
shì zhōnɡ xīn shānɡ yè qū
  • downtown;city centre
  1. 我们完成了市中心商业区的输电网。

    We worked out a system for getting electricity to the downtown .

  2. 破坏分子在市中心商业区洗劫商店,砸烂窗户,投掷酒瓶,掀翻汽车,拔倒树木。

    Vandals looted stores , smashed windows hurled bottles , overturned cars and uprooted trees in the downtown shopping district .

  3. 坐落在北京市中心商业区王府井的苹果(Apple)旗舰店人头攒动,但对iPhone的制造商来说,遗憾的是,大多数人来这里并不买手机。

    Apple 's flagship store in Wangfujing , a central shopping district in Beijing , is a hive of activity . But , unfortunately for the iPhone maker , most people are not there to buy .

  4. 淮安市中心商业区空间发展模式探讨

    The discussion on the space development style of Huai'an city center commercial district

  5. 市中心商业区及周边地区的住房价格则更为昂贵。

    Houses in and around commercial districts in the city centre were even more expensive .

  6. 乘出租车迅速可达距市中心商业区不远的棕榈成荫的公园。

    Palm-filled parks are only a quick taxi ride from the business center of the Central District .

  7. 许多观看今晚演讲的人可能还记得那个找到好工作意味着在附近工厂或者市中心商业区就业的时候。

    Many people watching tonight can probably remember a time when finding a good job meant showing up at a nearby factory or a business downtown .

  8. 并以济南市中心商业区改造规划为例,以期全面系统地分析和解决这一地区的交通难题。

    To analyze and solve the difficult traffic problems comprehensively and systematically , the redevelopment planning of Ji'nan central commercial area as a case is advanced .

  9. 公司设在位于石家庄市中心商业区的广安街五星级世贸广场酒店。

    The company is located at World Trade Plaza Hotel , a five-star hotel , which is on Guang'an Street , located in the central business district of Shijiazhuang .

  10. 但是随着城市的发展,城市建设的速度大大加快,位于天津市中心商业区的原法租界区也面临着大量被改造和被更新的局面。

    But with urban development , urban construction is greatly accelerated . And the former French Concession located in the central business district of Tianjin is also facing a lot of transformation and renewal .

  11. 麦宁文:我们酒店坐落于延安西路,毗邻市中心商业区,周边交通便捷,这成为许多商旅客人选择我们酒店的原因。

    Neil : Business travellers choose our hotel due in part , I think , to our premium location in West Yan'an Road , next door to the central business district and easy to reach .

  12. 市中心主要商业区的银行、餐馆和商店重新开业。

    Banks , restaurants and shops reopened in the main commercial areas in the city centre .

  13. 世界范围内绿色建筑运动影响着建筑师的思考和重塑城市景观需求,特别是在芝加哥的快节奏的市中心环商业区。

    The worldwide Green Building Movement is influencing architects to rethink and reshape the urban landscape , especially in Chicago 's fast-paced downtown Loop business district .

  14. 发生在希腊首都雅典市中心商业管理区外的一起爆炸事件致使一青少年死亡,其母亲及姐姐受伤。

    A bomb has exploded in a central Athens district outside the Greek Society for Business Management , killing a teenager and injuring his mother and sister .