
  1. 我的工作和生活是否平衡?

    Is my work / life balance acceptable ?

  2. 多年前,由于庸懒习惯和暴饮暴食,形成了一身的肥胖,以及体检指标的全盘失常,以致于影响到了我的工作和生活。

    Many years ago , as a result of habits and overeating formed one of obesity , as well as indicators of overall physical disorders , so that affects my work and life .

  3. 但计算机对我的工作和家庭生活影响甚微。

    It has little effect on either my work or home life .

  4. 这些能力将帮助我在今后的工作和生活。

    These abilities will help me in my future work and life .

  5. 这对我、我的工作和生活又意味着什么?

    What will this mean for me , for my career , for my life ?

  6. 亨利进行的是一次不折不扣地对我的业务工作和私人生活的全面调查。

    Henry conducted nothing less than a full-scale investigation of both my business and my personal life .

  7. 我揣测我的(工作和生活中的)同伴究竟在想什么。

    I wonder exactly what my partner ( in business and life ) has in mind .

  8. 我尽力把我的工作和家庭生活分开。

    I try to dissociate my working life from my family life .

  9. 我发现英语在我的工作和日常生活中都很有用。

    I find English very useful in my job and my everyday life .

  10. 这是我的信仰,我的工作和我的生活。

    That is my religion , my job and my life .

  11. 在进行完了环球旅行不久之后,我就深知亚洲会是我喜爱的工作和生活地点。

    After doing a round the world trip , it wasn 't long before I knew that Asia was a place in which I would love to work and live .