
shì chǎnɡ xìn xī
  • market information;market intelligence
  1. 经理的薪金过高,职责太过重大,不能将时间浪费在挖掘市场信息上。

    Managers are too expensive and important to spend time digging up market information

  2. 基于WebServices的劳动力市场信息网格研究

    Research on Labor Market Information Grid Based on Web Services

  3. 三是完善IPO市场信息披露机制;

    Third perfecting the information disclosure system of IPO market ;

  4. 文章介绍了Linux操作系统下,基于Apache和Tomcat服务器以及JSP和其它Internet技术综合集成的农产品市场信息分析预测系统的结构、功能、关键技术和特点。

    The article introduces its architecture , func ˉ tionality , key techniques and characteristics about the system of agricultural market information analysis and forecast based on the Linux , Apache and Tomcat Server and other Internet technology .

  5. 企业网络能力对创新绩效影响的解释是:具备一定的素质来执行网络管理任务,很有可能直接获得重要的市场信息,导致内部创新过程的市场导向(Han,etal.,1998)。

    This can be explained that , with high degree of qualification performing task of network management would get important market information directly , and induce the market orientation of internal innovation process ( Han et al . , 1998 ) .

  6. 通过对决策树算法的深入分析,我们围绕着C4.5决策树生成算法建立了一个分类预测系统并实现了与劳动力市场信息管理系统(LMIS)的集成。

    With the thorough analysis on the algorithm of decision tree induction , we established a classification and prediction system based on C4.5 and accomplished the integration with the LMIS system .

  7. 以证券市场信息为基础的KMV模型,基本可以准确测度和反映样本上市公司信用风险质量的变化,在我国有较好的适用性。

    The KMV model based on the information from stock market can accurately measure and reflect the credit risk changes of listed companies ; hence , it owns strong applicability in China .

  8. IMO是一个以互联网为介质、信息丰富、无缝、快捷、跨边界的收集、传播和响应市场信息的过程。

    An Internet-mediated market orientation ( IMO ) is the Internet-mediated , information rich , seamless , agile , and boundary spanning process of generating , disseminating , and responding to market information on the Internet .

  9. 通过利用多种非对称性GARCH模型,描述和检验了沪市股票日收益率序列的条件波动性,并通过对股票市场信息影响曲线的分析,发现沪市股票价格波动中存在显著的非对称性反应。

    The conditional fluctuation of stock day turn in Shanghai stock markets were described and tested by using many asymmetric GARCH models . After analyzing the information response curves , it was found that the stock price fluctuation in Shanghai stock markets showed its asymmetry obviously .

  10. 市场信息非对称的社会经济后果及对策研究

    Research on the Social Economic Effects of Information Asymmetry and Countermeasures

  11. 也谈改善旅游市场信息不对称&兼与陈丕积同学商榷

    Another Discussion on Ameliorating the Information Asymmetry of the Tourism Market

  12. 收集市场信息,分析并制定市场建议和计划;

    Collect market information , analyze and make marketing proposals ;

  13. 第二章介绍了信息披露制度,并指出了我国股票市场信息披露存在的问题。

    In Chapter Two , problems in our stock markets are advanced .

  14. 我国医药市场信息不对称问题研究

    Research for the Information Dissymmetry Problem of the Medicine Market of China

  15. 试论图书馆加强市场信息服务的可能性和应采取的措施

    On the Probability and the Accepted Measurement for Strengthening Market Information Services

  16. 论市场信息的不对称特性与媒体产品的深化

    The Asymmetry of Market Information and Deepen of Media Product

  17. 第五章重点分析了创业板市场信息披露制度。

    Chapter five focuses on the information disclosure of GEM .

  18. 严格的监管和审核能够保证证券市场信息的真实性。

    Strict supervision and examination can guarantee information reliability on security market .

  19. 旅游市场信息不对称问题及对策研究

    Study on the Issue and Countermeasures of Information Asymmetry in Tourism Market

  20. 公司债券市场信息不对称和政府作用

    The Information Asymmetry of Corporate Bond Market and the Government 's Role

  21. 因特网中的市场信息资源开发利用

    Exploitation and Utilization of Market Information Resources of Internet

  22. 传统的经济理论建立在市场信息的完全或完美的假设上,财务理论的研究也长期在此假设下进行。

    Traditional economic and financial theories are based on the perfect market hypothesis .

  23. 信息集成能广泛收集、整合资源与市场信息,进行价值模拟与有效管理;

    Information integration can help broadly collect and integrate resources and market information ;

  24. 珠宝首饰市场信息不对称分析及对策研究

    Analysis on Information Asymmetry of Jewelry Market and Countermeasure

  25. 面向农户的市场信息服务研究综述

    An Overview of Researches on Farmer-Oriented Marketing Information Service

  26. 证券市场信息披露问题研究

    Probing into the Information Disclosure of the Security Market

  27. 缺乏海外市场信息和相关服务;

    The lack of overseas information and related service ;

  28. 这就导致对市场信息的反馈不理性,羊群效应明显。

    This leads to market information feedback is not rational , herding obvious .

  29. 增强透明度对我国银行间债券市场信息效率的影响&以交易信息对流动性的影响为例

    The Effect of Enhancing Transparency on the Information Efficiency of Inter-bank Bond Market

  30. 基于市场信息数据库的产品开发系统

    Production Design System Based on Database of Market Information