
  • 网络AMOUNT;turnover
  1. 股指期货的手续费标准为成交金额的万分之零点五。

    The service fees of the stock index futures are0.05 ? Of the trading amount .

  2. 虽然《天空新闻》报道称夏建统支付了7000万英镑,不过俱乐部方面却没有证实实际成交金额。

    Although Sky News reported Xia had paid as much as 70 million pounds , the club wouldn 't confirm the amount paid .

  3. 其中售价最贵的是一栋位于格林威治湾(GreenwichCove)、面积7700平方英尺(约715平方米)的殖民地风格住宅,成交金额为1305万美元(约合人民币8017万元)。这里有什么?

    the most expensive , a 7700-square-foot colonial on Greenwich Cove , closed at $ 13.05 million .

  4. 而这些都只是开价,不一定是成交金额。

    And these are the asking prices , not necessarily the sums paid .

  5. 这枚奖牌拍出的高价远远超过了该拍卖行预计的成交金额——5万美元到10万美元。

    The prize sold for far more than the gallery 's estimate of $ 50000 to $ 100000 .

  6. 如此庞大的市场份额和成交金额,不可避免地引发了网络零售市场的激烈竞争。

    Such a large market share and turnover , which inevitably led to intense competition in the online retail market .

  7. 此次拍卖是伦敦本周将举办的一系列高调拍卖会中的第一个。预计这些拍卖会的总成交金额将高达4亿美元。

    The sale was the first in a series of high-profile auctions in London this week that are expected to raise up to 400m .

  8. 在任何交易日日内,合格投资者的股指期货成交金额(不包括平仓)不得超过其投资额度。

    During any trading day , a QFII 's trading amount of stock index futures ( except closing positions ) shall not exceed its investment quota ; and .

  9. 对当前应用广泛的累加信誉模型作出改进,将信誉反馈评分、成交金额、评分时间这些因素引入到模型中,并确定了各项参量的权重系数。

    Then we improve on Additive Reputation Model which has been used widely at present , introducing these parameters reputation feedback score , transaction value and evaluation time to the model and confirm weighting coefficients of parameters .

  10. 考虑到在股票市场中成交金额对成交量和价格波动存在某种约束关系,本文作者通过成交金额来研究成交量与价格波动之间的相互关系。

    Motivated by how transaction amount constrain trading volume and price volatility in stock market , we , in this paper , study the relation between the volume and price of transaction if amount of transaction is given .

  11. 中国股市周三的成交金额超过了亚洲其余股市(包括日本)成交额总和,并推动基准的上证综合指数首次突破4000点大关。

    The value of shares traded on the Chinese stock market on Wednesday was greater than the rest of Asia combined – including Japan – helping the benchmark index to breach the 4,000 mark for the first time .

  12. 在香港,平均每场拍卖会持续两天时间,成交金额为880万美元。虽然平均每场的拍品数量并未明显多于其他地方,但单件拍品的价格在9000美元左右。

    In Hong Kong , the average sale spans two days and brings in $ 8.8m . Although the number of lots per sale is not significantly greater than elsewhere , each lot is worth about $ 9,000 .

  13. 截止2011年,两市上市公司共计2063家,比上一年劲增20%,2011年全年股票成交金额达54.56万亿元。

    By the year 2011 , the number of all the listed companies of the two exchanges is 2063 which increases by 20 % than the previous year , with the stock turnover of up to 54.56 trillion yuan .

  14. 一位买家以约65万美元的成交金额拍得一副恐龙骨架,这名买家并未公布身份,据英国的拍卖行介绍,这是副梁龙骨架,是最长的动物。

    And the winner of the dinosaur auction is the approximately $ 650000 bid from a buyer from an unnamed institution , that 's how much the skeleton of the dinosaur known as Diplodocus , longest due to auction in England .

  15. 在2009年,皇后大道集团已经和安哥拉成交了金额巨大的石油生意,并且决定将业务拓展到其他非洲国家。

    By2009 the syndicate was trading a lot of Angolan oil and decided to expand to other African countries .

  16. 全年北京地区技术市场技术合同成交总金额达到191亿元,比上年增长36.2%。

    In the year , total value of technical contracts signed on technical markets reached 19.1 billion yuan , up 36.2 percent year-on-year .

  17. 当成交我们公司将收取您成交金额的2.5%作为代理费。

    Our company will change a commission equivalent to2.5 % of the transaction price after the business .

  18. 他强调称,买家对毕加索画作最后报价时,小心翼翼地每次只加价50万美元。上周一的纽约拍卖会上成交了34件20世纪艺术品,成交金额达7.06亿美元。

    He emphasised that the final bids for the Picasso , in a New York auction that raised $ 706m for 34 works of 20th-century art , proceeded in careful , $ 500000 increments .