
  • 网络computer revolution
  1. 对于引领平板电脑革命的苹果公司来说,这种表述简直是太有利了。

    How convenient for the company leading the tablet computer revolution .

  2. 随着电脑革命的进展,“非安全的”编程成为“昂贵”编程的主要原凶。

    As the computer revolution progresses ," unsafe " programming has become one of the major culprits that makes programming expensive .

  3. 等到英特尔和AMD最终分出了胜负,智能手机和平板电脑革命早已风生水起,而且很大程度上将这两家公司晾在了一旁,令它们的市场份额都出现了一定程度的缩水。

    While Intel and AMD slugged it out , the smartphone and tablet revolution took place largely without them , diminishing the stature of both companies .

  4. 斯蒂夫·乔布斯:在自家后院发动全球个人电脑革命的巨富


  5. 19世纪70年代,世界范围内开始了一场电脑革命。

    A computing revolution began in the 1970s .

  6. 该公司在个人电脑革命中发挥着巨大作用。现在,该公司简称自己为苹果。

    Today the company that in the personal computing revolution just calls itself Apple .

  7. 由此,苹果引发了1977年的个人电脑革命。

    It ignited the personal-computer revolution in1977 .

  8. 对于奠定个人电脑革命基础的两家公司而言,当前是一个有趣的历史性时刻。

    It is an interesting historical moment for the two founding companies of the personal computing revolution .

  9. 如今,这个自称为苹果的公司在个人电脑革命中发挥了巨大作用。

    Today the company that played a big part in the personal computing revolution just calls itself Apple .

  10. 问题仅仅在于,平板电脑革命最终将产生多么深远的影响,以及苹果能否保住在这一领域的领先地位。

    The only questions are how far-reaching the tablet revolution will turn out to be , and whether Apple will be able to hang on to pole position .

  11. 而我的感觉却是我们把握了很多读者的脉搏,解决了那些被摒弃在电脑革命大潮之外的人的忧虑。

    And my feeling was we had our finger on the pulse of this anxiety that so many people felt , the people left out of this computer revolution .

  12. 从那之后,乔布斯就一发不可收拾,除了领衔全球个人电脑革命之外,也顺便颠覆了其他电子消费品领域,例如智能手机、音乐、电影等,苹果也在2011年的时候成为了最具价值的公开上市公司。

    From there , Jobs was influential in the personal computer revolution , as well as in other consumer electronics including smartphones , music and movies , and Apple eventually became the world 's most valuable publicly traded company in 2011 .

  13. 与我们从大型机转变到IBM个人电脑的革命一样,我们现在正在转向低价笔记本电脑,全世界都能参与到对话中来。

    Like the revolution when we moved from the mainframe to the IBM PC , now we are moving on to low-priced laptops , where all of the world can take part in the conversation .

  14. 上世纪90年代,比尔·盖茨开启了家庭电脑的革命风潮。

    Bill Gates changed the way we think about home computers in the 90s .

  15. 它预示着一场家庭电脑的革命

    it heralds the home computing revolution .

  16. 上世纪90年代,比尔·盖茨开启了家庭电脑的革命风潮。之后的十年,他成为我们眼中不一样的亿万富豪。

    Bill Gates changed the way we think about home computers in the 90s . He changed the way we think about billionaires in the decade that followed .

  17. 个人电脑的革命起步于1975年,那时候我刚刚离开大学并开始创办微软。过去的这22年实在令人惊讶,我们关于电脑发展的一切预言都变成了现实。放眼未来,我们发现,革新的步伐非但没有减慢,而且事实上还在加快。

    The personal computer revolution got started in 1975 , that 's when I left college and started Microsoft.These last 22 years have really been amazing , every prediction we 've made about improvements have all come true.As we look ahead , that pace of innovation is not slowing down ,

  18. 还记得八十年代带给我们的第一波现代电脑和电子革命吗?

    Remember when the 1980s brought us the first wave of the modern computer and electronics revolution ?

  19. 这两个大学肄业生引发了个人电脑行业的革命,如今他们几乎很少聚在一起,但两人都声称彼此依然是朋友。

    The two college dropouts most responsible for unleashing the PC revolution rarely see each other anymore , though they say they 're still friends .

  20. 个人电脑在信息革命中发挥了关键作用,而上述命令可能是将其转变为政府扈从的第一步。

    The demand could be a first step towards turning PCs , which have played a central role in the information revolution , into clients of the state .

  21. 麦金塔电脑,带来了家庭电脑的革命,使图形用户界面普及化。

    The Macintosh , which begat the home computer revolution and popularized graphical use rinter faces .

  22. 当微软发布XP版的娱乐电脑时,意图是要台式机翻版平板电脑革命的经验。

    When Microsoft announced the Media Center edition of Windows XP , it was in some ways the desktop counterpart to the Tablet PC mutation .