
  • 网络BBVA;banco bilbao vizcaya argentaria;Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria SA;Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria S.A
  1. 西班牙对外银行(BBVA)通过年度BBAV激情奖,表彰员工对公司所做的贡献。

    BBVA recognizes employees for their dedication through the annual BBVA Passion Awards .

  2. 贷款机构西班牙对外银行(BBVA)的情况更为典型,它目前在墨西哥开展的银行业务,比其国内市场的利润更高。

    More typical is the case of BBVA , a Spanish lender that now earns more from its banking operations in Mexico than in its home market .

  3. StephenSchwartz是西班牙对外银行(BBVA)香港办事处经济学家。

    Stephen Schwartz is an economist at the Spanish investment bank BBVA in Hong Kong .

  4. 在风险管理框架现代化以及如何执行巴塞尔新资本协议(BasleII)等全球协定方面,西班牙对外银行也为中信银行提供了帮助。按资产计算,中信银行是中国第七大银行。

    The Spanish lender has also helped the mainland lender , the country 's seventh largest by assets , to modernise its risk management framework and how to implement global accords such as Basle II .

  5. 据西班牙对外银行有限公司(BBVA)称,如果以国际水平为标杆进行衡量,中国企业总体上负债水平很高,债务占国内生产总值(GDP)的127%,而其它新兴市场的均值仅为70%。

    Overall , China 's corporate debt is high by international standards ― 127 % of gross domestic product compared with an average of 70 % in other emerging markets , according to Spanish bank Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria SA .

  6. 但人们担心,在bankia的不良贷款率接近8%、桑坦德和西班牙对外银行的不良贷款率依然高达4%的情况下,它们在西班牙市场的损失会侵蚀这些资本储备。

    But the concern is that , with non-performing loan rates running at close to 8 per cent at Bankia and at a still elevated 4 per cent at Santander and BBVA , Spanish losses could eat into those capital reserves .

  7. 但在亚洲,处于领先地位的则是西班牙对外银行。

    But in Asia , it is BBVA that has taken the lead .

  8. 这两家银行还有一家汽车融资企业,西班牙对外银行拥有35%股份。

    The two banks also have an automobile financing venture in which BBVA holds 35 per cent .

  9. 西班牙对外银行3年前首度投资于中信银行,当时西方银行竞相与中国各银行结盟。

    BBVA made its initial investment three years ago during a period in which western lenders raced to strike partnerships with Chinese lenders .

  10. 2013年10月,西班牙对外银行决定削减其在中信银行的持股比例,以满足国际资本要求。中信银行属于中国政府控制的一个企业集团。

    BBVA decided in October 2013 to cut its stake in Citic Bank , part of a conglomerate controlled by the Chinese government , to help meet international capital requirements .

  11. 这意味着西班牙对外银行可以利用它在9个亚洲城市的业务点,为亚洲企业与拉丁美洲之间日益增长的海外交易提供融资。

    In particular , this means using its presence in nine Asian cities to gain financing roles on the rising number of outbound deals between regional companies and Latin America .

  12. 不过,大银行的风险在于,如果西班牙政府不得不向实力较弱的银行伸出援手,且纾困力度大到危及政府债务的可维系性,那么桑坦德和西班牙对外银行之类的银行也会受到连累。

    The danger for big banks , though , is that if the Spanish government is forced to bail out weaker banks to such a degree that the sustainability of government debt is imperilled , then it will come back to haunt the likes of Santander and BBVA , too .