
  • 网络oligopoly price
  1. 港口企业双寡头价格质量博弈分析

    A port duopoly game model for price and quality competition

  2. 通过建立一个随机动态博弈模型,考虑债务融资在寡头价格竞争中的策略性效应,并分析市场进入中企业战略性债务融资策略与产品市场竞争策略的选择。

    The study result manifests that strategy effect and transaction cost have more influence on adopting vertical integration of the energy firms , while production cost and indetermination make less .

  3. 寡头企业价格领先竞争的均衡性

    Existence Analysis of Price Leadership Model Equilibrium

  4. 双寡头市场价格博弈分析&以我国国内成品油市场竞争主体为例

    Market Price Game Analysis of Double Oligarchs-Take the Example of Chinese Readymade Oil Market Competition Subject

  5. 中国移动通信市场:寡头垄断,价格战不可取

    Duopoly Market , Unwise Price Battle : China Mobile & China Unicom

  6. 随机需求下两寡头二级价格歧视研究

    On Second Degree Price Discrimination of Two Oligarchic Enterprises with Stochastic Demand

  7. 基于博弈论的寡头企业短期价格竞争过程仿真

    Simulation of Short-term Price Competition Based on Game Theory

  8. 价格联盟实际上是一个行业中若干寡头之间就价格和产量所达成的合作策略或合谋行为。

    Price union is the cooperation or conspiracy among some magnates of the same industry about price and production .

  9. 高的平台边际效用损失将会激化双寡头之间的价格竞争,并将消费者剩余强制转化为企业利润。

    High losses of platform marginal utility could stoke the prices competition , and will force consumer surplus into enterprise profits .

  10. 寡头之间达成价格协议的可能性以及如何保持对该协议的忠诚,与所在产业的市场结构和厂商行为具有密切的关系。

    The possibility of the agreement on price among magnates and the way to keep loyalty to it are closely related to market structure and manufacturer behavior .

  11. 幽灵般洛可可式纵情狂欢,枝型吊灯,挂毯和中国风格,自夸有丰富的私人卧室款待严肃的寡头政治(价格惊人的普通,只要你不点龙虾和鲨鱼翅汤)。

    An orgy of phantasmagoric rococo , chandeliers , tapestries and chinoiserie , it boasts opulent private rooms for serious oligarchic entertaining ( although the prices are surprisingly moderate , if you avoid the lobster and the shark-fin soup ) .

  12. 双寡头垄断市场的价格竞争与产品差异化策略&一个博弈论模型及其扩展

    Price competition and strategy of product differential location : Game theory and its extension

  13. 寡头竞争中的价格空间歧视研究

    The Price Space Discrimination in Oligarchic Competition

  14. 第三章分析了独家垄断和寡头垄断条件下价格管制对投资行为的影响。

    Chapter 3 studies the investment behavior in monopoly and oligopoly under price ceiling regulation .

  15. 其次,用博弈论的方法研究了寡头厂商二度价格歧视的方法和特点。

    Secondly , the methods and characteristics of second-degree price discrimination in oligarchic enterprises were studied by using game theory .

  16. 如果在寡头竞争市场进行价格管制,那么价格管制有可能制造出一个不分工的有效均衡。

    If the oligarchs ' competitive market price controls , price controls may create a equilibrium of " non-division of labor " .

  17. 本文基于经济现实对寡头厂商间的价格竞争和选址问题进行了系统的研究。

    Based on economic reality , this thesis researched the price competition between oligarchic factories and the problem of how to choose an ideal position .

  18. 本论文首先通过对寡头垄断企业间价格竞争模型的分析,得出价格承诺策略较之征收反倾销税措施是一种占优策略;

    This thesis obtains a conclusion that the strategy of price undertaking is more preferential than the measure of imposing anti-dumping duties through the model of price competition between oligopoly .

  19. 最后,对垄断市场与寡头市场二度价格歧视的特点作了比较。其结果有二:第一,在线性需求函数条件下作了比较;

    At last , the characteristics of second-degree price discrimination in monopoly market and oligarchic market were compared , we got two results : 1 . The comparison under linear demand functions ;

  20. 在分析了已有几种寡头垄断市场结构中价格形成机制的基础上,本文又构建出3种寡头垄断价格形成机制。

    After analyzing several tariff mechanisms in the oligopoly market , another three possible ones are put forward .