
  • 网络We can do it;we can do;Yes we can
  1. 我相信我们能做到,Joey。

    I believe we can do it , Joey .

  2. 话很简洁:“我们能做到的。”

    It said very simply : " We can do it . "

  3. 你可以放心,我们能做到按期发货。

    You may rest assured that we can effect prompt shipment .

  4. 他的标语“我们能做到”帮助他获得了2009年的总统大选,并成为了美国历史上首位非洲裔美国总统。

    His slogan “ Yes , we can ” helped him become America ’ s first African American president in 2009 .

  5. 希望将来我们能做到。

    Hopefully in the future we are able to do it .

  6. 但是你必须相信我,我们能做到。

    But you gotta believe me . We can do this .

  7. 我很高兴看到了我们能做到多好。

    I 've enjoyed seeing how good we can be .

  8. 今年是第二年,我想我们能做到收支平衡。

    This second year I think we 'll break even .

  9. 如果我们能做到倾听他人,我们会变得具有吸引力。

    We become more interesting when we listen to others .

  10. 告诉美国人民,“是的,我们能做到。”

    Told the American people , " Yes , we can . "

  11. 所以你们怎么想,我们能做到吗?

    So what do you all think , can we do it ?

  12. 但是不要担心我们能做到。

    But don 't worry we can do it .

  13. 这已经是我们能做到的最低价。

    It is as low as we can do .

  14. 你认为我们能做到吗?”

    Do you think we 'll make it ? "

  15. 这是我们能做到的最好程度吗?

    Is this the best we can do ?

  16. 信自己,我们能做到!

    Believe ourselves ! We can do it !

  17. 如果我们能做到的话…

    And if we can agree to that ...

  18. 美国会致力于所有我们能做到的一切。

    The United States , he said , is committed to doing whatever we can .

  19. 我毫不怀疑我们能做到这一点。

    I have no doubt we will .

  20. 如果我们能做到,相信全球很多地方也都能做到。

    If we can do that , I believe every other country can , too .

  21. 而且我相信我们能做到。

    And I believe we will .

  22. 我们能做到这一点,让我们协力同心来完成这项仅凭一己之力无法完成的事业。

    We can do it , doing together what no one church could do by itself .

  23. 6西格玛管理系列讲座(十三)&GE能做到,我们能做到吗?

    GE can , can We ?

  24. 埃拉我们能做到

    We can do this Ella .

  25. 你必须适应不同的比赛方式。我相信我们能做到。

    You 've got to adapt in different ways and I 'm sure we 'll do that .

  26. 我们能做到这一点是因为我们有雄厚的技术力量和扎根于当地的消费洞察力。

    We can do this thanks to our strong science capability and our locally rooted consumer insight .

  27. 我毫无疑问我们能做到的,就像以前做的那样。

    I have no doubt that we can do it , and do it like never before .

  28. 我们能做到最好的就是当为干旱做好准备,以防一切都被吹走。

    The best we can do is prepare for when droughts do come before everything blows away .

  29. 这是我们能做到的最简单的事情,但是对于谎言,却最具有毁灭性。

    It is the easiest thing to do for us , but the most devastating for the lies .

  30. 我相信这个国家值得更好的,而这是我们能做到的一个证明。

    I believe that this country deserves better and this is a demonstration that we can do it .