
chéng rén
  • Cheng Ren;die for a righteous cause
成仁 [chéng rén]
  • [die for a righteous cause] 原指成就仁德,现指为正义事业而牺牲生命

  • 杀身成仁

  • 成仁取义

成仁[chéng rén]
  1. 不成功,便成仁。

    Fulfil your mission or , failing that , lay down your life .

  2. 我们现在别无选择,不成功便成仁!

    We now have no choice-we win , or we perish !

  3. 是的,一人为大家,我应该不成功便成仁!

    Yes , one man for all , I must act or perish !

  4. “时不我予,就壮烈成仁”

    " Out of time , become heroes . "

  5. 这一决策是真正的不成功便成仁。

    This decision is truly make or break .

  6. 中老年人为党、为主义可以不惜杀身以成仁。

    The old and middle men would like to devote their lives to follow the party and ism .

  7. 从这里出发,直到战胜或成仁,咱们时时刻刻都要大胆。

    From here on out , until we win or die in the attempt , we will always be audacious .

  8. 要么我开夜车要么蒙头就睡,那明天的考试不成功便成仁。

    It 's either I 'm worked up or I fall asleep , and tomorrow 's test is a make-or-break one for me .

  9. 大学道德教育有两个基本向度:一是引导和促进受教者守道崇德以使其立身成仁;

    College moral education includes two dimensions : one is to cultivate students'virtue , the other is to make students live in harmony with others .

  10. 它在主体身上得以展现的理性基础是每人所具有的道德潜质,即每个人都具有成仁的自由意志和为仁的实践能力。

    The rational basis which exists in every main body is a potential that everyone has the righteous cause of free will and practical ability for being " Ren " .

  11. 在欧洲足球界,除了最大的三、四家俱乐部,其他俱乐部的处境都是不成功便成仁,特别是在西甲和意甲。

    European football , particularly in La Liga ( Spain ) and Serie A ( Italy ) is make-it-or-break-it unless you are one of the top three or four clubs .

  12. 沙阿表示,就算英特尔在快速增长的平板电脑市场表现不如预期,也不会沦落到不成功便成仁的境地。

    If Intel does not do as well as it hopes to in the fastest growing tablet market , says Mr Shah , it will not make or break Intel .

  13. 沙阿表示,就算英特尔在快速增长的平板电脑市场表现不如预期,也不会沦落到“不成功便成仁”的境地。

    If Intel does not do as well as it hopes to in the fastest growing tablet market , says Mr Shah , it will not " make or break " Intel .

  14. 不成功便成仁,我们正身处一场有史以来最为彻底的革命之中,这场革命促使了美国民主的诞生,这场革命需要我们为之抛头颅洒热血。

    We are in the midst of a revolution , the most complete in the history of the world . It 's the birth of American democracy . We have to expect a great expanse of blood to obtain it .

  15. 他应该隐姓埋名,留在莫斯科,会见拿破仑,杀死他,从而结束照他看来是由拿破仑一人造成的全欧的这场灾难,不成功便成仁。

    He must remain in Moscow , concealing his name , must meet Napoleon , and kill him , so as either to perish or to put an end to the misery of all Europe , which was in Pierre 's opinion entirely due to Napoleon alone .