ⅲ)配合物的合成及肝选择性磁共振造影

    Preparation of Amphiphilic Oligomers of Gd (ⅲ) Complexes and Their Liver-selective MRI Property

  4. MBL是一个由若干个相同的亚单位组成的寡聚体分子,每条肽链的C端是一凝集素结构域(碳水化合物识别结构域),近N端是一胶原样区。

    Each peptide chain has a C-terminal lectin domain ( carbohydrate recognition domain , CRD ) and a collagenous region near the N-terminal .

  5. 只有高寡聚体MBL分子才具有生物学活性。

    Only the high oligomeric forms of MBL have the biologic activity and can fix complement .

  6. Aβ(1-42)寡聚体特异性scFv的筛选、鉴定和亲和力成熟的初步研究

    Selection , Identification and Preliminary Study of Affinity Maturation of ScFv Specific Against A β _ ( 1-42 ) Oligomers

  7. 荧光光谱和原子力显微镜(AFM)结果均表明多肽分子能抑制Ap聚集形成具有细胞毒性的寡聚体或纤维。

    Furthermore , the results by fluorescence spectrometry and atomic force microscopy ( AFM ) suggest that the peptide molecule could inhibit the formation of toxic oligomers and fibres .

  8. 如果使用由一个灵活的连接物结合的双同型嘧啶PNA寡聚体,这种链侵入作用的效率可进一步提高。

    The efficiency of this strand invasion can be further enhanced by using two homopyrimidine PNA oligomers connected via a flexible linker .

  9. 结果寡聚体透明质酸可提高A549/DDP对化疗药物的敏感性,使P-gp、MRP表达下降,P53表达增高。

    Results Hyaluronate oligomers could enhance the sensitivity of A 549 / DDP on DDP and expression of P53 , and reduce the expression of P-gp and MRP .

  10. 显微射流技术应用的例子包括生物靶子的筛选、组合文库的形成、DNA寡聚体的合成,蛋白质多态性研究所有这些都因为显微射流技术而可以大规模进行。

    Examples of microfluidics-based applications include screening of biological targets , synthesis of combinatorial libraries , synthesis of DNA oligomers , and analysis of polymorphic proteins , all of which can be performed in large high-throughput parallel arrays because of microfluidics .

  11. Kappa乘积法在寡聚体变构酶反应速度方程中的应用二进制乘方、乘积速算法

    THE APPLICATION OF KAPPA PRODUCT TO THE REACTION RATE EQUATION OF OLIGOMER ALLOSTERIC ENZYMES The Method of Fast Calculation of Square and Multiplication on Binary Number System

  12. 其N端含有信号肽,紧接着是一段非常保守的序列,哺乳动物UGTs该区域可能参与寡聚体形成,另外N端还有一个N-糖基化位点。

    The N terminal contains a putative signal sequence , immediately after which is a conserved region . In the mammalian UGTs , this region has been identified as an oligomerization domain .

  13. Gemini表面活性剂是一类新型的表面活性剂,可看做是传统的单亲水头基单疏水尾链表面活性剂的二聚体或寡聚体。

    Gemini surfactants are a novel class of surfactants , which could be considered as dimers or oligomers of conventional surfactants with single headgroup and single hydrophobic tail .

  14. 荧光共聚焦显微镜显示PrP的可溶性寡聚体能够导致细胞内生的PrP发生聚集并转运到溶酶体中,并可能由此引发细胞凋亡信号。

    Using confocal microscopic techniques we found that oligomer induces the aggregation of endogenetic PrP , which is compartmentalized into the lysosomes where it might trigger pro-apoptotic cell death signals .

  15. TUNEL法测定Aβ42寡聚体组凋亡率高,较对照组、Aβ42组差异有显著意义(P<0.05)。Aβ42寡聚体对PC12细胞的损伤作用随浓度增高而增加。

    Significant increase in apoptosis had been shown in A β 42 oligomer group in analysis of TUNEL as compared with A β 42 group ( P < 0.05 ) .

