
  • 网络market analysis report
  1. 独立完成市场分析报告的撰写。

    Compose the market analysis report independently .

  2. 发现现有产品的市场潜力,识别市场及产品发展机会,定期向商务经理提供市场分析报告。

    Realise market potential for existing products , and identify both market and product development opportunities , and provide periodic market analysis report to the Commercial Manager .

  3. BernsteinResearch伯恩斯坦研究公司在一份市场分析报告和中国消费者资料中,向西方企业提供了几个在“第二次消费者革命”的盈利妙方。

    In a recent report on market dynamics and a profile of the Chinese consumer , Bernstein Research offers several tips to help Western consumer-goods firms profit from the " second consumer revolution " .

  4. 2006年1-9月中国客车市场分析报告

    Analysis of China Bus Market : January to September 2006

  5. 美国绿色电力市场分析报告

    Green Power Marketing in USA : A Status Report

  6. 中南大学毕业生就业市场分析报告

    An Analysis of Contral South University Graduates Job Market

  7. 中国客车2006年上半年市场分析报告

    Bus Market Report of First Half of 2006

  8. 中国车载导航系统市场分析报告

    Marketing Analysis Report of China Car GPS

  9. 石油市场分析报告节选从世界各国经济的运行情况看,持续高油价对经济增长的负面影响已开始逐渐显现。

    The performance of the world 's major economies suggests that the negative effect of prolonged high oil prices on economic growth has been increasingly apparent .

  10. 预先准备好这些分析性数据,然后使用它们生成销售和市场分析报告、分析每个业务部门的盈利能力和研究买家的行为模式。

    This analytical data is prepared and then used to generate reports for sales and marketing analytical purposes , profitability analysis per business segment , and insight into a buyer 's behavior .

  11. 中国加入WTO后,国外众多中央吸尘器厂商摩拳擦掌,一些国内公司也跃跃欲试,但国内尚没有关于该产品的任何市场分析及报告。

    Since China entered into WTO , the manufacturers of Central Vacuum Cleaner abroad started to enter into China , some domestic companies hope to manage this kind of brand-new products .

  12. 美国分析人士、能源市场每日分析报告《SchorkReport》的作者施洛克说,原油看起来已经打破了每桶75美元至85美元的区间,再往后,油价的上限就没边了。

    ' Crude oil appears to have broken out of the $ 75 - $ 85 a barrel band [ and ] , above here , the sky 's the limit , 'said U.S.analyst Stephen Schork , author of the Schork Report .

  13. 2004年汽车市场预测分析报告

    2004 Auto marketing Tendency analysis Report

  14. C/C材料市场调查分析报告

    C / C Composite Market Research

  15. 最近两家市场分析公司的报告显示,全球PC市场严重魅力不足。

    Recent reports from two analyst firms show the global PC market in dire need of oomph .

  16. 准备好一份深入市场调查的分析报告

    Prepare an In Depth Analysis of the Market

  17. 本文介绍其中所使用的多媒体同步技术,主要是系统产生的市场分析与预测报告所涉及的文字、表格、图形和声音等在输出过程中的连续同步问题。

    This paper introduces the multimedia synchronization technique used in it , which is mainly the continuous synchronization problem in the issue of text , speech sounds , forms and figures produced by it .

  18. 它综合运用多种分析预测及数据挖掘算法,产生特定的市场分析与预测文字报告及相关的统计表格、图形等。

    It uses multiform data analysis and mining techniques to produce special text report , related tables and diagrams .

  19. 进行市场调研并出具市场及成本分析报告;

    Conduct market research and carry out market analysis report and CBA reports .

  20. 分析市场,交货条件并制定物料采购策略,提交市场分析报告。

    Analyzes market and delivery conditions to determine present and future material availability and prepares market analysis reports .