
diàn huà kǎ
  • calling card;phone card
  1. 购买pingo预付费电话卡服务时,需要有效的paypal帐户或信用卡。

    To acquire the pingo prepaid calling card service , a valid PayPal account or credit card is required .

  2. 使用当前位置和电话卡选项,拨出该号可能导致911紧急服务呼叫。是否确认要拨出该号?

    Using your current location and calling card selection , dialing this number could result in an emergency services call to911.are you sure you want to dial this number ?

  3. 我每天带着一张IP电话卡。

    I 've carried an IP card with me everyday .

  4. 我有一张国际IP电话卡。

    I have an international IP telephone card .

  5. 检查以查看pcm中是否有电话卡。

    Check to see if there is a telephone card in pcm .

  6. 同时还提出以铁电存储器作数据存储器的IC卡、JAVA卡、移动电话卡和多功能卡等是未来IC卡的发展方向。

    In addition it , propounds that IC card using FeRAM . JAVA card . mobile telephone card and multifunctional card and so on are the development trend of IC card in the future .

  7. 该系统包括对IP电话卡的支持,固定电话直拨IP电话的支持,以及费率、账单等运营需要的业务的管理等功能。

    That system support prepaid card of VoIP and direct dial to IP with local telephone . The system also has rich kinds of rate policy and many management sub systems on operation support .

  8. 你会希望确保您的服务器提供了必要的PCI或PCIExpress总线在主板上,然后确保你购买了正确的应用程序的电话卡。

    You will want to make sure that your server provides the necessary PCI or PCI Express bus on the motherboard , and then ensure you purchase the correct telephony card for your application .

  9. 本文设计一种基于GIS(地理信息系统)的火灾接警系统,它主要结合了ArcGIS、模拟语音电话卡和数据库三方面技术,弥补了老接警系统中一些不足之处。

    A GIS-based fire alarm response system is designed in this paper which includes three parts : ArcGIS , analogue speech telephone card and database . The new system removes some limitation of previous systems .

  10. 采用0.35μmEEPROM工艺,以自主设计的逻辑为控制器,实现多种功能,采用特殊加密方式,可用于门禁卡,小区停车,公司内部电话卡等,具有较高的安全性和功耗低的特点。

    0.35 μ m EEPROM technology is introduced in this paper . Serious kinds of function are implemented by the control logic which is designed autonomously . With special data encryption , this smart IC card can be used in parking card , telephone card used in company .

  11. 电话卡号码或其它帐单信息被拒绝。

    The calling card number or other billing information was rejected .

  12. 我不知道他的电话卡不能借。

    I guess I shouldn 't have borrowed that phone card .

  13. 主题是:给海外士兵们的电话卡。

    The idea is : phone cards for our troops overseas .

  14. 您的本地规则需要您的电话卡的本地访问号码

    Your local rule requires your calling card 's local access number

  15. 我在哪里能买到手机电话卡?

    Where can I get a phonecard for my mobile ?

  16. 附近一定有一间卖电话卡的售货亭。

    There must be a kiosk selling phone cards around here somewhere .

  17. 基本就是确认信息,不过问了电话卡哪里买的。

    That is the only time slot I could get .

  18. 切卡机是一种制作各种规格的证卡例如身份证、银行卡、电话卡、名片等的专用设备。

    Card-cut machine is one special device to produce cards .

  19. 大多数英国电话卡只是普通的绿色。

    Most British telephone cards are just plain green .

  20. 银行卡,电话卡,冲值卡。

    Bank card , phone card , top-up card .

  21. 我们就交换电话卡一事作好了安排。

    We came to an agreement about swapping phonecards .

  22. 您所需的终极电话卡。

    The last calling card you 'll ever need .

  23. 请问,这张电话卡在校园里怎么用?

    Excuse me , how do I use this phone card on campus ?

  24. 重新关上电话卡抽屉。

    Close the drawer for the telephone card again .

  25. 我需要买张电话卡。

    I need to buy a calling card .

  26. 电话卡网络在线销售系统的设计与实现

    Design and implementation of e-card online sale system

  27. 我能否把我和我的旅行电话卡?

    Will I be able to take my phone adapter with me while traveling ?

  28. 唔,让我想想。我喜欢电话卡上的图片。

    Hmm , let me think . I like the pictures on phone cards .

  29. 小卖部的电话卡都卖完了··

    Commissary of the phone cards are sold out

  30. 我热衷于收集电话卡。

    I 'm crazy about collecting telephone cards .