  16. 叶绿素α-水寡聚体水悬浮液在照光时有pH值变化,变化幅度0.2&0.3pH单位,停止照光pH恢复原值。

    This suspension underwent pH change under light , the range was 0.2 ~ 0.3 unit . When light was turned off , the pH of suspension returned to the original value . It indicated that there was an exchange of ion between the chlorophyll oligomer and water under light .

  17. 因此,ssDNA加速SOD1快速形成不溶性的大聚集体,有可能作为一种潜在的途径避免SOD1寡聚体累积产生的毒性。

    All these results indicate that the ssDNA-accelerated formation of insoluble SOD1 aggregates can act as a potential pathway to avoid accumulation of soluble SOD1 oligomeric intermediates .

  18. 方法MTT法研究寡聚体透明质酸对A549/DDP耐药逆转作用,流式细胞术测定细胞表面耐药相关蛋白P-gp、MRP的表达及凋亡调控蛋白P53、bcl-2的表达。

    Methods In application of tetrazolium dye assay to study the reversal effects of hyaluronate oligomers on A549 / DDP . MDR related protein P-gp , MRP , apoptosis adjusted protein P53 and bcl-2 were detected by flow cytometry ( FCM ) .

  19. 胸腺磷酸化酶/血小板衍生血管生长因子寡聚体形成与酶活性

    Oligomerization and enzyme activity of thymidine phosphorylase / PD ECGF mutant protein

  20. 减少寡聚体形成的重组人碱性成纤维细胞生长因子的改造

    Modification of Recombinant Human Basic Fibroblast Growth Factor To Reduce Oligomers Formation

  21. Aβ寡聚体单克隆抗体的制备及功能研究

    Preparation , Characterization and Functional Research of Monoclonal Antibody Against A β Oligomer

  22. 帕金森病患者血清对α-突触核蛋白寡聚体形成的促进作用

    Enhanced Oligomerization of α - Synuclein in Sera of Patients with Parkinson 's Disease

  23. 基于分组重量编码的蛋白质同源寡聚体分类研究

    Classification of Protein Homo-Oligomers with Encoding on the Basis of Grouped Weight for Protein Sequence

  24. 目的研究寡聚体透明质酸逆转A549/DDP细胞耐药的作用。

    Objective To study the effects of hyaluronate oligomers on reversing drug-resistance and apoptosis of A549 / DDP .

  25. 另外,寡聚体还扮演着形成淀粉样纤维的成核种子。

    On the other hand , the oligomers also act as nucleating seeds for the growth of amyloid plaque .

  26. 倒置相差显微镜下观察Aβ寡聚体处理后的小胶质细胞的形态。

    We can observe the form of the microglia treated by A β oligomers under inverted phase contrast microscope . 4 .

  27. 结论Aβ42寡聚体的细胞损伤作用与浓度相关,且强于Aβ42。

    Conclusions The cells damage effects of A β 42 oligomer were stronger than A β 42 , and correlated with concentrations .

  28. 调研了大量的亚碲酸盐文献,对碲氧多面体的结构和成键特征进行了系统的归类和研究,对碲氧多面体寡聚体的结构和连接方式以及其对结构的影响进行了探讨。

    The characteristic of Te-O polyhedron structure and the mode of Te-O bond are classified and reviewed based on summary of literature about tellurite .

  29. 对于α-syn寡聚体介导的毒性,溶酶体降解通路是一个重要的保护机制。

    The Lysosomal pathway is a major protective mechanism against α - syn oligomer-mediated toxicity , and lysosomal degradation pathway could remove the accumulation of α - syn .

  30. 对于多类蛋白质同源寡聚体分类,基于相同的机器学习方法(如支持向量机),采用“一对一”策略比“一对多”效果好。

    Using " all-versus-all " policy is better than " one-versus-rest " policy for classifying homo-oligomers based on the same machine learning method ( such as support vector machine ) .