
  1. 要不要我帮你处理那些发票?

    Do you need a hand with those invoices ?

  2. 来,让我帮你搬吧。

    Here , let me carry that for you .

  3. 我帮你打点行装好吗?

    Shall I help you pack your things ?

  4. 让我帮你回忆吧。

    Allow me to refresh your memory

  5. 要不要我帮你把衬衣熨好?

    Shall I press out the shirt for you ?

  6. 请等等!我帮你正正领带。

    Just a minute ! let me put your tie straight .

  7. 既然来了,你就让我帮你擦个背吧。

    Come one , let me wash your back for you .

  8. 现在。我帮你把卡舍尔抱上床。

    Here . I 'll help you put Cathal to bed .

  9. 别动,想让我帮你都擦遍吗?

    Wait . don 't you want me to coat everything ?

  10. 瓦奥莱特,我帮你拿书吧?

    Do you want me to carry your books , Violet ?

  11. 所以你来找我帮你的忙。

    And so you have come to me for a favor .

  12. 我帮你把它放到我的笔记本里。

    I can pull it up on my laptop for you .

  13. 麦克斯,我帮你因为我爱你。

    Max , I helped you because I love you .

  14. 贝丝,你要不要我帮你提这个东西呢?

    Beth , would you like me to help you carry it ?

  15. 马特我帮你挂大衣

    Matt , let me help you with that coat .

  16. 民载,我帮你和你爸爸签名了。

    Min-jae , I signed for you and your dad .

  17. 如果我帮你,我就会再次掉下去的。

    If I do , I might fall in again .

  18. 我帮你接给李小姐。

    I ′ ll put you through to Miss Li .

  19. 你该知道,是我帮你把皮肤变好的。

    You 're getting better because of me , you should know .

  20. 你不在的时候,需要我帮你的植物浇水吗?

    Need I water your plants while you are away ?

  21. 我帮你查一查,再给你打电话。

    I check it for you and call you back .

  22. 要不要我帮你拿一杯?

    Would you like me to get you a cup ?

  23. 我帮你换个房间,朋友。

    I wilI get you another room , my friend .

  24. 我帮你还你那部份好几次了。

    I melped you pay your SMARE of TME debt many times .

  25. 要我帮你搞到票子?

    You want me to try and get you tickets ?

  26. 来吧,我帮你这个混蛋拍张照。

    Here , let me take your rotten bloody picture .

  27. 让我帮你,这是我的荣幸。

    Let me help you , it 's my pleasure .

  28. 我帮你妈妈喊辆救护车。

    I 'm gonna order an ambulance for your mama .

  29. 这里打完后,我帮你一起抢。

    After the battle , I 'll join you against your brothers .

  30. 我帮你把车拖回来。

    I have your car towed all the way to your house .