- oligomycin

The Cloning and Expression of Oligomycin Sensitivity - Conferring Protein ( OSCP ) Gene in E.coli
The membrane fluidity , the activity of H + transporting ATPase and its sensitivity to oligomycin in group 3 were significantly greater than those of the group 2 . The findings indicated that supplement with zinc might increase the level of zinc in cold-exposed rats .
Objective To obtain the correct nucleotide sequence of oligomycin sensitivity - conferring protein ( OSCP ) of rats .
Objective To obtain a corrected sequence of rat oligomycin sensitivity-conferring protein ( OSCP ) gene by modifying the two mutated rat OSCP genes which have point mutation , then express the OSCP gene in E.
Objective To construct a recombinant plasmid containing oligomycin sensitivity conferring protein ( OSCP ) gene of rat . Methods Total RNA was extracted from the rat brain tissue and used as templates for RT PCR .
Moreover , oligomycin can reverse the multidrug resistance of human leukemic K562 / A02 cells to ADM in vitro , the possible mechanism is related to the inhibition activity of P-gp and increased accumulation of the chemotherapeutic agents in cells , while the expression of P-gp is not down-regulated .
Study on the Action Site of Oligomycin in Chloroplast
Effects of oligomycin on proton conduction in chloroplasts
Changes of Intimal Fluidity and Function of the Oligomycin Sensitive Protein of Myocardial Mitochondria in Rats During Cold Exposure