
  1. 下腔静脉阻塞综合症的PTA治疗&成功与失败的经验

    PTA for Inferior Vena Cava Syndrome & Experience of Success and Failure

  2. A式与B式在进行肯定否定间的转化分析时根据意义及等级序列的排列出现了转化成功与失败两种情况。

    The conversion analysis of affirmation and negation between type A and B may be success or failure , according to the meaning and the hierarchy of sequence .

  3. 本论文对国内外工业企业实施信息化管理的状况与动态进行了分析,与此同时分析了国内外工业企业实施ERP管理成功与失败的原因。

    The paper analyzed the status and dynamic of information management in industry enterprises , and also analyzed the reasons why the enterprises , which implemented ERP , were succeed or failed .

  4. 我十分适合这一角色,因为我具有多年的RUP项目管理经验,且经历过很多成功与失败。

    I am well suited for this role because I have many years of experience managing RUP projects and have seen many successes as well as failures .

  5. 过去的一年,关于ERP成功与失败的探讨基本是喜忧参半的:一方面是成功者看到信息化提升效率、降低成本的喜悦;

    In the past year , the discussion about Success or Lost of implement Enterprise Resource Planning ( ERP ) is different , one side the success find ERP help them develop work effect and reduce production Cost .

  6. 请你说说在以前的工作上成功与失败的地方?

    What is your success and failure in the past work ?

  7. 牙种植外科技术是牙种植学的重要组成部分之一,它直接关系到牙种植的成功与失败。

    The dental implant surgery techniques are a part of dental implantology .

  8. 加强模特的心理素质培养与提高,促使其摆正心态,正确的面对成功与失败,形成良好的职业道德与敬业精神。

    Emphasizing training and improvement of models ' psychological quality .

  9. 成功与失败只是一线之间。

    There is a fine line between success and failure !

  10. 第四部分阐述了两人在挣脱不适者身份进而成为适者的过程中的成功与失败。

    The fourth chapter states their success and failure of the fittest .

  11. 飞向天空(的人),必定要经历成功与失败。

    Fly into the sky , to win or die !

  12. 成功与失败是共生的,没有其中之一,另一个也不复存在。

    Success and failure are symbiotic-without one the other is not possible .

  13. 这些公共空间的成功与失败取决于很多不同的原因。

    Public spaces thrive or fail for many different reasons .

  14. 总结其成功与失败的几个关键因素,以期对全低变工艺生产过程的认识有所帮助。

    Several key factors of success and failure were summarized .

  15. 公司跨行业转型:特征分析与风险控制&以中国上市公司跨行业转型成功与失败的典型个案为例

    Companies ' Inter-trade Transformation : an Analysis of its Characteristics and Risk Control

  16. 生活是成功与失败的结合体,二者缺一不可。

    Life is a combination of success and failure .

  17. 两人在高级金融方面都曾经历过成功与失败。

    Both enjoyed success and failure in high finance .

  18. 急诊心肺复苏成功与失败的原因探讨附38例临床分析

    Study the Reason of Cardiac-pulmonary Resuscitation Successful or Failed

  19. 停留在了解其他创业者的成功与失败上,是远远不够的。

    Reading about other entrepreneurs ' failures and successes only goes so far .

  20. 你必须经受成功与失败的体验。

    You have to have success and failure .

  21. 成功与失败,希望和绝望。

    Failure and success , hope and despair .

  22. 企业再造成功与失败的生态再思考

    The Ecological - Reflection of the Success and Failure in the Business Re - engineering

  23. 成批烧伤救治成功与失败的原因分析

    Analysis of the Causes of Success and Failure in Rescue of Burn Patients in Group

  24. 回想创业之初,机遇与挑战并存,成功与失败悬于一线。

    Looking backwards to its beginning , it confronted challenge and risk , success and failing .

  25. 成功与失败,都是偶然的。

    Success and failure are accidental .

  26. 她在书的页边上作眉批,写下自己的成功与失败。

    She wrote notes in the margin and kept a record of her successes and failures .

  27. 教育背景如何,他们对于成功与失败的反应啊,把这些都写下来。

    what about educational background , their reactions to success or defeat , write it all down .

  28. 在成功与失败之间&浅谈休闲游戏挑战式的学习方式与电脑辅助教学

    Between Success And Failure

  29. 他认为,成功与失败一线之差,使得激励员工的工作更为重要。

    This thin line between success and failure makes employee motivation all the more important , he believes .

  30. 假如你对成功与失败有相同的反应,那是个大成就。

    If you can react the same way to winning and losing , that is a big accomplishment .