
  1. 新加坡的银行也设立NDF交易部门,投机性地交易这些合约&通常是通过电话交易。

    Banks in Singapore run trading desks where they are also traded speculatively , usually over the phone .

  2. 现在她又新的电话交易的基金部长。

    Now she has the newly fund administrate of phone trade .

  3. 韦斯特给很多球队打电话交易迪瓦茨。

    West called several teams and offered Divac in trades .

  4. 电脑彩票电话交易系统设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of a Lottery Telephone Dealing System

  5. 输入6位数账户密码后,电话交易账户即已开通。

    Insert the six digits password for the account and then the account for dealings by telephone opens .

  6. 电脑彩票电话交易系统是一个典型的基于移动通信技术的小额电子交易系统。

    The telephone trade system of computer lottery is a typical small amount electronic trade system based on mobile communication technology .

  7. 美国的《多德-弗兰克法案》(Dodd-FrankAct)力求推动NDF离开通过电话撮合交易的较封闭市场,转而登陆更加透明的电子交易平台。

    The US Dodd-Frank Act pushes for NDFs to move away from the clubby , phone-brokered market and on to more transparent electronic trading platforms .

  8. 那些老谋深算的罪犯们愈来愈多地在公园或街角从事黑市电话的交易。

    Wily criminals are increasingly operating black-market phoning businesses based in parks and on street corners .

  9. 政府已基本确定对匿名卡及电话的交易金额进行限制。

    The state is almost certain to limit the amount that can pass through an anonymous card or phone .

  10. 调查还发现,由于越来越多的顾客选择在网上或通过电话进行交易,银行分支机构的重要性正在下降。

    It also found that the Bank branch was declining in importance as more customers chose to transact online or by telephone .

  11. 到一家证券公司开立股票帐户,然后办理电话委托交易的手续,最后就可以在股市交易的时间进行电话委托交易了。

    Open stock account to a stockjobber , deal with a phone to entrust trading formalities next , the time that can trade in the stock market finally undertakes the phone is entrusted traded .

  12. su表示,公司2004年底开始涉足ffa市场,此前经常有经纪商给他打电话,指出交易机会。

    The company started participating in the FFA market at the end of 2004 , Mr Su says , after brokers regularly called him pointing out trading opportunities .

  13. 你可以用按键式电话机给银行打电话,进行交易。

    You can call your bank and perform a transaction using a touch-tone phone .

  14. 如何使用电话进行股票交易?具体如何操作?

    How to use a phone to undertake the stock trades ? Specific how to operate ?

  15. 为了客户的方便与长远利益,我们提供了三种落盘渠道,包括传统电话、网上交易和音频电话,力保客户落盘渠道有弹性及畅通无阻。

    We are here in all means to provide you with flexible , efficient and effective trading channels including traditional telephone calls , internet ( e Trade ) and IVR ( electronic telephone ) .

  16. 他经常通过电话或网络进行交易。

    He usually trades by phone or online .

  17. 客户同意对SNC通过SNC网上交易平台(或类似产品),或电话收到的任何交易指令负责。

    Customer agrees to be responsible for any transaction instruction received by SNC either electronically via the SNC Internet Trading Platform ( or similar product ), or orally over the telephone .

  18. 该交易的收购价也远高于最近几年任何初创公司获得的收购价格,比如Facebook在2012年出资超过10亿美元收购照片分享应用商Instagram的交易,以及此前一年微软(MicrosoftCorp.)出资85亿美元收购视频电话公司Skype的交易。

    The deal price also easily outranks any acquisition of startups in recent years , including Facebook 's purchase of photo-sharing app Instagram for more than $ 1 billion in 2012 , and , a year earlier , Microsoft Corp. 's $ 8.5 billion buy of video-calling company Skype .

  19. 该终端使用普通电话连接就能完成交易。

    The terminal uses normal phone connectivity to complete transactions .

  20. 在这充满谣言的星期三科比从湖人收到了两条信息:打电话给我要么交易我。

    Kobe Bryant had two messages for the Lakers on a wacky Wednesday : call me and show me .

  21. 第一个有关美国电话电报公司这笔交易的电话是我们的资深电信业银行家库特•西蒙接的。

    The first call on the at & T ( T ) deal came into our senior Telecom banker , Kurt Simon .

  22. 一个正常运转的审计委员会绝不会允许杰米•戴蒙在4月13日的第一季度业绩电话会议上对交易损失规模做出“大错特错”的描述。

    A well run audit committee would never have allowed Jamie Dimon to be " dead wrong " about the importance of the trading losses on April 13 .

  23. 个体行为数据的例子很多,如超市数据,信用卡数据,电话数据都是交易数据,甚至可以把整个的商业领域数据都可以视为这种类型。

    There are many examples of this type of data , for instance , supermarket data , credit card data , telephone record data and clinical record data and so on .

  24. 与其他证交所不同,纳斯达克没有股票交易的中心交易场所,它的市场期票出票人遍及全美各地,通过电话和互联网进行交易。

    Unlike other stock exchanges , NASDAQ has no central location where trading takes place . Instead , its market makers are located all over the country and make trades by telephone and via the Internet .