
  • 网络market feedback
  1. IPO抑价与新股非系统风险研究&对市场反馈假说的检验

    Study on IPO Underpricing and New Stocks Non-systemic Risk : A Test for the Hypothesis of Market Feedback

  2. 结果显示我国IPO初始报酬率没有表现出明显的变化趋势,但对IPO公司非系统性风险具有揭示作用,或者说市场反馈假说在我国是成立的。

    As the result shows that there is no distinct tendency in IPO initial return movement in China , the hypothesis of market feedback gets supported .

  3. 举例来说,在Instagram和Flickr收获今天的成功之前,它们最初都采用过完全不同的商业模式,但随后根据市场反馈不断进化。

    Before Instagram and Flickr became the successful businesses they are today , for example , they both started out with completely different business models but evolved their businesses in response to market feedback .

  4. 现在,人们对于市场反馈的关注度远高于从前。

    Now there is a lot more focus on market feedback .

  5. 市场反馈信息表明商品搜索的准确性具有了显著的提升。

    Market feedback information proves that the accuracy of product search has significantly improved .

  6. 方案团队则通常基于统计数据来对市场反馈做出相应的解决方案。

    Solution team is providing transparency to the market feedback * usually in form of solution based statistics .

  7. 而且商家也能及时得到市场反馈,提高营销活动的成功机率。

    Moreover , businesses can also get feedback from the market ; improve the success rate of marketing activities .

  8. 如果市场反馈良好,该公司将分配更多的广告预算从而进行更广泛的零售推广活动。

    If the response is good , look for a wider retail rollout backed by a bigger ad budget .

  9. 从市场反馈的情况来看,这个款式是明智买商的首选。收集整理市场信息,给公司及时反馈。

    Reports from different markets show that this model is the choice of discriminating buyers . Collect market information and feedback .

  10. 从顾客需求,商品销售排面,到资金流向,再到市场反馈,家乐福都给予中小供应商提供免费咨询服务。

    Carrefour offered these SMEs free consultation , including the customers'needs , layout of products , flow of funds and market feedback .

  11. 第一章从总体上介绍了项目开发各方面的情况,规划设计工作内容,以及项目销售中的市场反馈情况。

    Chapter one : generally introduces the backgrounds of this project , the planning design work content , and the feedback in sale market .

  12. 主要从产品的预期用途、生物学评价、临床风险评价、临床使用、市场反馈等方面对该产品进行了调查研究。

    The filter product is then investigated in aspects of its anticipated uses , biological evaluation , clinical risk assess , clinical practice and market feedback , etc.

  13. 目前已进入手机生产阶段,根据市场反馈的信息了解到该产品运行稳定,已取得了良好的经济效益。

    Now we have entered the stage of the phone production . According to the market feedback , we learned that the product operated stably and achieved good economic benefits .

  14. 我想以感谢的心情与你分享这些市场反馈,并告诉你,制作团队一直为我们奉献的,是顶尖的高水准的工作。

    In gratitude , I wanted to share the feedback from the market , to let you know what a top quality job our production team continues to do for us .

  15. 本文通过研究,验证和市场反馈证实,魔芋胶在六大系列食品和八大系列食品添加剂中,都取得了稳定性的效果。

    In this essay , We have proved that kojac gel has stable results in Six series of foods and Eight series of food additives by study , test and market feedback .

  16. 这些修改模型的建立主要基于以下概念:产品单位效用的变化方向、市场反馈作用和市场发展的历史依赖性,并对所有的修改模型给出了计量检验。

    The change models constructed from the concepts including the changing direction of the per user utility , feedback function of the market response and the history dependence feature of the market development .

  17. 通过其在纯棉针织T恤印花上的生产实践,主要介绍了前后处理工艺、图案处理技术、喷印机的软硬件操作技术,以及市场反馈情况等。

    Production of cotton T-shirt piece printing on the belt type digital jet printer is introduced , including pretreatment , aftertreatment , image treatment , software and hardware operation , as well as market feedback .

  18. 然后在市场反馈的基础上,概述了公司为了解决面临的整体绩效不高困境所开展的职业生涯开发实践,并以典型事件展现公司现行职业生涯开发的困惑。

    Then it summarizes activities of occupational career for solving the question that the company integrative performances are not high on the basis of the market feedback , and expresses the confusion of occupational career development in a typical incident in Zhi Yu Company .

  19. 中国股票市场正反馈交易行为之实证

    Empirical research on positive feedback traders in China 's stock market

  20. 来自中国消费市场的反馈同样对日企不利。

    Feedbacks from china 's consumer market are also unfavorable to Japanese companies .

  21. 不过,借助市场的反馈,他们能够、也必须不断地进行调整,以纠正自己的错误。

    They will , however , have the benefit of feedback from the markets so they can and must continually re-calibrate to correct their mistakes .

  22. 首次从信息博弈的角度对我国证券市场信息反馈中政策因素对噪声和泡沫形成的影响进行分析,对于剖析政策&泡沫形成机理和研究科学监管方式提供了新的视角和方法。

    This paper firstly researches how policy factor influences the noise and bubble from the angle of information game and offers a new research perspective and method on the analysis of policy & bubble mechanism as well as scientific supervision way .

  23. 这就导致对市场信息的反馈不理性,羊群效应明显。

    This leads to market information feedback is not rational , herding obvious .

  24. 数据收集和市场信息的反馈。

    Data collection and market information feedback .

  25. 当今最成功的初创公司必须基于市场的重大反馈意见完成迭代升级。

    Today 's most successful startups at one point had to iterate and pivot based on critical feedback from the market .

  26. 资本市场的信息反馈与直接监督功能,有利于企业的经营管理决策和新兴产业的发展。

    The functions of information feedback and direct supervision of the capital market are conducive to efficient business management and development of new industries .

  27. 为了充分发挥市场信息的反馈作用,从而使商业经营活动适应千变万变的市场需要,市场预测工作必须做到经常化和多样化。

    Considering making full use of feedback of market information to meet the requirement of business activity , market forecasting must be various and frequent .

  28. 笔者最后利用论文中的理论结果进行了新农村客厅家具的设计实践,以真实产品投放市场后的反馈情况来检验论文的理论成果。

    At last , the author uses the theories in this article to make practice of new rural living room furniture design , and make it be tested by using the information from the marketing .

  29. 中国A股市场泡沫与正反馈投资研究

    Research of Bubbles in Chinese A-share Market & Feedback Trading

  30. 此外,消费和投资对金融市场有明显的反馈效应。

    In addition , they have the distinct feedback to the finance market .