
  • 网络municipal services building;civic centre
  1. 新落成的大角咀街市位于市政大厦内。

    The new Tai Kok Tsui Market is located inside the district 's municipal services building .

  2. 这是去市政大厦的55路车吗?

    Is this Bus No. 55 for the Municipal Government Hall ?

  3. 上海市松江区行政中心市政大厦结构设计及经济分析

    Design and Cost Analysis of Municipal Building of Administrative Center in Songjiang District of Shanghai

  4. 政制事务局局长孙明扬在黄泥涌市政大厦室内运动场投票站投票及会晤新闻界。

    Secretary for constitutional affairs , Mr Michael suen , cast vote and spoke to the press at Wong Nai Chung complex indoor games hall .

  5. 结束后,她简要的重申了一遍新系统是如何提高市政大厦的安全与平静的。

    When those were finished , she concluded the session with a brief restatement of how the new system will improve security and peace of mind in the municipal building .

  6. 这是古晋北市市政局的大厦。

    This is Kuching North City Hall building .